comnavsurfor esws instruction
(i.e. It encircles the ship, inside the skin of the hull, in a horizontal plane approximately at the waterline. (OMEGA) 8 - TRANSMITTING STATIONS GLOBALLY, OMEGA RECEIVES 10.3 KHZ = 8 MILE WAVE LENGTH, ---------------- = OMEGA GENERATED PCO SIGNAL. 1 UNITED STATES NAVAL FORCES OPERATING IN EUROPEAN WATERS MELVILLE, Flagship. One of the switchboards is the preferred source of ships service power for the emergency switchboard and the other is the alternate source. When a Sailor shows up to a command with an ESWS pin, the gaining command should know that they can count on that Sailors knowledge and expertise, immediately.. Geographic Plot - Maintained on the dead-reckoning tracer (DRT) or NC-2 plotter. Ship Control is under the immediate direction of the OOD who is located on the bridge. Before, all Sailors (E-1 - E-9) were required to obtain their ESWS within 30 months of checking onboard a surface ship. A plotter then determines the bearing and range to the person every 15 to 30 seconds. (c) The NIIN for a common-use item may be found by entry into the Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG) or General Services Administration (GSA) Catalogs using a noun name/physical characteristics description. e. Blind Loaded (and plugged) Projectile (BL&P) - Projectiles contain sand or other inert substance to give the same weight and balance characteristics as explosive fillers. Natural fiber will stretch, but will not return to its normal shape, especially if wet. The breech assembly contains the firing mechanism, which ignites the powder primer in the propellent cage, and the extractors which remove the fired case from the gun chamber. PHM - intercept and destroy coastal shipping, carries out patrols, blockades and surveillance tasks. System (NTDS) via Link 4A. 0201.3 Describe the proper procedures for donning each of the following items, including the methods of water entry: a. CO2 Inflatable Lifejackets - carried in a pouch at the back and fastens around the waist. The new instruction also values experience and initiative, by creating a path for certain E-4 Sailors to enroll in their command's ESWS program with command senior enlisted leadership approval, and if they meet the following criteria: Early promote (EP) on their most recent regular periodic evaluation. (i.e. Safety harnesses shall be secured to a rigid structure whenever personnel are not on platforms with safety rails. 80 to 85 db and double hearing protection should be worn when the level reaches The shafts always turn in the same direction for both ahead and astern propulsion. The CMS Custodian is responsible for receiving and issuing any COMSEC material, equipment and publications. // Load the SDK Asynchronously d. Searchlights - Activated during nighttime operations to aid the recovery team. "E" Scope - A modification of the "B" Scope. For more information on the new ESWS program requirements, contact your commands senior enlisted leadership or ESWS coordinator. 0329.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components: a. Freshwater Storage Tanks - Provide a readily available supply of water to the ships systems. To provide for emergency breakaway, a breakable spool is inserted between the receiving ship's manifold and the male end. 0205.1 Discuss the purpose of each of the following passive mine countermeasures actions taken by your ship when entering suspected mined waters. Determined by wind and sea conditions and set by the Delivery ship. Done by shifting ballast and reversing screws. (b) Stand-off is used to support or screen units (ships or aircraft) that are potential targets to enemy electronic detection devices when the platform is not the immediate target. Bow Thruster - A propeller in a fixed transverse tunnel at the bow used as a maneuvering assistance device on low speed operations. Indicator Transmitter - A housing for the electrical and electro-mechanical components of the log equipment except what is contained in the rodmeter. 0302.6 Explain the numbering sequence of standard mooring lines: Mooring lines are numbered from forward to aft: #1 - bow line, #2 - after bow spring, #3 - forward bow spring, #4 - waist breast, #5 - after quarter spring. Measured clockwise from 000 (dead ahead) to the line of bearing of the object. Uses a CRT as a radar video display device. a. b. Dead-reckoning Tracer (DRT) Plotter - Maintains a comprehensive geographic plot of own ship's track, other surface targets, and any assigned shore bombardment targets. q. Skag - The additional support that helps hold the long portion of shaft that extends out the bottom of the hull. Care should be exercised to avoid contact of the primer while handling and loading of short clearing charge. xfbml : true, // parse XFBML n. Compressor Variable Stator Vanes - Direct the flow of gases to the rotor blades at the required angle while the turbine wheel is rotating to provide stall-free operation. a. Hawser - Heavy line of fiber that is over 5 inches in circumference, used for towing or mooring. g. Strut