elephant trunk down fertility
Since Kuber, the deity of prosperity, oversees this direction and is reputed to aid in career advancement, the elephant statue should be positioned towards north. An elephant's trunk is a marvel of biology. I kept that space clear, because as you can see in the background, my a/c and heat unit is there. Pick a mother-child pair of elephants to put in your children's rooms. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. But, I figured this was the perfect opportunity . Do you love these beautiful giants? googletag.defineSlot('/1064661/TimesProperty_300x250_01', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1632130228422-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); During pregnancy, the appearance of elephants in dreams reflects the physical and psychological changes you are going through. The Chinese believe they bring good fortune and happiness to people. According to Vastu, elephant symbols promote positive energy in your home and life. The mother of Buddha had dreams about a pure white elephant directly prior to Buddhas birth; it is for this reason that the Elephant is now an icon of fertility, being used by couples or singles who desire a newborn. The elephant is also seen as a sort of spirit guide to help us along a journey that requires patience. Photos: linked back to their original sources, Info sources: Quick Feng Shui Cures, by Sarah Shurety, Feng Shui About.com, Babycenter. Hrithik Roshan House In Mumbai Former Indochina Foes Become New Best Friends, Fourth Annual Elephant Polo Invitational Tournament, Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, Illegal Drugs to Support an Illegal War in Laos, Target Training; Positive Reinforcement Elephant Training, the Elephant Conservation Center in Xayaboury, The Fourth Annual Elephant Story Invitational Elephant Polo Tournament in Moo Baan Chang, The Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation. According to this Feng Shui principle, the procedure is to put a pair of prosperity elephant figurines on the bedside table. Watching an elephant stampede in a dream relates to going against the grain in society. Elephants are also symbols of royal power. To explain, while sorting through his stuff, my dad found two elephants. Save. Just as the elephant tribe comes to help, when one of its members is injured, at the cost their own lives, you too have an innate sense of duty. Get symbolic meanings about the elephant here. This makes the elephant symbol so powerful and admirable, as even though they have the power to dominate, they choose to lead a calm and harmonious existence. Yes I do!!!! Everything from headaches and fatigue to job troubles and infertility. (source). They can be posters, postcards or fine paintings but dont use photos of children you know. Having been in the family for so long, it was hard to say no to dad. This signifies the power of the elephant as a symbol. Most organizations want only donations but offer no hands on work people like me. 2005-2023. Metal Elephant Heavy Bookends Doorstops Trunk Down 17G: Condition: Used. An elephant or a pair of elephants displayed in the bedroom promotes love and faithfulness between two people. Emma Sloan is a Canadian copywriter, essayist, poet, and flash fiction writer. And, really, who can argue an excuse to hang up a photo of a baby elephant? It is a symbol of wisdom and understanding that can assist you in quickly overcoming a range of difficulties. Answer (1 of 8): There are different opinions as to if the elephant trunk should be up or down. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. Get symbolic meanings about the elephant here. The elephant is very slow to anger and is, therefore, a calming, stable and patient symbol. When all is in harmony, chi flows like a river. If you want more, grab a subscription for unlimited reads for $10/year (normally, it's 48/year, and the discount ends soon). Unfortunately, because of their kind and gentle nature they unwittingly subject themselves to abuse, and torture. Why? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Heather is a full-time mama to two young daughters.She is also a part-time massage therapist who specializes in working with people who have alzheimers and dementia.In Read full bio. Another meaning for seven elephant statues in a row is eternity, triumph over death, and longevity. Elephant with trunk down = not necessarily bad luck, just a different, introspective vibe. When used for this specific purpose, choose an elephant with the trunk down. According to Mahavamsa, the epic poem in the Pali language, in the 6th century BC, the kings would capture and train elephants. googletag.enableServices(); You ever heard of the idea that if you do something good, karma or the universe will deliver good back to you three times over? An elephant with its trunk raised up represents good luck, while fertility is symbolized when the trunk is down. A dream of a pink elephant suggests cordial meeting with old friends. 3. Your email address will not be published. She possessed Every Beautiful Characteristic of The Elephant R.I.P Mom I Love You XOXO. The upward-pointing trunks of elephant statues are regarded to be particularly lucky and bring wealth to the home. In Hindu culture, the elephant is depicted as Lord Ganesh, an elephant-headed deity, and therefore considered as a holy animal. This symbolizes responsibility, determination and loyalty. Join us & write your heart out. Standard techniques from only a decade ago are n, Benefits Of Retirement Home This picture is very romantic, brings good luck and it am great piece of art in my living room. Your marriage will benefit from having an elephant statue with her trunk down in the fire element of your home, which is regarded as a potent emblem of fertility. The significance of elephants in mythology was that it was seen as a cosmic animal that represented the structure of the universe. They are depicted in many ancient artworks and are thought to represent Adam and Eve in their male and female forms. All rights reserved. Ganeshais thought to be the remover of obstacles, as well as the god of luck, protection and fortune. This brings good, strong yang energy into the bedroom. 