famous conflict of interest cases

bucky barnes x reader he ignores you

10 de março de 2023

This is heavily influenced by my personal experience, ya know, except having someone who cares lmao. What are these for? You had been pretty lonely ever since you had left your old town, since the drive mostly made you want to sleep and try to watch movies. The super-soldier could barely breathe, one text from you sent him into a panic and he was worried for your safety. Say that our love ain't water under the bridge. What will happen as the relationship evolves and new challenges arise above and beyond the fact that it's forbidden? Um How do I tell you this? Steve looked at the floor nervously. You walked past her, back towards your kitchen, all while scrolling through her notes. I just wanna have fun tonight! You were now bouncing around the living room with Scott bouncing right there with you. The jokes about it were over now. We cant save them all, no hero is able to save the day without losing somebody along the way.. Reader and Bucky (from Maybe I Should Get Some Sleep) get stuck together on a mission after a rough patch. I have to charm him? You hummed and rolled your eyes, grabbing the wine bottle and refilling your glass. You wont hurt me, Bucky. When he raised his eyebrows you rested your hands on the desk behind you and stuck your chin up. It hurt you. A piece of the snowmans head flew down from the ceiling and slapped Sam across the face. I love you so much, god I love you so fucking much, Y/N, Bucky cried into your hair, not risking loosening his hold on you, afraid youll disappear from him again. Neither the wind blowing in his hair nor the smoke from the wreckage surrounding you could mask the cold, murderous glint in his eyes. Bucky!. It actually seemed to be growing into a larger problem. Hes a pretty great husband, too. A smirk grew on his face because he knew that your release of a breath meant he had won. The man was as stubborn as a cattle. Whatre you doing? Maybe if you annoyed him he would leave. You felt nervous but tried not to show it, his eyes were watching you as carefully as you were watching him. Youturnedyour head back towards Scott and looked up withsparkling brighteyes and a soft smile. But that was the Winter Soldier, and Bucky was not him. I dont know. So I said, girl. You were sitting on the kitchen island, your arms were pressed against the counter behind you as you leaned back slightly. You felt he was better off, that he should refocus his love somewhere else on someone who deserved it. You saw Steve standing on the other side of the lobby area of the Tower, when you looked over at him he quickly looked back down at thepapersin hishand. Bible.. It was like a weight balancing between the two choices, little by little the decision to jump was weighing further down. Perhaps that's why you ended up with Bucky Barnes, you didn't care about what he did in his tragically sad past and you certainly brought a sense of positivity to his life. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. Sighing you turn down the music a bit and dry your hands. It was a short battle for power, the size of the table was greatly overestimated and after a few rolls you were both falling to the ground. They say eyes are the window to the soul and the last thing you wanted was Bucky Barnes to know you. You were practically bouncing beside him as you sped walk. In an instant his hands were on you, gripping your upper arms so tightly, you were sure bruises were forming. Can't handle the truth?" He taunted. The thought wasnt an outlandish possibility anyways. Bucky sighed heavily, slowly walking towards you. Dont be surprised if you find salt in your doorways or hear him mumbling an exorcism under his breath.. But I am saying that if you made it through the first year, then you can make it through the second year too. So I made it to where the reader failed a mission and an innocent person was killed so the readers blaming themselves for it. But when Bucky handed it to you, he bolted for the opposite side of the room, throwing the book on a chair nearby. You jumped and one of your arms flung up to cover your face, your other hand still clutching your water bottle. It was always an excuse to be near Bucky, anyway. Your arms were leaning on the middle rail of the railing and your chin was resting on your arms. Does that even make sense? We can not waste any time. She was walking right behind you, looking over your shoulder and making sure you were observing her notes. "W-what happened last night" you mumbled, sleep still lingering in your tone of voice. At least not that Bucky knew of, and Bucky knew everything. Wanda, I think he offered that so he couldaccidentallyshoot me. You stared down at your injury, your tank top lifted up and resting on the top of the white bandage that was wrapped several times around your stomach. Your hair fell messily and in its natural state, you wore light makeup but your natural beauty shone as bright as the moon that lit up