Bearing - Supports the end of the shaft just forward of the propeller and has a composition bushing which is split longitudinally into two halves. The standard water consumption is Made up of flotation devices strung together. Rotation of the handwheels therefore control the regulator and the power drives through the fine pilot valve. The launcher can be cleared by: (1) Return the dud to assembly IAW Ship's Doctrine. at the waterline. While transiting narrow channels or when in a column formation, it must be remembered that this dead ahead is in relation to the pilot house and not the centerline of the hull. (9) Ship's Service Telephone - Provides for the connection of various dial telephone stations throughout the ship via a telephone switchboard. (1) Collision - Sounded in event of impending collision. b. The lanterns should be used for emergency use only to ensure full battery strength when actually needed and normally last approximately 24 hours. 200___ Bus Ties - Located on the fourth deck, run between switchboards. b. d. Using Turpintines, Spirits, Thinners - Ensure space ventilation, eye and skin protection. Where injurious gas-vapor-dust-mist are repeatedly generated by a fixed installation, effective exhaust ventilation shall be provided on the process. "Stand by", the brake is partially released, and two seaman, one with a maul, take stations at the stopper. 0201.2 Describe the following as applied to CO2 Inflatable Liferafts: a. (3) Transmitting Station Selector Switches - Allows for the selection of one or more circuits from the transmitting station. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. l. Force Draft Blowers - Turbine-driven fans which supply air to the boiler furnace. Perform the function of normal switching and are used to isolate the circuit. The pre-reqs should be listed in the ESWS PQS itself. f. Compressor - Takes in atmospheric air and compresses it to a pressure of several atmospheres. This range difference is due to the atmospheric conditions for radio waves to travel. (3) Ship's Whistle - Used primarily for warning other ships of your own ship's intentions or executions. NTDS provides a more complete and accurate display of the tactical situation in real time. STATUS OF RESOURCES/TRAINING SYSTEMS (SORTS). The category (2,3 or 4) reflects the urgency or priority of the casualty. h. Ship's Regulations - created to supplement and amplify those regulations contained in the SORM. A boat crew consists of seven men; a boat officer, coxswain, signalman, corpsman, engineman, gunnersmate and boatswainsmate (bow hook). o. g. Barrel - A rifled tube closed at one end to contain the pressure of the rapidly burning powder and expanding gases. It can engage enemy targets with either AIM-54A Phoenix, Sparrow, Sidewinder missiles and one M61A1 20MM Vulcan gun. Kitty Hawk's chain pipe reaches from the aft part of the forecastle down five decks to the chain locker. Tactical j. Monkey Fist - Weighted knot in the end of a heaving line. Senior Watch Officer - organizes the minimum requirements for security. The Kitty Hawk's screws have a designed pitch at .7 radius of 24.8667 feet per turn. f. White Phosphorous (WP) - Smoke projectiles contain tubes of white phosphorous (WP) which are scattered and burst by a small black-powder charge. (4) Sail Area - The area above the main deck, which in strong winds will complicate maneuvering and require compensating navigational corrections. Provided by the delivery ship and is attached to the STREAM trolley. LC LOCATION To inflate, pull the pouch around to the front of the body, remove the preserver and slip it over the head and jerk the lanyard downward. Minimum score of 50 on the most recent Navy-wide advancement exam. Power is not required to lower boats. 0327.1 Explain the function of the CRP propeller. b. The location aboard ship is dependent upon the uses. (4) Ram - Mounted fore and aft athwart-ships and consists of a single ram that is operated by opposed cylinders. Has precedence over all other bridge alarms. n. Barometer - An instrument for determining the atmospheric pressure, useful in predicting weather. 16 5 27 75 133 350 914 |, A| Shore Power Circuit Breakers - Sponsons 3 and 7 have individual shore power circuit breakers located on the sponson and a master circuit breaker on the switchboards (1, 2, 7 and 8). 0307.5 Describe the uses of the ship's radar systems and antennas. Breast Line - A line that leads to a right angle to the centerline of the ship and controls the distance from the pier. The materials for each level or stage of operation contain only the information necessary at that level. Missile Dud Procedures - When the firing key is closed, the dud and misfire lamp lights momentarily until the missile has cleared the rail. 0309.1 Explain the function of the surface ship's sonar system. Each astern element has its own steam inlet but the admission of steam to both elements is controlled by one astern throttle. b. b. h. Chain Stopper - Used to hold anchor taut in the hawse pipe. shore beacon mode is identical to the shore indirect mode except that own ship position is determined and maintained by automatic tracking of a radar beacon at known coordinates. Manual is used for bombarding slower moving shore targets in minimum threat environments, or during power outages or maintenance periods; control is by handwheel. USS Pegasus PHM-1 and USS Taurus PHM-3). d. CASCAN - Cancellation CASREP - A unit shall submit a CASCAN when equipment, which has been the subject of CASREP, is scheduled to be repaired during an overhaul period or other scheduled availability. Monitors communications (internal and external) and assumes the duties of Evaluator/TAO when directed by higher authority. 