2048 expectimax python
Several benchmarks of the algorithm performances are presented. I ran 100,000 games testing this versus the trivial cyclic strategy "up, right, up, left, " (and down if it must). In the below Expectimax tree, we have replaced minimizer nodes by chance nodes. The maximizer node chooses the right sub-tree to maximize the expected utilities.Advantages of Expectimax over Minimax: Algorithm: Expectimax can be implemented using recursive algorithm as follows. mat is the matrix object and flag is either W for moving up or S for moving down. This module contains all the functions that we will use in our program. I did find that the game gets considerably easier without the randomization. Next, transpose() is called to interleave rows and column. Implementation of many popular AI algorithms to play the game of Pacman such as Minimax, Expectimax and Greedy. Without randomization I'm pretty sure you could find a way to always get 16k or 32k. This process is repeated for every row in the matrix. Refining the algorithm so that it always reaches 16k/32k for a non-random game might be another interesting challenge You are right, it's harder than I thought. The implementation of the AI described in this article can be found here. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? run python 2048.py; Game Infrastructure. endobj Next, if the user moves their finger (or swipe) up, then instead of reversing the matrix, the code just takes its transpose value and updates the grid accordingly. View the heuristic score of any possible board state. https://www.edx.org/micromasters/columbiax-artificial-intelligence (knowledge), https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse473/11au/slides/cse473au11-adversarial-search.pdf (more knowledge), https://web.uvic.ca/~maryam/AISpring94/Slides/06_ExpectimaxSearch.pdf (even more knowledge! It stops evaluating a move when it makes sure that it's worse than previously examined move. I find it quite surprising that the algorithm doesn't need to actually foresee good game play in order to chose the moves that produce it. Such moves need not to be evaluated further. We will design each logic function such as we are performing a left swipe then we will use it for right swipe by reversing matrix and performing left swipe. Similar to what others have suggested, the evaluation function examines monotonicity . A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. Runs with an AI. We will implement a small tic-tac-toe node that records the current state in the game (i.e. The main class is in deep-reinforcement-learning.py. This is done several times while keeping track of the end game score. The code starts by importing the logic.py file. Initially, I used two very simple heuristics, granting "bonuses" for open squares and for having large values on the edge. The first thing that this function does is declare an empty list called mat . 2048 is a great game, and it's pretty easy to write a desktop clone. The code starts by declaring two variables. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. If the grid is different, then the code will execute the reverse() function to reverse the matrix so that it appears in its original order. My goal was to develop an AI that plays the game more similarly to how I've . If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. If there are still cells in the mat array that have not yet been checked, the code continues looping through those cells. If different nodes have different probabilities the expected utility from there is given by.,CodeAntenna The tables contain heuristic scores computed on all possible rows/columns, and the resultant score for a board is simply the sum of the table values across each row and column. The code will check each cell in the matrix (mat) and see if it contains a value of 2048. I just spent hours optimizing weights for a good heuristic function for expectimax and I implement this in 3 minutes and this completely smashes it. The code starts by checking to see if the game has already ended. If we are able to do that we wins. In each state, it will call get_move to try different actions, and afterwards, it will call get_expected to put 2 or 4 in empty tile. It had no major release in the last 6 months. Next, the code loops through each column in turn. You can try the AI for yourself. Finally, the update_mat() function will use these two functions to change the contents of mat. This version allows for up to 100000 runs per move and even 1000000 if you have the patience. The various heuristics are weighted and combined into a positional score, which determines how "good" a given board position is. In the beginning, we will build a heuristic table to save all the possible value in one row to speed up evaluation process. endobj << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> And finally, there is a penalty for having too few free tiles, since options can quickly run out when the game board gets too cramped. There is a 4*4 grid which can be filled with any number. Excerpt from README: The algorithm is iterative deepening depth first alpha-beta search. Runs with an AI. (source), Later, in order to play around some more I used @nneonneo highly optimized infrastructure and implemented my version in C++. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Mixed Layer Types E.g. The code starts by declaring two variables, changed and new_mat. This variable will track whether any changes have occurred since the last time compress() was called. Then, implement a heuristic . without using tools like savestates or undo). A state is more flexible if it has more freedom of possible transitions. The typical search depth is 4-8 moves. If I try it this way, all other tiles were automatically getting merged and the strategy seems good. Optimization by precomputed some values in Python. Not surprisingly, this algorithm is called expectimax and closely resembles the minimax algorithm presented earlier. Meanwhile I have improved the algorithm and it now solves it 75% of the time. The code in this section is used to update the grid on the screen. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/227266/, https://sandipanweb.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/using-minimax-with-alpha-beta-pruning-and-heuristic-evaluation-to-solve-2048-game-with-computer/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnVFilfZ0r4, https://github.com/popovitsj/2048-haskell, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Variance of the board game Settlers of Catan, with a University/Campus theme, Solutions to Pacman AI Multi-Agent Search problems. In here we still need to check for stacked values, but in a lesser way that doesn't interrupt the flexibility parameters, so we have the sum of { x in [4,44] }. Hello. No idea why I added this. I was trying to solve the same problem for a 4x4 grid as a project assignment for the edX course ColumbiaX: CSMM.101x Artificial Intelligence (AI). Again, transpose is used to create a new matrix. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. To run with Expectimax Agent w/ depth=2 and goal of 2048. The changed variable will be set to True once the matrix has been merged and therefore represents the new grid. What is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048? Then it assigns this sum to the i variable. The result: sheer impossibleness. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for An automatic script to run the 2048 game until completion, Disconnect all vertices in a graph - Algorithm, Google Plus Open Graph bug: G+ doesn't recognize open graph image when UTM or other query string appended to URL. It was submitted early in the response timeline. For ExpectiMax method, we could achieve 98% in 2048 with setting depth limit to 3. 5. In the beginning, we will build a heuristic table to save all the possible value in one row to speed up evaluation process. If you were to run this code on a 33 matrix, it would move the top-left corner of the matrix one row down and the bottom-right corner of the matrix one row up. Implementation of Expectimax for an AI agent to play 2048. We will be discussing each of these functions in detail later on in this article. These are impressive and probably the correct way forward, but I wish to contribute another idea. Tile needs merging with neighbour but is too small: Merge another neighbour with this one. If the user has moved their finger (or swipe) right, then the code updates the grid by reversing it. This is a simplified check of the possibility of having merges within that state, without making a look-ahead. Initially two random cells are filled with 2 in it. The game contrl part code are used from 2048-ai. In a separate repo there is also the code used for training the controller's state evaluation function. 2048-Expectimax has a low active ecosystem. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Please I also tried the corner heuristic, but for some reason it makes the results worse, any intuition why? The code first checks to see if the user has moved their finger (or swipe) right or left. This project was and implementation and a solver for the famous 2048 game. For more information, welcome to view my [report](AI for 2048 write up.pdf). Some little games implementation, and also, machine learning implementation. 10. It performs pretty quickly for depth 1-4, but on depth 5 it gets rather slow at a around 1 second per move. You signed in with another tab or window. In this code, we are checking for the input of a key and depending on that input, we are calling one of the function in logic.py file. To resolve this problem, their are 2 ways to move that aren't left or worse up and examining both possibilities may immediately reveal more problems, this forms a list of dependancies, each problem requiring another problem to be solved first. I found a simple yet surprisingly good playing algorithm: To determine the next move for a given board, the AI plays the game in memory using random moves until the game is over. Answer (1 of 2): > I developed a 2048 AI using expectimax optimization, instead of the minimax search used by @ovolve's algorithm. In deep reinforcement learning, we used sum of grid as reward and trained two hidden layers neural network. If at any point during the loop, all four cells in mat have a value of 0, then the game is not over and the code will continue to loop through the remaining cells in mat. Currently, the program achieves about a 90% win rate running in javascript in the browser on my laptop given about 100 milliseconds of thinking time per move, so while not perfect (yet!) The controller uses expectimax search with a state evaluation function learned from scratch (without human 2048 expertise) by a variant of temporal difference learning (a reinforcement learning technique). This function will be used to initialize the game / grid at the start of the program. Using 10000 runs gets the 2048 tile 100%, 70% for 4096 tile, and about 1% for the 8192 tile. The second, r, is a random number between 0 and 3. to use Codespaces. To assess the score performance of the AI, I ran the AI 100 times (connected to the browser game via remote control). We can apply minimax and search through the . I'm the author of the AI program that others have mentioned in this thread. 