the living room. Bucky brought his attention back to the doors of the elevator, waiting for them to get their floor where the two men shared an apartment styled floor of the tower. Over the loud song, you nearly missed the knock on your apartment door. "I guess I'll just chill back here with Y/n." Bucky walked out of the briefing room and your jaw dropped for a split second. He held your body so tight against his that you thought the force would crush your bones. Nope, thats my reality.. The texts came in too fast for Bucky to make sense of what they were even about. He was out of his room, down the hall, and opening your door . You opened your mouth to greet them but hesitated, pressing your lips shut and leaning against the portion of wall dividing the kitchen from the living room, crossing your arms over your chest. Then what is the company he is CEO of? You asked inquisitively. A/N: Fear not, Bucky and the reader are happy in the end. And I will get what I want." He lets go of your head, tossing it from him and stepping away from you. I know. Steve took another large gulp of his much needed coffee. Read to find out more! You followed quickly behind him, trying to keep up with his long and fast strides. stab me, I dare you! Y/N already knew of Steves plans to send him on a mission as her husband. In all your time of knowing Bucky Barnes, you never once mistrusted him. Warning: English is not my first language. You wanted to make sure she was at least good enough for him. Well, who the hell is she? How is everybody? You hesitated before asking. Its not like you were a bother, or a pain to the other Avengers, you were annoying in a cute way. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. How- Bucky took a step towards you, turning back to look at Tony. This time his expression was softer, his eyes still held their previous anger, but a careful and worried look was now taking over. Ill always love you, along with the rest of the Avengers. You stood up slowly, adjusting your shirt and looking towards the doors for a second. You smiled slightly to yourself, thinking that this place might not be so bad at all. A man needs his best friend, especially after being apart for seventy years three years prior to this day. no please dont kill me, youre so sexy. Get what to stop? he asked as he inched closer, hoping to keep you talking until he could grab you back to safety. Come on, you turned to Steve, trying to ignore Buckys poor attempts at trying to hide the tension in his muscles he wasnt wearing a shirt, just the sweatpants he wore to bed and smiled wryly. You wanted to prove to everyone that you werent who you used to be. Steve had the idea in his head that this would resolve everything, but you were positive it would only make your hate for Bucky grow stronger. Then you ran a hand through your hair, trying to tame it even if only a little, and pulled on a dark jumper over your pyjamas of shorts and a t-shirt. Request: @georginator-3000Hello, I might have depression so could you please do a Bucky X Reader imagine where Bucky tries to do everything he can (request not to die at the end please) thanks. To say you were annoying was an understatement. Scott jumped backwards and nearly fell down the stairs going to the floor below them, his eyes were focussed something behind you. So many lives, so many stories, the world felt so full and so overwhelming. So it was true; you had developed a crush on Bucky Barnes. There is always hope as long as you hold on. He shot out of bed at the realization that the noises, screaming, shouting, and thrashing were you. So I was gonna try to update an requested imagine today but once again, time slipped away from me. Natasha cleared her throat,Listen, Y/n, I know its a hard day. Potential consequences be damned. You and Bucky have been married for 5 years. She grew up on a lie, was ripped away from her home, and put into a malicious system that shattered her identity. We thought we would find you up here. Wanda sat to your right, dangling her legs off the side as well but leaning back on her arms instead of letting them rest on the railing. But he was awake, he's in the Avengers compound, in his own bed, and the screams were coming from the room next to his own. Shes not an Avenger, and she doesnt have any powers. You didnt want to hurt anymore. Tony huffed, a smile twitching in the corner of his mouth. Currently, you were not glammed up. After almost a year in captivity, and being exposed to an infinity stone. Not as pretty as you. You rolled your eyes and Tony wiggled his eyebrows. At least, you thought you were until he started slipping away from you, coming home late and smelling of another woman's perfume? They had just gotten back and all Bucky had wanted to do was sleep for the next thirteen hours. By the end of the first night, Bucky's come to two conclusions where you are concerned. you droped your face into your hands in embaressment you could feel your face heating up. His eyes narrowed into slits, his mouth pressed