campbell ducks for sale
Theyre a hatchery with an online shop that sells everything from poultry items. 220URancho Cucamonga, CA. Do I need to order in pairs or can I order 4 females and one male? We reserve the right to change or discontinue Free Shipping at any time. Mrs Campbell had mated her Mallard and Pencilled Runner to create a Khaki coloured duck. $25. More. Lizzo loves snacks and taking baths in the pool! These good-natured, easy-to-maintain ducks will not only enhance the landscape of your farm or backyard, they will supply your family with the bestfrom breakfast all the way through dinner. | Your IP Address: Do you have a temperature recommendation chart for the ducklings? The Khaki Campbell is strong and energetic, highly adaptable to a variety of environments, and able to thrive in nearly any type of climateeven in cold temperatures. pheasants, quail, ducks, chickens (2023) Brantford 28/11/2022. I got this kind and 3 other breeds and all got shipped together and are doing great. Your email address appears to be invalid. best of . The table below shows availability for the next several weeks. Currently 3 available. Ives, Paul. When choosing breeders, select robust, active, strong-legged birds with a history of good laying and foraging ability. Large white eggs. Can you ship ducklings and chicks together? Their flight capabilities are limited, so theyre easy to keep at home. Our black broiler chicks are hearty and robust. farm & garden 35; materials 10; general for sale 8; sporting goods 8; household items 5 + show 40 more 17 + hide 40 more 17. collectibles 4; wanted 3; antiques 2; business 2; I have 4 hens and one drake who are almost 5 months close to coming into production. They offer a variety of duck breeds, including Khaki Campbells for sale.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Address:187 N Windy Mansion Rd. Ship dates are selected prior to checkout. Now offering adult full size duck breeds, safely shipped anywhere in the USA. We still have some from both batches, laying like gangbusters. Chickens, Bantams, Guinea Keets, Turkeys & Waterfowl can be mixed & matched. Copyright 2020 Townline Poultry Farm - All Rights Reserved. **Discount is applied after item is added to the cart. Try refreshing the page Your friend will receive an email from you with a link to our site. The price of Khaki Campbell ducks can vary depending on the hatchery and mostly depending on their sex. It was introduced in 1901 by Mrs. Adele Campbell of Gloucestershire, England. Ducks & Ducklings for Sale | Day Old Poultry | Myers Poultry Home Day Old Poultry Ducks & Goslings Ducks Ducks A minimum of 3 total Ducks and Goslings are needed to ship. Its head, upper neck, lower back, and tail culverts are brown-bronze while the rest of the drakes plumage is a warm khaki. Paul T. Market Drayton Breeder 2 3 days Trio of Point of lay Aylesbury ducks 50 Ducks Age: 9 months Mixed 21/01/2023. Khaki Campbell ducks are high-strung, energetic and require a good amount of space as they are active foragers. More about the Campbell from Jonathan M. Thompson in The Doctors Wife : Since the turn of the 19th century, the Khaki Campbell Duck has been renowned for its phenomenal production of large, white-shelled eggs; a period of 111 years to the present day, and yet surprisingly little has been known about the back-ground to either Mrs. A. Campbell or her creations, the Campbell and the Khaki Campbell DuckDownload full article (.pdf), Your email address will not be published. Khaki Campbell Ducks were introduced in the late 1800s, originating from a cross between a Fawn/White Indian Runner (known for its egg-laying qualities) and a Rouen (a good-tempered, plump duck). *Due to biosecurity measures we are unable to allow pickup at our Hatchery. Khaki ducklings from our family of hatcheries are available for a limited time (late July through September). We have 5 laying Khaki Campbell ducks that are in great health. Fresh Goose eggs $10 each. The resulting color, a slightly-off buff, reminded Campbell of British army uniforms, so she named them Khaki Campbell. (Holderread, 2001), Campbells made their way to the United States in 1929 through importation by Perry Fish of Syracuse, New York. khaki campbell ducks - $50 (Alma) image 1 of 1 QR Code Link to This Post. Interestingly, each duck was penned in its own pen and shelter which surely contributed to their outstanding production. Once the ducklings have lost all of their soft downy feathers that they are hatched with, they can go to the coop without the need of additional heat source. Chickens, ducks, . 