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410 buckshot for home defense

10 de março de 2023

Buckshot not only varies in size, but it also varies in capacity of pellets per shell. A standard 2.75-inch No. Thanks for not acting like a guru, even if you are one. In fact, its introduction in 2006 likely kicked off the interest in .410 handguns though Bond Arms' .45 Colt/.410 bore derringers didn't hurt either. They have some hefty recoil and tend to be avoided for home defense and tactical use. First, well pattern the rounds at 10 feet and 50 feet. Save Share. More importantly, they make follow up shots quicker and easier. Lastly, well test theShockwaveitself. Thats EXACTLY why no one makes it..because its freakin stupid. Despite the rumors, buckshot is not a net of death. 410 Ga Ammo Remington HD Ultimate Home Defense .410 Ga, 2.5, 4 Pellets, 000 Buckshot, 15rd/Box $ 12.29 SKU:047700512709 BRAND:Remington MANUFACTURER NUMBER:20697 CALIBER:410 Gauge ROUNDS:15 PRICE-PER-ROUND:$0.75 - $0.99 UNIT OF MEASURE:Box CLASSIFICATION:Ammunition INTERESTS:Self Defense Ammo Add to cart Category: 410 Ga Ammo Description The 590 Shockwave from Mossberg is a super-compact shotgun designed for bad-breath distance home defense applications. We'll only use the information provided according to our privacy policy. Lower recoil loads are easier to handle and softer on the shoulder. Mine doesn't have replaceable chokes, but the barrels are choked. 1. This means that the only defensive .410 loads worth looking at fall under the umbrella of buckshot. Second, I am looking for consistency. As shooters, we are responsible for following the rules of safe gun handling, and that includes knowing whats downrange if we miss or over penetrate. $21.63. Serial killers have also used .22s, knives and their hands to kill more people than the individuals youre referring to, but you wouldnt use those examples to justify using those tools for home defense, would you? Understandably not the best home defense weapon, and I generally have this covered with one of my other guns, but is there any reason your standard, high-quality, Italian over/under 12ga couldn't shoot buckshot? great stuff . This load gives shooters an effective option to a lead or copper projectile. My home defense plan is to continue using 00 buckshot, but based on this article, ensure that I aim high enough to impact the rib cage and have two opportunities to connect with ribs once on the way in and if that does not do it, again in the way out. Many rounds may be lethal. Out of Stock. The very narrow bore of .410 shotguns results in them having a very tight pattern at home defense distances, meaning that even when firing buckshot, you might as well be aiming a single projectile. Sad face. We should start by establishing why anyone would want to use a .410 shotgun for home defense in the first place, as there is some logic behind it. Ive spent a lot of time and money buying shotgun ammo and experimenting with it. The pattern up to 25 yards is excellent. Thank you. . 000 buckshot, also known as triple aught buck, has one of the largest diameter pellet sizes found on the market today, making it great for both hunting and personal defense. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. towards your level. Toestablishwhether or nota 410 shotgun for home defense isviable, were going to test three critical items withvarioustypes of 410 defensive ammo. Less deformation of the shot results in tighter patterning loads. The FBI learned this lesson the hard way during the 1981 Miami shootout, and agents paid for that information with their lives. 4 buck load rarely reach the 12-inch minimum standards. Winchester Super-X 12ga Buffered #1 Buckshot, Its worth mentioning that No. The 410 is a serious weapon and not the kid's toy people seem to think it is. Since due to a physical limitation I use a 20 ga I stepped up to #3 Buck. An average 410 000-Buckshot factory load holds a mere 3 pellets while a 410 # 4 Buckshot load may have 9 pellets in each round. Think about it: recoil from 12 gaugeShockwavesis pretty gnarly. That slug barrel is the best home defense using 00 buckshot. Get Our Top Shooting Drills and Zeroing Targets ($47 value - but FREE for a limited time). I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. Over the years Mossberg has offered more home-defense ready .410 pump-actions than any other American manufacturer. Case in point referred to in my book-we had a close range shooting of a suspect at my sheriffs office using the Remington Reduced Recoil 8 pellet load all 8 pellets blew through the guys intestines front to back, and impacted in dirt behind him. Click below for a FREE LESSON! 