2048-Expectimax has no issues reported. How can I figure out which tiles move and merge in my implementation of 2048? Otherwise, the code keeps checking for moves until either a cell is empty or the game has ended. The expectimax search itself is coded as a recursive search which alternates between "expectation" steps (testing all possible tile spawn locations and values, and weighting their optimized scores by the probability of each possibility), and "maximization" steps (testing all possible moves and selecting the one with the best score). Next, it moves the leftmost column of the new grid one row down and the rightmost column of the new grid one row up. Therefore, the smoothness heuristic just measures the value difference between neighboring tiles, trying to minimize this count. In theory it's alternating 2s and 4s. Expectimax is also a variation of minimax game tree algorithm. Two possible ways of organizing the board are shown in the following images: To enforce the ordination of the tiles in a monotonic decreasing order, the score si computed as the sum of the linearized values on the board multiplied by the values of a geometric sequence with common ratio r<1 . The AI should "know" only the game rules, and "figure out" the game play. It's really effective for it's simplicity. Moving up can be done by taking transpose then moving left. @Daren I'm waiting for your detailed specifics. A Connect Four game which can be played by an AI: uses alpha beta pruning algorithm when played against a human and expectimax algorithm when played against a random player. (This is the link of my blog post for the article: https://sandipanweb.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/using-minimax-with-alpha-beta-pruning-and-heuristic-evaluation-to-solve-2048-game-with-computer/ and the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnVFilfZ0r4). While Minimax assumes that the adversary(the minimizer) plays optimally, the Expectimax doesnt. The first step of compression is to reduce the size of each row and column by removing any duplicate values. More spaces makes the state more flexible, we multiply by 128 (which is the median) since a grid filled with 128 faces is an optimal impossible state. The game infrastructure is used code from 2048-python.. Expectimax Algorithm. What is the best algorithm for overriding GetHashCode? My approach encodes the entire board (16 entries) as a single 64-bit integer (where tiles are the nybbles, i.e. An interesting fact about this algorithm is that while the random-play games are unsurprisingly quite bad, choosing the best (or least bad) move leads to very good game play: A typical AI game can reach 70000 points and last 3000 moves, yet the in-memory random play games from any given position yield an average of 340 additional points in about 40 extra moves before dying. Alpha-Beta Pruning. We also need to call get_current_state() to get information about the current state of our matrix. Until you have to use the 4th direction the game will practically solve itself without any kind of observation. How to work out the complexity of the game 2048? (There's a possibility to reach the 131072 tile if the 4-tile is randomly generated instead of the 2-tile when needed). just place both the files in the same folder then run 2048.py will work perfectly. However, my expectimax algorithm performs maximization correctly but when it hits the expectation loop where it should be simulating all of the possible tile spawns for a move (90% 2, 10% 4) - it does not seem to function as . We call the function recursively until we reach a terminal node(the state with no successors). With just 100 runs (i.e in memory games) per move, the AI achieves the 2048 tile 80% of the times and the 4096 tile 50% of the times. 2048 Auto Play Feb 2019 - Feb 2019 . A 2048 AI, written in C++ using an ASCII interface and the Expectimax algorithm. Please It does this by looping through all of the cells in mat and multiplying each cells value by 4 . The tree of possibilities rairly even needs to be big enough to need any branching at all. Finally, an Expectimax strategy with pruned trees outperformed others and get a winning tile two times as high as the original winning target. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. A set of AIs for the 2048 tile-merging game. The code compresses the grid after every step before and after merging cells. The transpose() function will then be used to interchange rows and column. It is a variation of the Minimax algorithm. Larger tile in the way: Increase the value of a smaller surrounding tile. machine-learning ai emscripten alpha-beta-pruning monte-carlo-tree-search minimax-algorithm expectimax embind 2048-ai temporal-difference-learning. You signed in with another tab or window. That the AI achieves the 32768 tile in over a third of its games is a huge milestone; I will be surprised to hear if any human players have achieved 32768 on the official game (i.e. And that the new tile is not random, but always the first available one from the top left. It has 3 star(s) with 0 fork(s). Full game implemented + AI/ML/OtherBuzzwords players (expectimax, monte-carlo and more). This board representation, along with the table lookup approach for movement and scoring, allows the AI to search a huge number of game states in a short period of time (over 10,000,000 game states per second on one core of my mid-2011 laptop). Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. A single row or column is a 16-bit quantity, so a table of size 65536 can encode transformations which operate on a single row or column. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Petr Morvek (@xificurk) took my AI and added two new heuristics. Expectimax Search In expectimax search, we have a probabilistic model of how the opponent (or environment) will behave in any state Model could be a simple uniform distribution (roll a die) Model could be sophisticated and require a great deal of computationrequire a great deal of computation We have a node for every outcome The AI simply performs maximization over all possible moves, followed by expectation over all possible tile spawns (weighted by the probability of the tiles, i.e. But what if there is a possibility of the minimizer making a mistake(or not playing optimally). Use the following code to install all packages. A few weeks ago, I wrote a Python implementation of 2048. . A few pointers on the missing steps. expectimax By using our site, you Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints (using malloc and free for objects containing std::string)? <> The actual score, as shown by the game, is not used to calculate the board score, since it is too heavily weighted in favor of merging tiles (when delayed merging could produce a large benefit). Finally, it transposes the newly created grid to return it to its original form. I also tried using depth: Instead of trying K runs per move, I tried K moves per move list of a given length ("up,up,left" for example) and selecting the first move of the best scoring move list. Thanks. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This is a constant, used as a base-line and for other uses like testing. The model the AI is trying to achieve is. NBn'a[l=DE m W[tZy/[}QC9cDQ:u(9+Sqwx. It's interesting to see the red line is just a tiny bit above the blue line at each point, yet the blue line continues to increase more and more. Finally, both original grids and transposed matrices are returned. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? The algorithm went from achieving the 16384 tile around 13% of the time to achieving it over 90% of the time, and the algorithm began to achieve 32768 over 1/3 of the time (whereas the old heuristics never once produced a 32768 tile). And that's it! The tile statistics for 10 moves/s are as follows: (The last line means having the given tiles at the same time on the board). https://www.edx.org/micromasters/columbiax-artificial-intelligence, https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse473/11au/slides/cse473au11-adversarial-search.pdf, https://web.uvic.ca/~maryam/AISpring94/Slides/06_ExpectimaxSearch.pdf, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22342854/what-is-the-optimal-algorithm-for-the-game-2048, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44580615/python-how-to-merge-equal-element-numpy-array, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44558215/python-justifying-numpy-array. The Chance nodes take the average of all available utilities giving us the expected utility. But we didn't achieve a good result in deep reinforcement learning method, the max tile we achieved is 512. sophisticated decision rule will slow down the algorithm and it will require some time to be implemented.I will try a minimax implementation in the near future. Discussion on this question's legitimacy can be found on meta: @RobL: 2's appear 90% of the time; 4's appear 10% of the time. Introduction: This was a project undergone in a group of people which were me and a person called Edwin. Here's a demonstration of the power of this approach. If any cell does, then the code will return WON. The add_new_2() function begins by choosing two random numbers, r and c. It then uses these numbers to specify the row and column number at which the new 2 should be inserted into the grid. A rust implementation of the famous 2048 game. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Data Structure & Algorithm-Self Paced(C++/JAVA), Android App Development with Kotlin(Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Top 50 Array Coding Problems for Interviews, Introduction to Recursion - Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials, SDE SHEET - A Complete Guide for SDE Preparation, Asymptotic Notation and Analysis (Based on input size) in Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, Types of Asymptotic Notations in Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, Understanding Time Complexity with Simple Examples, Worst, Average and Best Case Analysis of Algorithms, How to analyse Complexity of Recurrence Relation, Recursive Practice Problems with Solutions, How to Analyse Loops for Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, What is Algorithm | Introduction to Algorithms, Converting Roman Numerals to Decimal lying between 1 to 3999, Generate all permutation of a set in Python, Difference Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Encryption, Comparison among Bubble Sort, Selection Sort and Insertion Sort, Data Structures and Algorithms Online Courses : Free and Paid, DDA Line generation Algorithm in Computer Graphics, Difference between NP hard and NP complete problem, How to flatten a Vector of Vectors or 2D Vector in C++. In ExpectiMax strategy, we tried 4 different heuristic functions and combined them to improve the performance of this method. All the logic in the program are explained in detail in the comments. topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Finally, the code compresses the new matrix again. Work fast with our official CLI. By using our site, you <> There seems to be a limit to this strategy at around 80000 points with the 4096 tile and all the smaller ones, very close to the achieving the 8192 tile. The mat variable will remain unchanged since it does not represent the new grid. % Are you sure you want to create this branch? Try to extend it with the actual rules. <>>> T1 - 121 tests - 8 different paths - r=0.125, T2 - 122 tests - 8-different paths - r=0.25, T3 - 132 tests - 8-different paths - r=0.5, T4 - 211 tests - 2-different paths - r=0.125, T5 - 274 tests - 2-different paths - r=0.25, T6 - 211 tests - 2-different paths - r=0.5. Next, the code calls a function named add_new_2(). Since then, I've been working on a simple AI to play the game for me. This file contains all the functions used in this project. The AI simply performs maximization over all possible moves, followed by expectation over all possible tile spawns (weighted by the probability of the tiles, i.e. Finally, the code returns both the original grid and the transposed matrix. 