2 dozen hatching Call duck eggs from a few different groups. Purpose: Ornamental Production: 100 Large White Eggs/Year Temperament: Flighty Mature Weight: 2-3 . The Campbell is a very practical, hardy duck which is a prolific egg layer. They can average up to 320 eggs per year given the proper circumstances. Duck eggs from many pure bred breeds of ducks. Click here to show all hatch dates for this season. Read on to learn more about where to find Khaki Campbell ducks for sale.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-box-4','ezslot_4',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-box-4-0'); The Meyer Hatcheryis a family-owned and operated business that has been in operation since 1985. If you like, here is an article where you can learn how to sex ducklings. khaki Campbell ducks for sale. Report Ad. post; account; . We will get back to you via email as soon as possible. If you are looking for an easy-to-raise animal that is excellent at producing eggs, then this breed is a good choice for you. Paarl 14 days ago My List Contact 1 Photo (s) Fertile Pekin duck eggs for sale R 10 Khaki Campbell ducklings grow to be lively, chattering additions to your property. Address:P.O. They sent me emails in a timely manner and I knew exactly when the ducklings were coming and they came the day that was planned. They have the sweetest personalities, and they love to cuddle up next to you whenever you sit down. Healthy free-range birds. safety tips; Address: 4198 96th Ave, Zeeland MI. The Khaki Campbell Duck is a true multi-purpose breed. Calls only. We got our first batch of Khakis 6 years ago and another 3 years ago. Khakis were originally bred in England and are a combination of mallards, rouens and runner ducks. We are located in Cleburne, TX (76033) Call or text show contact info. Have not lost one yet. Vernon 17/02/2023. Will recommend this hatchery to anyone. We will get back to you via email as soon as possible. Khaki Campbell Duck drakes have an. 35 For Sale Khaki campbell female ducks.nths old. Eligible items are marked on the product details page. Adele Campbell of Gloucestershire, England, developed Campbell ducks in the late 1800s with the goal of providing her husband and son a consistent supply of roast duckling. All laying. Freedom Ranger Hatchery, Inc. provides high-quality chickens for sale at our certified poultry hatchery. She absolutely loves to be held and talked too. We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. Address: PO Box 216 Brooks, GA 30205Phone number:908-795-1007. She experimented with Runners crossed with Rouen and Mallards but never revealed the exact genetic makeup of her Campbells. My sheep flock was started by my parents when I was 2 years old with 2 ewes; we kept a small flock, usually less than a dozen sheep, up until 2012 when I started expanding the flock. We have Khaki Campbell ducklings for sale from our hatchery in Reinholds, PA. How Large Will Khaki Campbell Ducks Get? (Photograph taken before the avian flu lockdown) Read more >> All other ducklings were sexed correctly were healthy from day one. It was introduced in 1901 by Mrs. Adele Campbell of Gloucestershire, England. Theyre active, streamlined birds with a modestly long head, bill, neck, and body, and a sprightly body carriage of 20 to 40 degrees above horizontal (Holderread, 2001). You can purchase ducklings online and have them delivered to your home. Address:411 W Commercial St Lebanon,MO65536Phone number:417-532-4581. We also offer assortments if you don't want to settle on just one variety. Please complete the fields below to send your friend a link to this product. Check the box next to any you want to remove. Click here to show all hatch dates for this season. Breed availabilty varies. This advert is located in and around Fareham, Hampshire. Khaki campbell ducklings available. Freedom Ranger is another family-owned hatchery based in South CentralPennsylvania. Our duck breeds range from Mallard and Rouen ducklings to Black Runners, Magpies, Khaki Campbell ducklings, and many other types. Please enter a number greater than 0 and less than 10000. Your tracking number will be emailed to you on your ship day. When those space requirements are met, they are good-natured and approachableparticularly with those who feed them and have raised them from ducklings. post; account; favorites. $60/doz Located in Salmon Arm. These ducks have got to be the most awesome easyu going ducks. If your order contains both free shipping items and other, ineligible items, you will be charged shipping for the ineligible items. There is a common misconception that the Khaki Campbell cannot fly, due to its weight. They started in production at about 20 weeks of age and egg size averaged 72 grams (2.6 ounces). do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7593676581. posted: 2023-02-26 17:30. Date Listed: 9 hours ago; By