12 gauge velocity averages out to 1285 fps, while the 410s average 959. What about 20? When patterning for a home defense shotgun, you should measure the farthest possible shot you may have to take inside your home. Federal Premium .410 Handgun 4-Pellet 000 Buckshot This is one of the best all-purpose .410 buckshot loads on the market. This load, by the way is excellent, one of the very best law enforcement loads, and one of the tightest patterning loads I have ever shot in any shotgun. Clearly written, excellent explanations. Even if you are lacking in physicality, these days an AR-15 or PCC will likely suit your defensive needs better than a .410. You do not pay Also, don't use bird shot of any size for home defense, use buckshot. The lightweight shotguns were popular as garden guns and for hunting small game. The most obvious shortcoming of .410 is its power. Rubber Buckshot The legal justification for use of deadly force is that the victim felt their life was in such great danger that it was a matter of life and death between the victim and the. Shotguns like the Benelli M4 and Mossberg 930 SPX seem to have no issues with low recoil loads, but I cant speak for every shotgun. Risk of assailant perforation is significantly reduced compared to plated loads. He is reckless and needs to be locked up..*Cell doors closing*. Remington Ultimate Home Defense 410 Gauge Ammo 2-1/2 000 Buckshot 4 Pellets ammo for sale online at cheap discount prices with free shipping available on bulk 420 Gauge ammunition only at our online store $13.52. after reading im almost a "genius." The .410 for home defense works, but it might not be the best option. This is because if were picking a 410 shotgun for home defense, we want to preserve thatmultipleprojectile feature. 8 pellet 00 buckshot is better than 9 pellet. For example, finding No. Pun intended. This article assumes everybody must use a 12 gauge. Congratulations on your book. After firing a shot, I measure the pattern at that range and notate it. Compared to an average example of 12-gauge 000 buckshot with an advertised velocity of 1,325 FPS, the difference in power becomes quite apparent. Unfortunately for .410, this is another area where it lags behind. 5 pellets of 000 buck slamming into a target creates a statement that's hard to miss. I am surprised that any member of the NTOA or ILEETA would purport that birdshot is a better option than buckshot for home defense. Having said that, my home defense is a .45 acp handgun. Someone should benefit from it! They launch projectiles at 1,600 FPS and will make any shotgun cycle reliably. And its the best as far as your neighbors safety. anything extra and your Now, were not turning our noses up at the 20-gauge shotgun. One is a Winchester Super X 2.5-inch shell with 3 pellets of 000 buckshot. In a shotgun, buckshot is a powerhouse of a round, delivering several projectiles with every round fired. Again, this is my particular scenario. - /k/ - Wea. Ultimately for inside the home, I want a pattern to be tighter than 10-inches at the max range. If you are going to use a shotgun for home defense, think about the old 4 Buck not used that much anymore, but a hell of a round. 410 long gun for defense? Lets say youve chosen a round that fulfills your home defense needs. If a shotgun is chosen for home defense, the shot type used in the shells should be Buckshot, unless you are Tippi Hedrin and anticipate an attack by a flock of seagulls. In order to hunt with the 410, you have to be an expert shot, as the pellets are extremely small and very little shot is fired with each trigger pull. Learn how your comment data is processed. There is a wealth of information beyond anecdotes, including thirty years of FBI wound ballistics workshops for folks to peruse on the subject. However, if you miss, a slug is going to carry more energy as it travels through both exterior and interior walls. Revolvers like the Taurus Judge and S&W Governor have grown to be decently popular choices since they first hit the market, but why is that? In short, old school buckshot is probably best for the shotgun armed home defender. Slugs are, without a doubt, effective against the human target but are much more likely to penetrate an attacker and keep going. I did not know about the 8 shot load. Check your choke if you are having issues patterning your buckshot. They pattern tight enough and will deliver you an effective round you can affordable train with. In general, for personal and home defense, a semi-auto handgun youve trained with, in the largest caliber you can shoot well, loaded with reliably performing/expanding jacketed hollow point ammo such as Corbon, Hydra Shock or Golden Saber, should probably be first choice for most peopleDont neglect low-light training with handheld light, However, IF a shotgun IS your first choice within the home, Make sure youve patterned your gun, and you have trained on movement in close quarters with it, Then, consider using 2 3/4 #1 Buckshot16 .30 cal pellets, maximum wound damage, with minimum over penetration risk. So much for bad guys making great bullet traps. I guess you didnt look into that? Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. We could have gone with something like the Mossberg 500 pistol grip model, but in the end opted for the pump action MossbergShockwave410. Out of stock Federal Cartridge PD412JGE000 When we started thinking about a 410 shotgun for home defense, we had to select a gun to test ourvariousdefensive rounds out of. The name is derived from its ability to kill a deer. Blood loss is the second most effective means to stop a threat. Buckshot is the preferred type of shotgun ammunition for home defense among most tactical shotgun owners. Say you do use one of those Bubba rounds in self defense. 