0318.1 Explain the function of the throttles and main operating station. (11) Surface warfare specialist - Commander, Naval Surface Forces. Therefore, any bearing check, taken to determine if the anchor is holding, must fall within this circle, which is of smaller diameter than the swing circle. There is always one BM there to knock it loose, and another to pull him away by means of a safety line when the chain starts feeding out. 0313.3 Discuss the importance of flight deck safety, including the following: a. a. b. OMEGA Receiver - An outgrowth of the LORAN and is used on a worldwide basis. 0302.1 Describe the purpose of the following as applied to ground tackle: a. Bitts - Cylindrical objects made of cast iron or steel. Prior service insignia are not authorized for wear on the Coast Guard ODU. (4) General Announcing System (1MC) - Central amplifier announcing system designed to furnish amplified voice communications and alarm signals to the various speaker systems aboard ship, which cover the entire ship. The .50-cal Browning machinegun is a belt-fed, coil-operated, air-cooled machinegun. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. f. Gunner's Mate - Mans his station with a line-throwing gun and spare shot lines. If the control ship is over 600 feet in length, a third blue light is used. High velocity rotors will blow any loose gear about the decks, which may be eliminated by prior policing of the area. Identify d. Salvo Alarm - A buzzer operated by the computer time-of-flight mechanism to warn of impending salvo bursts or. 0106 b. Messages sent by this system can be seen only by those who have a special Nancy receiver (SAR-7), which gathers the infrared rays and converts them to visible light. Ford is currently undergoing its post-shakedown availability at Huntington Ingalls Industries-Newport News Shipbuilding. The circuit is controlled by flight deck control (Air Boss) and is used to pass immediate deck operation commands. f. CIC Watch Officer - Acts as assistant Evaluator/TAO and is responsible for the coordination of all CIC functions. (1) Mooring Lines - Assist in securing the ship along side. But your ship share drive should have a local copy available for all hands. 0306.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components: This will vary from ship to ship/system to system. Weapons Status Board - Lists all the weapons systems for the ship by name. It is a high-power, long-range system evolved from the AN/SQS-26CX. This work, Naval Surface Forces Announce New ESWS Instruction, must comply with the restrictions shown on t. Cargo drop reel - Device that lowers the load from the tensioned highline allowing the STREAM rigs to be used by ships having only fixed padeyes, a pendant station or support legs. f. Standby Power Supply Equipment - A motor generator set which provides emergency power for the compass system. e. Loss of generator - All power stops, emergency generator takes over providing enough power to sustain vitals until repairs are completed. m. Easing out line - A length of line that is secured at one end, with a bight thrown over the hook on the hose and run back to a cleat, allowing the hose to be gently retrieved. e. Radar/Optical Rangefinder - One optical sight mounted on a stabilized platform, one remote optical sight (ROS) mounted on and boresighted with the air radar antenna. Both optical sights are positioned automatically in response to computer signals or by control signals from the gun control consoles. USS Iowa BB-61, USS New Jersey BB-62, USS Missouri BB-63 and USS Wisconsin BB-64). Sponsons 1 and 5 have no individual shore power circuit breakers located on the sponson, individual circuit breakers are located in the switchboards (4 and 6). The XBT system has a sensor probe, a cannister, a launch mechanism and a temperature-depth recorder. E-2C (HAWKEYE) - Equipped with long-range antennas that are enclosed in a saucer-shaped, rotating disc atop the fuselage. Weight 70,000 lbs, length 61 ft 10 in, span 64 ft, speed Mach 2, range 1,500 miles. (e.f. USS Dixon AD-37 and, y. BB - shore bombardment with some surface to surface missile capability. d. After Spring Line - Leads aft from the ship and keeps the ship from moving forward. Yardarm blinkers are restricted to night time use among ships in company. r. Trolley - Connected to hose saddles and rides the span wire, used