7. Like its size, the elephant has tons of meaningful insight to share with us. Elephants emit luck, energy, kindness, strength and wisdom. An elephant with the trunk down will also be overcome various obstacles, so it makes sense that this image would be used for a couple who is looking for a Fertility Feng Shui cure. According to Feng Shui, keeping symbols or figurines of elephants with a trunk up signifies taking up good luck, while the ones with trunk down represent fertility, love, and protection. So dad, mom, my niece, and I started helping dadcull out the superfluous, and keep the essentials. 1-48 of 175 results for "fertility elephant" RESULTS. Your email address will not be published. Brass elephant statues are recommended for placement in the bedroom by Vastu because they aid in the resolution of conflicts between partners. The bird of happiness and joy. But for those who are superstitious, you may not be able to persuade those with an opposite viewpoint regarding the significance of the elephant's trunk regarding good luck. He asked me if I wanted them. Their ability to bring good luck is captured in the replicas of elephants and the trunk plays a major role in the superstitions regarding elephants. Many Int'l shipping options available. Elephant symbolism also represents sensitivity, wisdom, stability, loyalty, intelligence, peace, reliability and determination, which are all seen in the animal's nature when observed in the wild. Two elephants sitting at entrances provide protection. 3 2 More answers below I can only strive to have their compassion for their young and their respect for their elders, the slow to anger mild mannerdness unless provoked. Since elephants are regarded as protectors and saviours, placing an elephant statue at the entrance is lucky. Weve been clearing away clutter and becoming increasingly mindful of how the energy flows through our living spacenamely, where energy is getting stuck. This has already led to various improvements in the past and this has been published in international scientific journals. Shipping: We ship from the USA for fast domestic delivery (2-4 business days on average). White elephants are believed to be a symbol of purity, divinity and a calm mind, while grey elephants symbolize an untrained and agitated mind, which tends to wander off from the path toward enlightenment. If you want the direction of your elephant statue placement, reference this handy Feng Shui chart to see the different energies for each direction. 10. About 1,200 years back, the Africans would make a bracelet from the hairs of an elephant and wear it to drive away illnesses and bad luck. By making a few adjustments using simple feng shui ideas, you can create a m, She sheds are all about immersing yourself in a creative and relaxing space. On the contrary, being chased by an elephant suggests that you are trying to avoid a situation or person. Here are some other tips to elephant statue placement and elephant trunk up or down meaning. I love the idea of a tiny, metal fountain just as much to add moisture to the dry, Colorado air as to enhance my fertility. The elephant is thus regarded as a symbol of vigour, aptitude, power and prominence and can be used to enhance the luck of the head of a household or company. Thank you! It takes 7 seconds to join. It is a respected animal of insight, cherished by many. The elephant gave her a white lotus flower, circled around her three times and then entered her womb. A white elephant embodies chastity, fertility, and monetary gains. How to Wear Ring For Good Luck in Feng Shui Way? The good luck elephant sculpture should be positioned in the workplace space facing north. According to Vastu, you should hang an elephant artwork in the bedroom to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. Seeing the dung of an elephant means gaining profit or wealth from a higher authority through hard work. I have many of them in my home on display in every room I also wear a gold elephant around my neck to remind me that I must also be compassionate, slow to anger, protect and provide for my loved ones. Each season and its weather is an essential element of feng shui philosophies. On the other hand, others believe it is better to keep only one elephant because they need their own space. Learn Wallet Feng Shui Tips to Attract Wealth 6. Elephant sculptures are appropriate for use as a home or office decor. Check out this, Copyright 2005-2023 Whats-Your-Sign.com, Meditation for a Stronger Mind and Enhanced Learning, Maneki Neko Cat: Meaning of the Lucky Waving Cat, International Polar Bear Day (February 27th): What It Is and Stuff to Do, How to Create a Spiritual Space in Your Home, Best Fasting Teas and Tea Tips for Best Health, Astrology Based Therapy: Using the Stars for Healing and Self-Discovery, Symbolic and Spiritual Meaning of Mushrooms, What Are Runestones? 