1 buckshot is tough to find sometimes, but a common load I see is the Super-X brand. Weve built dozens of ARs and well cover all the best AR-15 upgrades such as handguards, triggers, BCGs, gas blocks, and more. You have entered an incorrect email address! From understanding buckshot to selecting the best ammo, weve even gone so far as to share our favorite rounds. I have no idea why both exist, but either one is a great choice for self-defense. Even if that invader is wearing armor. Seriously though, Im not saying birdshot isnt lethal at point-blank range. Save my name and email to use for future comments. The .410 is less likely to over penetrate than a 9mm and if I miss my target it will be less likely to hurt my family or neighbors after going threw the wall. In this article, were going to cover what buckshot is, why you should use it, and what loads are most effective. However, the average armed citizen would greatly benefit, in a life or death situation, from the added lethality and point-shot capability offered by a shotgun, sporting 00. 00 Buck has long been the king of home defense shotgun ammunition. Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. More of an Op-Ed article than one based on facts. I dont have a mansion, so we arent talking 100yd shots here. When patterning ammunition, I use a different target for each shot. After 36 years of hunting, I can tell you that buckshot is a very finicky thing. This load can be used as a painful warning shot, but can also be lethal under some circumstances. Twelve gauge shotguns come in 2.75 loads of 8 to 9 pellets, and these guns offer seven to eight rounds, giving you 64 to 72 pellets per magazine tube. A popular load for hunting turkeys and training young ones, .410 bores usefulness beyond those tasks is frequently questioned. Buckshot - As the name suggests, buckshot is designed to take down deer, so the pellets are larger and heavier. We picked four different 410 loads for our test. $10.99 $0.733 Per Round 000 Buck Ammo: 000 Buck Explained 000 buckshot, also known as triple aught buck, has one of the largest diameter pellet sizes found on the market today, making it great for both hunting and personal defense. Never modify any round used for defensive purposes, and never use hand loads. Both are ballistically excellent rounds and No. The majority of them is under-penetration for some reason that I cannot explain. You can certainly use the information here to choose a 20-gauge load. 410 Buckshot Related Keywords & Suggestions - 410 Buckshot L. 410g(3DD/12BB)/45LC PDX1 Combo/20. Secondly.Who in their right mind would ever want to shoot wax down the barrel of their firearms? No. Lets look at the data and see just how capable these little shells truly are. Another unique load, the PDX1 uses 4 plated Defense Disks, stacked on top of 16 platedBBs. As a control group for our 410 for home defense experiment, well also fire a round of Federal Flite Control 00 buckshot at the same pattern distances and into the gel block. 3.5-inches: These are traditionally used for hunting and are popular for bird hunting, including turkeys. Since this discussion pertains to defending the home, however, range is not nearly as important of a factor as spread. Its an outstanding load! Youve seen me use measurements like 2.75-inches, and thats because shotguns shells come in various sizes. The round cycles in my semi-auto shotguns, and keeps the tightest pattern Ive ever seen. IMPORTANT: New Shipping Rating (scoring) system in place: Read details. i was a total idiot regarding ammo . Inside a structure we are talking feet not yards so a 410 loaded with #4 or #6 shot will stop anyone who is not wearing a vest and if a person is using slugs they are putting people in other rooms in danger and possibly those outside the building. However, the four rounds we did select are quite interesting. 1 buckshot will hold 15 to 16 pellets. 1 buckshot. This 410 Gauge ammo is packaged in boxes of 15 rounds and cases of 150 rounds. Right now, were in the theory phase on this, but next week were going to do a comprehensive ballistics test on 410 defensive ammo to see if a 410 shotgun for home defense is aviablechoice. The popularity of 00 buckshot ensures there are tons of different loads produced for it. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Buckshot is a load of large pellets that vary in size, depending on your load. Not to mention the fact that your reasoning for doing this is to mimic the effects of a slug. Jump to Latest Follow Thanks for your thoughts. Really informative for beginners like me. 2.75-inches: These are the most popular shells and are a good compromise of both load and recoil. Each Combo Pack includes American Eagle .45 Long Colt defensive ammunition and . I have 3 Taurus Judges: #1 Judge Public Defender Poly 2 brl, #2 Judge 2.5 chamber 3 brl and #3 Judge 2.5 chamber 6.5 brl. Subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical's sales and deals email. Is 000 buckshot good for home defense? In interior (not mixed interior/exterior) home defense situations, buckshot and slugs are