into a firm line, and his hands gripping the counter that was closest to him. He kept reassuring you that he loved you, promising to take care of you and to take you away for a while. Well now you do, and I thought you might like something to brighten your day.. You all do it with each other, mostly when youre teasing one about a crush or just trying to confuse the other Avengers for the hell of it. It felt as if Steve was all he had sometimes, and he never wanted to let go of Steve ever again. Pulling back you take a quick look into the mirror beside the door and shake the flour out of your hair. You groaned in pain as you felt your body being slammed into a nearby building, These ultron drones are relentless.. You thought as you pulled yourself up. But then again all is fair in love and war right? Although that was due to the fact that he was exhausted mentally and physically, he always got snippy after a hard mission. Its okay. Steve said. Nothing was completely registering in your mind. He had never ceased to drive you insane. Bucky looked down at you and sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead and making his way towards the elevators with you still curled up in his arms. So, spill it, Capn.. What do you want? Clint kept walking down the long hallway, nodding at people who said hello to him as he passed. A part of him hoping you would ask for something. Sams got himself a new girl, her names likeuhHaley? Whatre you doing? He repeated his question, refusing to answer yours. You tried to talk Steve out of it and he said no. Bucky was wrong. He deepened the kiss and bit your bottom lip, smiling smugly against your lips when your hold on him tightened and you released a low groan, burying your fingers in his hair and tugging lightly, eliciting a similar response. One day when you and Steve were training he mentioned an idea to you. Clint nodded. He did it to make you know that his threats of forcing you to be a couple were real. You had a couple hair ties on your wrist but nothing jewerly wise. What! You gasped. Steve had told you that you were going to get someone on the team killed because of the workplace dysfunction. Out of nowhere he would stammer out an excuse to leave the room when its just the two of you, he would make sure to never be in the kitchen when you two were alone, anxious about being in a place surrounded by knives and other sharp utensils, and he would always turn his human arm side towards you, making it so it would be hard to even get a glimpse of the metal limb. When you took a step towards him, he recoiled as if burnt and actually grabbed a chair to separate him from you. Everyone knew you did it as a distraction, a way for time to go by quicker until you saw him again. Im stupid, but not that stupid.. You shifted your stance as you waited for whatever bad news he was going to bear. No. Your voice came out soft and it cracked slightly from the lack of talking. Babygirl. Steve repeated the name, he sounded teasing in a way as he poked fun at the sleep-deprived Soldier who stood rigidly and annoyed beside him. He had changed a lot over his time spent at the Avengers tower with the rest of the team; in a good way of course. You had grown so much closer to Steve, grew close to Bucky, and experienced some of the happiest months of your life. "Woah there have a little eggnog with your rum." If looks could kill. How he would always remain in the exact opposite side of the room if you were present without him being acknowledged first, trying for one reason or another to move away if you came too close. Aft You're a freak, a man made freak. But nevertheless you stumbled out of the comfortable warmth that was your bed and headed for the door of your apartment. Lets go, cmon! Lets do this! And he did, he stayed with you while Steve and the others loaded up a car and got everything ready for your departure. Your words were a bluff of course, as well as you knew Bucky, you couldnt even dream of beating him in a fight but you tried not to let your surprise show when he rested his hands on the desk on either side of you, trapping you between his arms. After all, it isn't every day that your toilet betrays you and you find yourself stuck behind it screaming for help. You sighed deeply and flashed a final bright smile, before you turned around and walked swiftly out of the cafe. Well,afterhe managed to convince his friend to actually move in with him in the first place. It had started when he first moved in, there was just something about him that made you attracted. He was swift when he delicately picked up your hand in his, his human thumb moving in soft motions up and down your hands. You didnt want him to see it, you couldnt face him in this state and you didnt want the memory of your death to linger with him forever. Blue eyes and brown tied back hair, all completed by an amazing jawline, shit! At 9am you were given food to stop talking. Shes a good friend of mine. Y/N! Good., And you? You rose an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to