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. To see an elephant giving birth signifies your views and opinions that you want others to know for bringing major changes. In this situation, lifting the trunks will serve as a trumpeting gesture that will bring good fortune to your home. Elephant designs on garments can be used as a substitute if purchasing a sculpture is not an option. The elephant spreads its trunk in greeting and gladness. Elephant quartz bracelet Women rose quartz Fertility healing bracelet, Pink White bracelet, Bead bracelet, Quartz Jewelry, Tiny elephant AldeaJewelry (60) $18.74 $24.99 (25% off) Silver Elephants Of Fertility Design Moving Necklace, Custom Elephants Family Lover Animal Jewelry Pendant, Gift For Best Mother Necklace izgumus (152) $118.15 (Ahem, you will know intuitively if good, strong, yang energy is something your room needs.). Knowing where to place elephants around the house or at the front door to attract luck is essential. Are you Wearing Pixiu Bracelet in the Correct Way? The result of all this gleaning was my mom and niece inheriting a lot of stuff. Place them almost anywhere in the home to help bring children into your life. Advertisement (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you pursue academic success or have children still studying, place the Feng Shui elephants on the study desk to encourage wisdom and knowledge. Subscribe Now. Feng shui elephant statues with the trunk facing down means fertility and longevity, so they make an excellent choice to activate this energy. | When four or more elephants are on a tusk bridge, the family is blessed and protected (constructed of wood or resin). You should be conscious of the statue's placement and pay attention to the elephant's Vastu-recommended direction. Elephants are said to have excellent memories and sharp minds. Learn more. It is often a reminder about some important thing in life that you have completely forgotten. The elephants' protective spirit makes it a popular choice for children's rooms. A green elephant can be maintained within the home to attract powerful and lucky energy. Love for each other is for ever. A white elephant is a symbol of magnificence and good fortune. This version of the elephant is a symbol that brings good health, longevity and fertility. The number three is hugely lucky. They protect homes, especially from natural elements such as fire. Naturecraf Pack 2 Red Elephant Statues and Figurines with Trunk Up/Down-Wealth Feng Shui Elephant Statue Home Decor for Living Room-Ideal Gift for Mom Women Birthday. Then you can Heart an article, boosting its "Ecosystem" score & helping your favorite author to get paid. They are so tender and kind and there are so many pictures that bear this out. Feng shui consultants often advise newlywed couples in China to display art with pomegranates to attract good luck and many healthy children. However in Thailand, the elephant itself is considered good luck regardless of the trunk being up or down. A green/jade elephant marks a change of place for your career growth. Others believe the trunk down will bring good luck. It is widely used in handicrafts, exhibits, bed sheets, wooden doors, buildings. In Asia, elephants are revered as they also represent the divine, so there are many ceremonies where offerings are made to elephants. Elephant paintings can be transformed into pillow patterns, wallpaper prints, or wall decals. Learn more about animals and elephants dream meanings here. However, you are not the typical socialite, but enjoy having meaningful conversations within your circle. We focus on anything that's good for you, good for others, and good for our planet. They have more smell receptors than any mammal - including dogs - and can sniff out food that is several miles away. A CRITICAL VOICE OF THE VIETNAM WAR PASSES, THANKS TO OUR TEACHERS IN BAN TA KLANG, THAILAND, FROM SOAPY MASSAGE PARLORS TO SLIPPERY CHINESE INVESTORS, WE SAY GOODBYE TO NATE THAYER HE FINALLY WORE OUT THAT BODY OF HIS, A Million Elephants No More: Conservationists In Laos Rush To Save An Icon, ANANTARA GOLDEN TRIANGLE ELEPHANT CAMP & RESORT, Anatara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort, Coffee trade goes into battle mode-Gourmet bean trend spurs buyers to enter exotic locations where conflict often simmers, Convention on International Resources and Environment. One of the most popular use of the elephants in feng shui is as a fertility cure. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Meaning of Feng Shui Elephant Trunk Down The meaning of Feng Shui Elephant with its trunk down is to bring balance and harmony. Follow her at @emmacsloan, Cindy Galen B. is a mother, wife, and an intuitive cou, Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the, Anna Palmer comes from a personal background of mental health, and learned at a young ag, Roopa Swaminathan. Feng shui, which transla, Following the intense energy and heat of summer, feng shui fall signals that the time to slow down is coming. In Christianity, elephant symbolism denotes temperance, chastity and patience. Learn Wallet Feng Shui Tips to Attract Wealth, 6. Devoid of any joints or bone, the trunk is an appendage made of pure muscle that is capable of both uprooting trees and gingerly plucking individual . The tusk of an elephant describes a desire to look physically attractive for seeking attention. Trunks up Im lead to believe bring good fortune, whilst they havent bought me loads of money I believe they have given me richness through life. Thanks for the info on Elephants. You've mastered the kitchen and bathroom routines. It is to be stuffed with feathers, which represents many things connected to fertility. I dont plan to surprise Jesse with a wall full of framed photos of baby animals, hung tight as a mosaic (or like my pre-pubescent bedroom wall of New Kids On The Block photos). It is a movement elephants use to greet friends and express sheer delight. Homes are decorated with Feng Shui symbols like the blue elephant and rhinoceros to ward off mishaps, theft, and betrayal. Here are some other tips to elephant statue placement and elephant trunk up or down meaning. First task for dads move: Tackle the kitchen. This will be most beneficial in the childrens area of the house (the center, right-hand side of the house). It represents good fortune, luck, fertility, longevity, wisdom, strength, success, and many more. Sign up (or log in) below Eating an elephant in your dream forecasts that you will receive financial funds from a government body. 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