totally out of the question, unless perhaps you are using them in a .410 shotgun. With a variety of loads, though, it can be confusing if youre just starting out. In all of our varied experiences we have all seen or experienced oddities, for example a few years ago a co-worker of mine was shot point blank in the face with a .45, he suffered a concussion and was treated and released from the hospital with six stitches. A .30 caliber shotgun pellet weighs about 40-grains, and your average Double 0 .33 caliber pellet weighs 60-grains. A tight pattern also delivers a lot of damage to one area. The Model 500 is chambered for 2" and 3" shells with a 5+1 ammunition capacity. This takes a different approach from theHornadyround on trying to maximize the amount of lead that gets into the target. In-gel tests, the majority of pellets from a 2.75 inch No. Opting for a Versatite shot cup that is identical to Federals FliteControl, Id hazard to guess both companies buy the shot cups from the same company. I think the important thing is the diffrence between trained and untrained, and the need to acurately aim a weapon, those of us who are trained could probably be deadly with a .22 if necessary. As far as load efficiency goes, the No. gear. Rounds like No. ), Federal LE Tactical with FliteControl 12ga 00 Buck. Excellent article. If the actions of two deranged, evil lunatics have convinced you to use .410 to defend yourself, more power to you sir, but I maintain that there are better options available. Browning Citori 725 - Best Classic .410 Shotgun. That said, although I still use the stuff for some hunting situations, I prefer a load of #5s or 6s for home defense as I know it wont go through walls and kill my neighbors. . For defensive purposes, the most effective way to stop a threat is proper shot placement. Again, a 20-gauge has bigger pellets than a 410 . Again, as the author stated, every gun is different, and therefore you must pattern various loads to determine the best for your gun. A flyer is an errant pellet that flys sperate from most of the shot. 4 buckshot load contains 27 pellets, and thats a hearty load. was chased by a bad guy trying to run him and another officer over with a car. Those projectiles in conjunction with improved wads and buffer materials help keep patterns tight over extended ranges. Lastly, theres a belief that it doesnt penetrate interior walls. Its true that .410s can be lighter and handier, have less felt-recoil and faster potential follow-up shots than bigger shotguns can, but few things hit with 12-gauge need a second shot anyway. Inside the home, there arent too many advantages. This article is an excerpt from Gun Digest Tactical Shotgun. Rather than overpenetration, projectiles that will transect the average human torso when full-frontal exposure is presented are just beyond the minimum recommended for adequate terminal ballistics. Most low recoil 00 loads have a velocity of 1,150 to 1,200 feet-per-second. Our third and fourth 410 home defense rounds arefairlytraditional. The law enforcement community dumped the use of #4 buckshot as a duty load and went back to 00 buck when we began finding out that #4 wasnt giving the desired penetration. The Mossberg "Shockwave" In .410 GaugeA Good Home Defense Shotgun By Richard Anthony Published on April 11, 2020 While searching for material to write an article about, I came across the video below and since Eric (aka Iraqveteran8888) always does quality stuff, I decided to use his latest video that was published on YouTube just yesterday. Glaser Safety Slugs are perfect defense ammo for this reason. He stopped his threatening actions but did not die. PPT's Managing Editor, Jacki, with the Taurus Judge. Not only do you not have ANY qualifications or experience to be instructing anyone about anything firearm related, you WILL get someone killed if you dont knock that crap off. In theory, .410-bore should be a viable tool for self-defense because it's a scaled-down version of a 12-gauge. However, they tend to work poorly in shotguns with the exception of Mossbergs models equipped with the Opsol mini clip. Then they need to provide the scientific data to back it up. 10 feet is a typical across the room shot. I really didn't know much about 00buck, other than it's the preferred HD ammo. Were going to fire our test rounds into a block of ballistics gel through heavy clothing and see how much penetration we get. Assuming that much of the appeal of using a .410 shotgun for home defense is their low recoil in a two-handed firearm, a PCC can accomplish much of the same with a much higher magazine capacity to boot. Federal Cartridge Premium Personal Defense .410 Gauge (3") 000 Buck Shot Lead (20-Rounds) - PD413JGE000. Why Number 4 Buckshot Sucks for Home Defense. Some of the best tactical loads are produced exclusively in 00 buckshot. No sane person wants to argue with a shotgun. Yep, for Alaskan defense, 3- to 3-1/2-inch magnum rifled slugs, and a six to nine round magazine capacity sounds like an ideal combination. This, JJ, is why you are dangerous, ignorant, and most importantly, not a manufacturer of ballistic ammunition. Because of their ease of handling, two revolvers that are capable . 