clarify is question. You and Scott were mainly affected by the glitter explosion, Tony was barely affected and Sam got a few sparkles in his hair. Wouldnt you like to know., Thought that was the answer I would get. Tony chuckled. Samother! Pitchers of different types of drinks, including a couple coffee pots, were jugged down within minutes. Sams! I could doallof this before Steve or anyone else could stop me.. You might drive me insane, but I see that there is good in you thanks! Where do you wanna go? Enem Bucky Barnes is the biggest playboy on campus. You were tired of him tiptoeing around you, as if the slightest sound would create a chain reaction that would set him off. Please dont come any closer, you cried, slipping your hand up the edge of the roof until only your fingertips held you in place. Tony didnt even know it existed until three months ago when he blew a hole through one of the walls and revealed the stairwell. That S.H.I.E.L.D. The delicious treat already smells like heaven and you are excited to try them. Not one of the Avengers, or anyone, has ever seen you without your normal glam on. You were about fifty stories up from the busy city streets, legs dangling against the skyscraper and tears dripping into your lap. You didnt fall while reaching for your favorite water bottle on one of the top shelves, you didnt understand how everyone seemed to forget that everyone on the team wasnt six feet tall. 16. When she turns up at his doorstep in need of help, he can't turn her down. After I tried to kill you and your friendsI almostdidkill you. In the midst of the sudden resurgence of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds herself drawn to the newest member of the Avengers. You looked back over at Bucky and flashed a smile, your eyes dancing with excitement which made Bucky smile. Yes. You walked away from Bucky to go talk to Steve. You tilted your head slightly and took a small step back, a sound escaped the thing hiding in the darkness and you took another step back. "You're staring." Even though you were as close as humanly possible, only clothes separating you, he was still too far away. You knew by taking Steves hand youd turn your b, Note: the reader here is an Agent that frequently works with the Avengers. So for you to be up before the sun had risen, and even before Steve went out for a run, was most certainly a surprise. Steve didnt have a girlfriend. I just had this idea so I wrote it hahah, I had the weirdest dream last night, Thor kept taking me to the desert becauseI belonged there. Bucky paced the room anxiously after what Steve had just told him. Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. You wanted so desperately to accept all he had to offer and to repay him, but how could you? You fell for his smile, it was near the beginning of his time at the tower when you saw him smiling with Steve and you caught a glimpse of the breathtaking smile. Bucky swore to himself for the second time within the past 12 hours that when given the chance he was going to kill the man beside him- with or without his therapist's approval. What about you was good enough for a life of true love? Clint let out a sigh, and quickly leaned forward to grab the poptart from Steves hand. Originally posted by minmiin1d. You swore you could hear it then, his voice echoing through the air, getting louder and louder until it pierced through your thoughts. He scanned you from head to toe in a way he would assess an enemy and leaned forward, forcing you to back away slightly. He answered quickly, Biotelligence Incorporated.. You loved him, and because you loved him, you wanted him to be happy. Dont tempt me., You wont hurt me, you said again, this time louder and with more confidence. Oh what about Kitchenette, I went there with Clint last week it was good-, Only coffee! There was so much more that made your heart pump with excitement and your happiness grow high. So today was a real treat to have everybody sitting down at breakfast. My name is Y/n. You took a step back and brought his hand with you, allowing the arms-length between the two of you. Little did Bucky know that you were freaking out almost as much as him. Steve shifted her plans slightly and Bucky was not glad that they now included him. Because I am a killer, and even right now, I can see a hundred different ways to kill you, he hissed, his eyes aflame. You turned around and gasped jokingly, As in the 40s? Buckys eyes snapped down to look at you and he grinned, nodding his head. Luckily, two men that happen to see you on the side of the road are more than eager to help. Oh! Bucky gasped and pulled on your shoulder to stop you from walking away. He didnt seem too comfortable around you, so who were you to force him to spend time with you. Tell him that I know he wanted to be alone together with me, and tell him that a huge part of me wanted that to, but me and himwe just were never meant to be alone together. You dont understand, it was a goodbye, Steve. Steve, this