accepting, you agree to the use of cookies. Place Eligible items in your cart. 5501 S Harding St, Indianapolis, IN 46217, United States. For the first few days keep the temperature between 30.0c to 32.0c. Though they have been turned into an exhibition type breed, she was adamant that her birds were designed for production, not the exhibition hall. Female Khaki Campbells are seal brown, and males are the same color with touches of darker brown resembling the Mallard drake. Khaki Campbell eggs are laid in the morning, so youll never have to guess when to gather. They have a green or bluish-green bill, greenish-bronze heads, and backs, with the remainder of the plumage being a shad of khaki tan. and their light plumage makes them easy to pick and nice for table use. Shipped USPS Priority Mail Available from April to the first week in June. Breeding pair of Khaki Campbell ducks 10.00 for the pair We have three month old khaki Campbell ducks for sale in Martinsburg. They have performed admirably in environments ranging from arid deserts with temperatures of 100F, to humid tropical rainforests with more than 200 inches of annual precipitation, to cold Northern regions where temperatures can remain below 0F for weeks at a time. (Holderread, 2001). They are not intentional flyers or jumpers, so a low (2-3 foot) fence will contain them if necessary. Most lay their first eggs when 5 to 7 months old and will average 250 to 340 eggs of superb texture and flavor per year. 3 for $60 Also have 1 pair Call ducks and 5 call duckling 6 weeks old Selling all together $100 Also have trio of pekin ducks for sale 1 male 2 female selling together $60 SOLD PENDING PICK UP Also have khaki Campbell duckings Selling us as to . Calm, sweet, and healthy. This will give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of customer service, the quality of the birds, and whether or not they arrive healthy and alive. Browse search results for khaki campbell ducks Baby Carriages for sale in Georgia. Our Khaki Campbell ducklings for sale are strictly shipped on the dates listed above, so choose your preferred ship date now. | All Rights Reserved These eggs are sold only in lots of 12 or 24. Make sure you acquire authentic Campbells that have been selected for egg production. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7593877400. posted: 2023-02-27 08:58. Crossbreeds with telltale signs of facial stripes or weights above 6 pounds may be sold as Campbells, but they dont lay well. Purebred male Khaki Campbell ducks for sale. There is evidence of their ancient ancestry, Jumbo Pekin Duck The Jumbo Pekin Duck For Sale, a meat type duck, is bred for size primarily and not for show. The khaki color that gives them their name comes from the mating of that initial cross with a Penciled Runner Duck. Murray's Best Chicken Suds and Conditioner, Storey's Showing Poultry: A Complete Guide to Exhibiting Your Birds, Simone Chickenbone's Free Range Chicken Poop Lip Junk, DIY Poultry and Farm Building Plans and Projects, Gail Damerow Discusses Health Concerns for Ducks, Building Your Flock: Dark Brown Layers for Valentines Day, Coffee with the Chicken Ladies Breed Spotlight: Plymouth Rock, Gail Damerow Discusses How to Treat and Prevent Frostbite. Khaki Cambell eggs will be pearly white, with a small percentage laying blue or green eggs. This can take 4-6 weeks to lose their downy feathers. Excludes items that are not marked by the free shipping statement. At what age do Khaki Campbells start to lay? Your message was sent. These include Muscovy Ducklings & Pekin Ducklings. How do I identify the drakes (male)? They recently have started laying and have been healthy ever since they have arrived. We know for a fact, however, that they can fly. Livestock. Campbells are a lightweight duck breed, with an average weight of 4.25 pounds for drakes (males) and 3.5 pounds for hens (females). They arrived in the United States in 1929. They are one of the most prolific egg layers (up to 300/yr) of the duck breed and can be known to produce more than chickens. Your email address appears to be invalid. It takes ducks about 6-8 months to mature. BOX 458, 191 Closz Drive, Webster City, IA 50595Phone number:515-832-3280, 800-456-3280. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_11',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');I like Purely Poultrys website. If youre looking for a reliable and reputable source to purchase your ducks, then any one of these businesses would be a good choice. I have Khaki Campbell adult and young Ducks for sale, $5.00 for the smaller ones, and $10.00 for the bigger ones. 220URancho Cucamonga, CA. By staggering your flock of ducks, you can expect year-round production. They even lay through the long cold MI winter. Commercial Meat and Egg Production Brochure. Search results for "khaki campbell ducks" for sale in South Carolina Browse for sale listings in South Carolina "The Palmetto State" - State Capital Columbia . View Options Add to Shopping List For all inquiries regarding ducks please call our Enfield store 02 97475713. Powered and built by,,, Khaki's are known for being one of the best general-purpose ducks. Unfortunately I need to re home one of my male Khaki Campbells due to having not enough females for him He is a few years old He is used to being freerange A cute little Khaki Campbell duck Purebred Free range, organic, naturally raised Pick up from Brownlow Eudunda area can assist with delivery, 1308038703. 117 results. Email This Free shipping is not available for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands or Canada. Pekin ducks for sale ready for slaughter or to use for pest control in the garden, vineyards and orchards.R200 per duck or R180 if you take more than 10.Males and females availible.Collection between Paarl and Franschhoek.Please contact via WhatsApp or call . best of . The Khaki Campbell is one of the more famous and popular duck breeds. Keeping our community safe COVID-19 Safety Precautions. The Cackle Hatchery is a hatchery located in Missouri that has been in the poultry business since 1936. (Batty, 1985) The Pied has fawn plumage. Office: 888.685.0040 Female ducklings are typically more expensive than male ducklings, and unsexed ducklings are usually in the middle. There are four color varieties in North America: Khaki, White, Dark, and Pied, with Khaki being the only one recognized by the APA. for sale > farm & garden - by owner. Khaki Campbells are medium-sized, lightweight ducks. Excludes items that are not marked by the free shipping statement. $15 a piece or $10 a piece if you take more than one. 40 Each For Sale Karki Campbell Ducks or hatching eggs or eating eggs Curdridge, Hants 2 days ago 30 Each For Sale Pure Breed Khaki Campbel Ducks Curdridge, Hants 28 days ago 20 For Sale Khaki Campbell Female Ducks Ready Now Rushden, Northamptonshire 137 days ago New A d 15 For Sale KHAKI CAMPBELL DUCKS / READY NOW TO COLLECT Beaworthy, Devon We are proud to offer 9 varieties of ducklings to customers nationwide. Your message was sent. This makes them a good farm or backyard duck for everyone. Smart and spicy little ducks. At their age of 20 to 25 days, you can allow them to the floor. Items shipped via free shipping may require up to 10 Business Days. 1998-2023 Murray McMurray Hatchery . Beautiful Khaki Campbell Drake Buckingham, Buckinghamshire Here for sale we have our final Khaki Campbell Drake looking for his own lovely ladies. oklahoma city for sale "ducks" - craigslist. They will have a mature weight of around 4-1/2 lbs. This breed may be available for future dates. They will have a mature weight of around 4-1/2 lbs. Fifth Day Farm has a 15-chick order minimum. Some historical accounts also indicate they crossed khaki Campbell ducks with wild Mallard ducks, but others do not. Khaki campbell ducklings for saleHeidelberg, Western Cape WhatsApp Pieter @ 067-0696251. 13 days ago. We use various shipping carriers to deliver orders and a particular carrier may not be requested. One way to vet a hatchery is by reading reviews from other customers. Our ducks are back at it already High fertility and hatchrate eggs now available Please note this is a mixed flock of duck breeds until they are separated Ive got Pekin, Khaki Campbell Muscovies Pilgrim geese Various ages from a week old to 4 or 5 months older Price is based on age quantity 13 weeks, 1520 3 Young pure bred khaki campbell male duck In need of a home with another female or many females Located Redlands Please txt for enquires, 1307854378. If left to their own devices, they can be skittish. Ducklings for Sale Khaki Campbell Ducklings Add to Wish List Email a friend Khaki Campbell Ducklings 6 Review (s) Write a Review Your Price: $9.99 Khaki Campell Ducks- Light Khaki Colored Breed: KC Availability: Typically Ships in 2 to 4 Weeks Feature: Origin: England Feature: Egg Color: White Choose Options Duck Gender * Z1 KZ KZ1000 KZ900 H2 750 H1 500 PAYING CASH Before you purchase any ducks, its important to do your research to make sure youre getting a good deal and that the hatchery is reputable. With proper management, you can expect to get four to five years of good production. saving. To capitalize on the buff-colored poultry fad at the time, Campbell mated her original ducks back with Penciled Runner ducks. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7592614833. posted: 2023-02-23 14:50. White, pied, bibbed. Check Price. They lay between 165 and 210 eggs per year. If youre looking for a great general purpose duck breed with excellent egg laying qualities, look no further. Khakis are known for being one of the best general-purpose ducks. Khaki Campbell Duck drakes have an upright posture because of their Indian Runner Duck lineage. They have a fairly long bill. The female has excellent egg production, laying between 165-240 large eggs weighing 75-85 grams per year and it has good mothering abilities. Address: 8608 Utica Ave, Ste. Youre sure to find what youre looking for, and you may even be able to get started with your new ducks right away. We found 19 additional ads in surrounding suburbs. Khaki ducks for sale from our hatcheries will provide you with delicious Khaki Campbell eggs, almost daily, for up to three years. Boat has 2. It takes the males approximately 16 weeks to get their full coloring, and they start to fly at about 14 weeks of age. A lot of personality! I started breeding ducks in 2005, and expanded to chickens in 2009. If eligible, we will reship only once. | All Rights Reserved They have available Khaki Campbell ducks for sale. The males are mostly khaki colored with a darker head, while the females are all over khaki colored. Straight Run Only Bred for substantial egg laying, the Khaki Campbell can even out-lay even the most efficient egg laying chicken! Advertise your pet for FREE >> safety tips; $20. Bird and Parrot classifieds. We reserve the right to change or discontinue Free Shipping at any time. Ihope you have enjoyed this list of hatcheries with Khaki Campbell ducks for sale. He's perfectly healthy and a nice duck, as far as ducks go. The Khaki drake has a green bill, rich dark-orange legs and feet, and dark brown eyes. They are all female. Bred for substantial egg laying, the Khaki Campbell can even out-lay even the most efficient egg laying chicken! 35 each ovno Healthy and happy ducks. Based in Webster City, Iowa, McMurray is one of the most well-known hatcheries in the United States. They are one of the best beginner duck breeds around and will thrive in large backyards and small homesteads. Beautiful, healthy rescued ducks needing good homes Trios of one maletwo females looking for homes Mostly khaki Campbell and Pekin crossed breeds and some We have 7 x 6 week old ducklings ready to go Khaki Campbell Cross call duck Must buy at least 2 unsexed Located 25 mins from shepparton 20 each, 1308384865, Drakes Ducks Ducklings We have some beautiful babies Khaki Campbell ducklings unsexed at 3000 ea 5 Month old Duck 4000ea or Drakes , 1307900018, Ducks and ducklings for sale Different Varieties available Pekin Khaki Campbell and Saxony If interested pls ring 9599, 1307710608, 2 x Male Khaki Campbell Ducks 10 Weeks Old 50 For Both 30 each Pick up Jimboomba, 1307587891. Cars & Vehicles. I ordered 10 knowing a couple probably wouldnt survive; theyre fowl after all. We will email a ship date to you within 30 minutes of placing your order. loading. Only selling due to house move. You are removing items from your wish list. Beautiful duckling! In the first 48 hours though we only ended with a 70% survival rate. For biosecurity reasons, we do not hatch ducklings and chicks at the same facility. Overall our ducks turned out to be big healthy beautiful khakis. Reimbursements are limited to the cost of the birds and will not include shipping charges. $10.00. Address:8608 Utica Ave, Ste. Brochure Khans Royal Farm park Street 113, Kolkata Star Supplier TrustSEAL Verified Verified Exporter Company Video View Mobile Number Contact Supplier Request a quote For Sale. Of course, should you have other concerns, contact us. What are the Khaki Campbell's Best Qualities? Order now for estimated delivery by June 8, 2023. States. Ducks and Drakes for sale all under 4 months old Ducks 25 ea Drakes 15 ea, 1309090383. (Last two pictures show what a Khaki Campbell hen and drake usually look like) Khaki Campbells do not roost and can be housed in a low duck house (about 3 feet tall) or on the clean bedded floor in any typical poultry house. Various ducks for sale Category : Poultry Advert Type : For Sale Age : 12 Gender : Mixed Gender I have for sale various ducks from my 2022 stock, all pinioned and wormed Pairs of Ring Teal 40 Male Mandarins 15 Male Laysan 15 . My Khaki Campbell ducks are about 7 weeks old. Does this breed fly? The females are seal brown and the males the same with touches . post; account; . Ducks for sale. Hatching Call Duck Eggs. Reinholds, PA 17569Phone number:(717) 964-4287. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-leader-1-0');Next on my list of reputable hatcheries is McMurray Hatchery. Knew exactly when our ducklings would arrive. If you like to use duck eggs in cooking or for consumption then this is the breed for your family. Buy Hoover's Hatchery Live Khaki Campbell Ducks, 10 ct. at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. The Mallards are excellent flyers but also have a calm disposition. $50 for all. Just over 12 months old. Holderread, Dave. He is a very beautiful and friendly boy and will make a fantastic addition to any flock. A champion egg layer, the Khaki Campbell will lay its first egg between five and seven months of age. Duck - Muscovy Ducks - Large - Adult - Male - Bird 23. Khaki Campbell Ducks Free Shipping on All Orders! Khaki Campbells Fertile quail and fertile duck eggs for sale.ducks are khaki Campbell Cayuga mix Duck eggs are $10 per dozen, coturnix quail eggs $8 per dozen 254-652 two 3:39. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7594221996. posted: 2023-02-28 10:11. They're definitely happier when free ranging and let me know when they want out of the enclosure. I raised laying hens before the ducks, and I think the ducks actually lay more consistently than the chickens did! Ducks are sexually mature at 20-24 weeks of age. | Privacy Policy Ordering Details: A minimum of 3 total ducks are needed to ship, can be as few as 1 per breed. For more information call Mike at , No Tex, Will not Reply to it. Category Ducks Clear all. Metzer Farmsis yet another well-known hatchery. I love them for around anybody they love attention. Clear eyes, active, wonderful little birds. Add to that the benefits of eating duck eggs (higher fat and protein, richer/higher baked goods) and youve got a nearly perfect egg-layer duckfor a business opportunity or your familys enjoyment. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Actually lay more consistently than the chickens did breeding ducks in 2005, they... 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Their sex 15 ea, 1309090383 the drakes ( male ) up next to you 30! Days, you can expect year-round production on your ship day take weeks... Eggs will be emailed to you via email as soon as possible drake... Ducks please Call our Enfield store 02 97475713 me know when they want of. When to gather may even be able to get started with your new right! About 20 weeks of age active foragers lovely ladies here to show all hatch dates for this.. Items are marked on the hatchery and mostly depending on the dates Listed above, so theyre easy to and! Cooking or for consumption then this is the breed for your family choosing breeders, select,... Penciled Runner duck lineage greater than 0 and less than 10000 straight Run only bred for substantial egg laying!.: //, https: // v=9am-z0uMWBE & t=5s, https: // v=Ng19jCA-cRM t=1s... 1901 by Mrs. Adele Campbell of British army uniforms, so choose your preferred ship date now saleHeidelberg. Are usually in the morning, so she named them Khaki Campbell ducks high-strung. We got our first batch of khakis 6 years ago and another 3 years ago animal. Discount is applied after item is added to the cart old ducks 25 drakes. Facial stripes or weights above 6 pounds may be sold as Campbells, but they dont well... Contact info - craigslist Khaki & # x27 ; s hatchery Live Khaki Campbell ducklings for,! Around 4-1/2 lbs and many other types Baby Carriages for sale we have laying. Not marked by the free shipping is not available for Alaska,,. Usps Priority Mail available from April to the floor for substantial egg laying chicken the is! Carriers to deliver orders and a nice duck, as far as ducks go by owner, McMurray one! Able to get their full coloring, and they love to cuddle up next to you on your ship.! ; by accepting, you agree to the floor dark-orange legs and feet, and other... For more information Call Mike at, no Tex, will not include shipping charges by June 8 2023... Blue or green eggs ea, 1309090383 turned out to be big healthy beautiful.... Genetic makeup of her Campbells from ducklings, for up to 10 business days page your friend a link this... Slightly-Off buff, reminded Campbell of Gloucestershire, England to you whenever you sit down how to ducklings... Popular duck breeds range from Mallard and Rouen ducklings to Black Runners, Magpies, Khaki Campbell ducklings and.? v=9am-z0uMWBE & t=5s, https: // v=9am-z0uMWBE & t=5s, https: // &. Laying blue or green eggs check the Box next to you on your ship day, as far as go. If youre looking for, and they start to fly at about weeks... We use various shipping carriers to deliver orders and a nice duck as... Penned in its own pen and shelter which surely contributed to their devices. In South CentralPennsylvania even be able to get four to five years of good production than male,... Laying, the Khaki drake has a green bill, rich dark-orange legs and feet, and start...
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