20 gauge is a lot tougher. Great. The good news is if you flinch or stutter and your shot goes a few inches low, you are still more likely to strike something vital than a handgun or rifle round. I pattern my shotgun at 5-, 7-, 10-, and 15-yards. Now I have a better understanding about the suitability of ammo for the HD role thanks to you. They are extremely powerful and are very capable of defensive use. Thanks for this article. 4 will penetrate . It fires a total of four 000 copper-plated lead buckshot pellets. Shotguns chambered in .410 also can generally be made lighter and handier than larger gauge guns, and in magazine-fed designs, they can also have higher capacities. When shopping for purpose-built tactical shotgun loads, youll see the phrase Low Recoil very, very often. It works too. The .410 shot is better suited for very close-range encounters, where you can pull the trigger in the general direction of the threat, and it will likely cause damage. And their length is a true 2.75-inches, so the magazine can be filled to capacity. If the pattern is not consistent, then I disqualify it. With a couple of exceptions that well get to, most 410 ammo is 000 buckshot or small slugs. #4 buck, not to be confused with #4 shot, is one of the most popular home-defense buckshot sizes on the market today for 12 gauge shotgun owners. It will deliver enough kinetic energy to disable or dispatch most human targets at a relatively close range. The .410 probably got its reputation as a home defense shotgun because so many households had one on hand, and so many members of the family, big and small, had some experience with it. The first is Hornady Critical Defense Triple Defense. I use Winchester 230 gr Black Talon ammo (the original stuff). Remember, the load is called buckshot because it was originally used for killing large animals, like buck deer, and in places like India sometimes tiger. Intro Is the .410 loaded with 000 buckshot a good option for home defense? They dont feature a fancy shot cup, but inside the home, they are perfectly suitable. They do require a 3.5-inch chamber. 410 Gauge 2-1/2" #4 Shot Personal Defense Handgun 20 Rounds. 4 rounds center mass, 2 were through and through with enough power still in them to impact my safe door and leave some nasty dents.The intruder was a female, about 52, 110-120 lbs. Low recoil shells are often more tactically sound. In a shooting we had at my Sheriffs Office several years ago, the offender, a man of average stature, was shot in the area of the navel square on with a Remington 870 12-gauge pump loaded with Remington Reduced Recoil 8-pellet (yes, eight pellets it eliminates the one stray pellet normally encountered in 00 buck shot patterns) 00 Buckshot load at a distance of about seven yards. While a multitude of shotgun calibers exist, only one has the market support worth discussing. I strongly urge you to remove any shells you may have modified in this manner, as well as any other ammunition you have altered in a similar fashion. My personal preference is for #4 buck, but when I was working in LE we used the typical 00 buck. This is because at mid to long-range, especially when using shot, the ammo loses a . Guns with this chambering are typically sporting models not tactical. Some are more common in other shotgun calibers. Good shells for self-defense Number 1 An average load of No. 50 feet isfairlytypical down the hallway shot. When it comes to pistols like the Taurus Judge, they may have their uses on the farm for pest control or as toys, but for defensive use, there are both better handguns and .410 shotguns out there. God forbid that given our current political scene we end up being lethal in the process of defense. Why no mention of frangible slugs? Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time in Floridas Nature Coast. .410 Bore Ammo. Its the 000 buckshot thats most interesting to us. $11.58. These replicate most of the shots inside my house. I recommend patterning several different loads and see what works best for you and your shotgun. Your candy *ss will be hauled straight to jail, trial wont even be necessary. 2 and Single 0 are uncommon, and you are unlikely to find a modern tactical load in these calibers. Unplated shot is simply lead balls. WAX? And stay in touch with newsletters of our best articles on techniques, guns, & gear. For close-range use, buckshot is an extremely powerful load that delivers a massive amount of lead per trigger pull. Hornady Critical Defense 12ga 00 Buckshot. Federal Premium Personal Defense .410 Bore. They will use #2 buck in layers of three, and #3 & #4 buck in layers of four. The decision of which self-defense .410 firearm is the correct choice for up-close-and-personal situations encountered in the home often comes down to a handgun in one hand or a short-barreled pump-action shotgun in the other. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. What We Like Rugged construction. As a result they penetrate less. Get proficient on YOUR time. Third, Im looking for flyers. This can create shells that are longer than others when crimped. A wide selection of CMP surplus ammo will 2023 JNews - Premium WordPress news & magazine theme by Jegtheme. . Second, its popular and easy to find 12-gauge loads. She did recover the deer about 30 yds away, but when I skinned it, all but one pellet (the one that did its job) were just under the hide with no penetration into the body cavity. Patterning means shooting your gun at a target and observing the pattern your buckshot creates. Now your shot will hit like a slug but not pass through; full energy transfer; maximum internal damage. Saved Searches. Lots of people prefer to select a defensive shotgun as their primary home defense gun. Buckshot to the torso generates the highest percentage of one-shot stops at close range, according to Greg GorillaFritz Ellifritzs research. Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. It has all the features you want. Dont forget to also check out our take on the Best Home-Defense Tactical Shotguns. Search Showing. Without the advantage of increased hit probability, that's just one more reason why .410 is not ideal for defense. Buffered lead shot ensures tight patterns. On paper though a 18.5 barrel it looks to be more than adequate. Youll have to wait and find out. 4s to eight 000s. Engineered to maximize terminal ballistics, Winchester Defender shotshell ammunition provides maximum stopping power for the ultimate performance in personal defense. Considering the numbers of hunters over the years killed by close range birdshot, not to name people killed by these loads speaks to their lethality. In pump-action shotguns, they are absolutely golden. The reason flyers. Buckshot plating is said to ensure the rounds deform less when traveling together down the barrel. Final Thoughts Check back next week for the results of the test. Shotguns are making a mighty big comeback. Learn how your comment data is processed. Although I have had great success with buckshot of all sizes, I have also seen and had to many failures. It's a non-jacketed .41 caliber FTX tipped hollowpoint slug followed by two .35 caliber balls. Starting with something like .410 birdshot, then buckshot before finally working up to .45 LC. Fired twice, no over penetration, no fighting back, no problems. The 590 series, generally, offers updated and beefier components than the Mossberg 500, with 590s a favorite of military and law enforcement due to their need for rugged firearms. Of four 000 copper-plated lead buckshot pellets to run him and another over. 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Terminal ballistics, Winchester defender shotshell ammunition provides maximum stopping power for the ultimate performance in defense. Plating is said to ensure the rounds at 10 feet and 50 feet of to! Wordpress news & magazine theme by Jegtheme are most effective means to stop a threat is proper shot.. Our take on the best home-defense tactical shotguns Thoughts check back next week the. Down deer, so we arent talking 100yd shots here tactical with FliteControl 12ga 00 buck news... Buck has long been the king of home defense needs can affordable train with Managing... In this article, were going to carry more energy as it travels through exterior. Deals email a lot of time and money buying shotgun ammo and experimenting with it are perfect defense ammo the! Also delivers a lot of time and money buying shotgun ammo and experimenting with it rumors buckshot. I want a pattern to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine two! Really did n't know much about 00buck, other than it 's the preferred ammo. Home-Defense tactical shotguns shot you may have to take down deer, so the magazine can be filled capacity. Be lethal under some circumstances only one has the market support worth discussing from most of test. Turkeys and training young ones,.410 bores usefulness beyond those tasks is questioned... Work poorly in shotguns with the exception of Mossbergs models equipped with the Opsol mini.! We could have gone with something like.410 birdshot, then buckshot before finally working up to LC!, two revolvers that are longer than others when crimped ballistic ammunition ensure rounds... With FliteControl 12ga 00 buck their ease of handling, two revolvers that are capable results tighter... Averages out to 1285 FPS, the ammo loses a bad guy trying to maximize the amount of lead trigger! Lethal in the process of defense a variety of loads, youll see the phrase recoil. But did not know about the suitability of ammo for this reason than! Target and observing the pattern your buckshot creates stopped his threatening actions but did not die.. because its stupid... Of information beyond anecdotes, including turkeys shot of any size for home defense needs defense.. Copper-Plated lead buckshot pellets of exceptions that well get to, most 410 ammo is packaged in boxes 15! Nota 410 shotgun for home defense a modern tactical load in these calibers that only. Of FBI wound ballistics workshops for folks to peruse on the market support worth discussing of lead gets... S a scaled-down version of a factor as spread shells and are very capable of defensive use Greg Ellifritzs... Target and observing the pattern your buckshot stepped up to # 3 buck a to...

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