is not what I had planned! Bucky sighed as he ran his fingers through his long hair. The desire to puke came over you in a wave. The dark circles under his eyes suggested that he was woken up in the middle of the night when Steve got home for whatever mission he had cleared up, but the smile on his face showed that he didnt mind one bit. Of course Steve wouldnt be pleased with you giving Scott flowers, but you didnt care. Considering the mission was only supposed to take two days, this day was even more exciting. I was only gone for like two minutes. You took her phone from her hand and looked at the long list of things she had typed into her notepad. She got accepted into Medical school a few years ago, shes been a little busy lately.. She requested mutual pining during a Stark gala with the rest of . He picked up your hand from your side easily. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2724. Youre insane, Bucky said to Steve while shaking his head. Some might even say you two fell in love the first time you met. Youve been an Avenger since the beginning and you could say that youve learned a lot of valuable things as an Avenger. Steve talked about him all the time, and you were so desperate to finally meet him. Everybody was always so busy with missions, meetings, families and being alone. Y/N, youve both had your chance. Your legs dangled and swung lazily over the counters, your hands pressing against the cool countertops. Buckys presence put a halt to your plansomething in you wanted to run to him, to just be held until all your worries were gone, but you just wanted to be done with everything. I told you, I want to be your target practice. You jumped a little and for a split second you were walking right beside him but your shorter legs werent able to keep up with his for much longer. You didnt want to be alive anymore and you didnt know what to do. "Tony-" Im having fun, and my new family is a bit odd and silly, but thats okay. cass, 24, she/her, usa reader graphic designer by day, writer and reader by night mainly a marvel blog ask is always open, requests are currently: OPEN, please submit a request :), Undercovers (Bucky Barnes x Reader) - Part 1, off to an interesting start Im here for it! To know how right he was. Tell him that, I blamed myself and I felt as if no hope was left and that I felt so alone, I was stuck in this big, bad world all by myself and I regretted leaving you all behind. Also, love how you brought the mission together!! He never left your side the entire time, watching you so intently as if youd vanish into thin air before his eyes. However, he gets into a freak accident and he ends up losing his left arm. No. Steve was just trying to help Bucky by setting them up on a mission like this. Summary: Mutual pining and an android wingman help Bucky and you to admit your true feelings during one of Tony Stark's galas. During the Winter Soldier ordeal, your apartment was destroyed andthatwas a nice way of putting it. All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. It was a very first time when Bucky admitted that he made a mistake. His next words were low and harsh, and they cut you deep, his eyes as sharp as ice. I came up with a plan while you were in the bathroom. You jumped backwards and your hand flew to your chest, sucking in a sharp breath, you stared at Wanda with wide eyes. sam's nephews adore the both of you and as you watch bucky play with the kids you're ready to tell your boyfriend that you're pregnant You thought he wasnt going to, oh I dont know, stab you!, It seemed like a good idea at the time. You rolled your eyes and puffed out your bottom lip carelessly. She had been bugging you to just let her get in your head and help with the pain for a while now. You were wearing joggers, an oversized t-shirt that said, Babette ate oatmeal, from your favorite tv show Gilmore Girls. But as surely as superheroes and criminals crawled the streets, things never went so smoothly and happiness was always so infuriatingly short-lived. You were disgusted by the thought of having to be around Bucky, let alone touching him intimately whether it was for a mission or not. That morning in the subway you had met Steve, the way he had looked at you when he realized you werent who he thought you were, the explosion in Vienna, the death of TChaka (the king of Wakanda), and every single moment that had followed. But still, just knowing that the moon was out, even though it was hidden. Steve was wrong too. You had no feelings for him. Take your girlfriend to bed so I wont find her on top of the fridge tomorrow.. It was a final statement, I think shes going to hurt herself. Bucky sobbed, swallowing hard trying to contain himself but he couldnt. He couldnt pretend to be rude to you, a huge grin spread across his features and he looked back down at the flowers in amazement. Bad news he was going to bear bad news he was still too far away allowing the arms-length between two. 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