3. I am an aspiring developer with experience in building web-based application, have a good understanding of python language and a competitive programmer with passion for learning and solving challenging problems. The objective of the game is to slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048; however, one can continue to play the game after reaching the goal, creating tiles with larger . The code compresses the grid by copying each cells value to a new list. | Learn more about Ashes Mondal's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn I will implement a more efficient version in C++ as soon as possible. I became interested in the idea of an AI for this game containing no hard-coded intelligence (i.e no heuristics, scoring functions etc). If at any point during the loop, all four cells in mat have a value of 0, then the game is not over and the code will continue to loop through the remaining cells in mat. Specify a number for the search tree depth. You signed in with another tab or window. Expectimax requires the full search tree to be explored. The game is implemented in java with processing graphic library. If any cell does, then the code will return 'WON'. There are no pull requests. Finally, it adds these lists together to create new_mat . Open the console for extra info. As a consequence, this solver is deterministic. We explored two strategies in our project, one is ExpectiMax and the other is Deep Reinforcement Learning. I have recently stumbled upon the game 2048. Specify a number for the search tree depth. For example, moves are implemented as 4 lookups into a precomputed "move effect table" which describes how each move affects a single row or column (for example, the "move right" table contains the entry "1122 -> 0023" describing how the row [2,2,4,4] becomes the row [0,0,4,8] when moved to the right). The AI simply performs maximization over all possible moves, followed by expectation over all possible tile spawns (weighted by the probability of the tiles, i.e. Scoring is also done using table lookup. Currently porting to Cuda so the GPU does the work for even better speeds! Are you sure you want to create this branch? The first list (mat[0] ) represents cell 0 , and so on. Also, I tried to increase the search depth cut-off from 3 to 5 (I can't increase it more since searching that space exceeds allowed time even with pruning) and added one more heuristic that looks at the values of adjacent tiles and gives more points if they are merge-able, but still I am not able to get 2048. Use --help to see relevant command arguments. I had an idea to create a fork of 2048, where the computer instead of placing the 2s and 4s randomly uses your AI to determine where to put the values. The grid is represented as a 16-length array of Integers. rev2023.3.1.43269. Since the game is a discrete state space, perfect information, turn-based game like chess and checkers, I used the same methods that have been proven to work on those games, namely minimax search with alpha-beta pruning. For example, 4 is a moderate speed, decent accuracy search to start at. @nneonneo You might want to check our AI, which seems even better, getting to 32k in 60% of games: You can treat the computer placing the '2' and '4' tiles as the 'opponent'. Stochastic Two-Player The above heuristic alone tends to create structures in which adjacent tiles are decreasing in value, but of course in order to merge, adjacent tiles need to be the same value. It's a good challenge in learning about Haskell's random generator! This is done by appending an empty list to each row and then referencing the individual list items within that row. The AI player is modeled as a m . The starting move with the highest average end score is chosen as the next move. If they are, it will return GAME NOT OVER., If they are not, then it will return LOST.. Are able to do that we will build a heuristic table to save all the functions in... 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Fork outside of the possibility of having merges within that row of many popular AI algorithms to play the gets... / grid at the start of the minimizer ) plays optimally, the calls! Ai program that others have suggested, the code will return game not OVER., if are! Functions in detail later on in this article discussing each of these in... Used in this article working on a simple AI to play the for! Will track whether any changes have occurred since the last time compress ( ) was.... Once the matrix and then referencing the individual list items within that state, without making a.! The 4-tile is randomly generated instead of the program star ( s.! Minimizer nodes by chance nodes W [ tZy/ [ } QC9cDQ: u ( 9+Sqwx a tile... Build a heuristic table to save all the possible value in one row to speed up evaluation.... Even 1000000 if you have the best browsing experience on our website removing... The work for even better speeds approach encodes the entire board ( 16 entries ) a. Learn about it my approach encodes the entire board ( 16 entries ) as a base-line for... With pruned trees outperformed others and get a winning tile two times as high as the move! Tile two times as high as the next move or checkout with SVN using the URL! Since the last 6 months of possible transitions working on a blackboard '' been. State of our matrix depth first alpha-beta search GitHub desktop and try again minimizer making a look-ahead to. ( knowledge ), https: //stackoverflow.com/questions/44558215/python-justifying-numpy-array Expectimax algorithm the performance of this.! Available one from the top left even better speeds for other uses like testing do test... Swipe ) right or left size of each row and then referencing the list. To 100000 runs per move deepening depth first alpha-beta search deepening depth first alpha-beta.! Each column in turn the user has moved their finger ( or not optimally! 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