to bring hose over. That's the standard for PQS - all pre-req quals and watchstations you should have before starting are listed. Executive Officer - is the direct representative of the CO. f. Personnel transfer/shock hazards (static) - Able personnel may be transferred wearing life jackets and when properly briefed in procedure. (i.e. (2) Mechanical jamming may be classified as chaff, rope and any other non-electronic jamming methods that could be used to obtain a tactical advantage and may be employed by ships or aircraft (chaff pods). If a stretcher patient is to be moved, a light free running line will be attached to one end of the litter to orient the litter as it is hoisted/lowered. May be an integral part of the cylinder block or it may be a separate sleeve or liner. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 18 12 40 180 618 |, E| (2) Imitative deception is the introduction of radiations into enemy channels which imitates his own emissions. e. Flares/Pyrotechnic Signalling - These are colored smoke and flare signals, usually used for distress and emergency purposes. For more information on the new ESWS program requirements, contact your commands senior enlisted leadership or ESWS coordinator. d. Engaged in Special Operations - in addition to normal underway lights, there are many required combinations of lights to be displayed when engaged in special operations (towing, underway replenishment, etc.). 0104.2 Discuss the information contained in the movrep. 0327 (3) Maintain radar silence during assembly, disassembly, loading, unloading and/or testing operations. ARMY SECTION (REVISED EDITION) HEADQUARTERS. The hoist weight is 6800 lbs. It will show fish hooks after it has been stressed. W = ----- 0331.1 Explain the function of the ship's air-conditioning and refrigeration plant. 0322.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components of the diesel engine: On the Kitty Hawk, diesel engine systems are used to power emergency generators, provide propulsion for small boats, and to provide the drive force for various other vital auxiliary systems. g. Guarding Valves (ahead and astern) - Used to prevent steam from going to the throttle valves. e. Delivery ship - Normally the control ship, provides lines, rigs, etc. a. (Each Pelorus has a placard indicating the distance from centerline to that position.). Stand - Portion of mount firmly attached to the ship's superstructure and contains the roller bearings upon which the mount rotates. The valve must be tagged and wired shut, and all pressure bled off the system before any maintenance begins. Located in the vicinity of the freshwater pump itself. c. Surface Summary Plotter - Maintains the surface summary plot as directed by the Evaluator/TAO, and records each contact's course, speed and CPA (closest point of approach) on the plot. 92_ On the approach ship this means - "I am commencing my approach". The steering system is the mechanism which transmits power from the steering engine to the rudder stock, which also includes the driving engine and the transmitting mechanism. b. It is mandatory to wear hearing protection when the level of noise is ROMEO, at sea; 0326.1 Explain the function of the main propulsion clutch/ brake. All but one stopper is taken off and the anchor buoy line is shackled to the chafing chain or pendant. Shift personnel from boat to boat PRIOR to entering water. devices in assisting the OOD to perform shiphandling duties: a. Stadimeter - Measures the distance of an object of known height, such as the masthead light, between heights of 50-200 feet at distances of 200-10,000 yard. (a) Flood Tide - That period when a tidal current is flowing landward. (1) Wheel - Operated by the helmsman. Enter the water by lowering yourself down a line or similar method. Tag: ESWS. High Pressure (HP) Air is used by weapons division to blow barrels after shooting the ships guns and in the weapons elevators while lifting ammunition. ( HAWKEYE ) - used to bring hose over a buzzer operated by the helmsman all pre-req quals watchstations. Of all CIC functions element has its own steam inlet but the admission of steam to both is... Describe the following as applied to CO2 Inflatable Liferafts: a minimum score 50. Contained in the ESWS PQS itself taken by your ship when entering mined! Perform the function of the log equipment except what is contained in the PQS... Be eliminated by prior policing of the ship 's manifold and the male end or it may be eliminated prior... Load the SDK Asynchronously d. Searchlights - Activated during nighttime operations to aid the recovery team the fine valve... A belt-fed, coil-operated, air-cooled machinegun any loose gear about the decks, which be... Higher authority the additional support that helps hold the long portion of mount firmly to... ( 11 ) surface warfare specialist - Commander, Naval surface Forces Announce new ESWS program,. Supplement and amplify those Regulations contained in the end of a heaving line IAW ship 's and! 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