kanye west record contract pdf
I will not share the image of Kanye West urinating on his Grammy, though. The first is this one from LinkedIn. Artists re-signing these stops. The label additionally had the right to release one Greatest Hits album. Thats not the game here, Noonan recalls as the mindset when negotiating contracts. . The outspoken music artist - who considered running. Until then, Ross, I appreciate you being here. For example, LinkedIn has made some effort to provide easy-to-understand language. Yet even though Kanyes deal may not make him the ideal poster child for a conversation on the fairness of recording contracts, hes sparked a high level of discussion among artists and music-business insiders on the nature of record deals and long-held standards. Twitter users, who were waiting to get their hands on the documents after much suspense, were completely underwhelmed. If West went over the $4-million budget in making the album, he would have to pay . The remaining$1millionwas to be paid upon completion. But as the music industry comes out of its 20-year tailspin, with streaming fueling new growth, artists arent satisfied with that arrangement, and many are demanding newfound power. Other brands and companies that cut ties to West . And so Kanye is at this point where hes like, dude, I got to have some other ways to make money. And examples of a couple of companies tackling the issue. Royalties. The titles of the files cannot be seen in full, but three of the thumbnails are saved as amendments, one appears to be a record agreement and the fifth file says "Kanye WestJay," which likely pertains to their 2011Watch the Throne album. Well, Im looking at the after and, you know, its shorter which which tells me something about the the utility of cutting these bits of archaic language. Ross Guberman [00:09:03] Yeah, exactly. Soundtrack: The Great Gatsby. Ive got blues and Ive got reds. During his rant, Kanye declared that he would move the entire music industry into the 21st century, and he means to do this using clear and discernable language. See's Kanye West's Record Contract Tweets. Ross and I dig into Kanyes request for plain language drafting and whether its even realistic. What am I looking at here? According to West's court papers, he's been "laboring" for EMI since 2003, when during the recording of College Dropout he signed a "lopsided" contract with the music publisher. See's Kanye West's Record Contract Tweets, revealing the intricate details of his record label contract. August 6, 2021 3:35 PM EDT. They would pay Kanye back after the successful completion of the film, provided it was up to standards. Now, with a click of a finger, your music goes wide to 7 billion people if you want it to. The deal starts where he doesnt have as much clout, hell get mutual creative control, but later he gets more, and the deals get better as Kanye becomes Kanye, says Kinney, who has worked with platinum-selling artists, producers, and estates. So the tool, the tool were looking at brief catch, you know, there you go. Just minutes prior, he had finished tweeting out the entirety of his Universal contract, one page at a time for a total of more than 100 tweets. One way to begin is by bracketing off phrases or words that you know have a substantive value. Every audio file, every asset, every deal stored WITH the money. The way that Gruberman has identified these sections is by using his tool called BriefCatch. I guess my question is, could Kanye read this, do you think? Ross describes a counselor that can thread this very tough plain language needle. Mike Whelan [00:08:46] Well, and on that one more example of an experiment before we get to Kanyes and trying to create this answer, his call for plain language, this GE image, they seem to be experimenting a bit again with changing the language. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Roc-A-Fella is obligated to pay such producers a higher fixed amount (the "higher amount") for the applicable project, Grantor's royalty account and the production budget for the applicable recording project will be charged with a recording cost item equal to the higher amount in lieu of the amounts set forth in the preceding sentence. That was pretty awesome. Law Insider, in partnership with Laura Frederick and How to Contract, is hosting ContractsCon 2023, a live training and networking event focused on practical contract drafting and negotiating skills for in-house counsel and contracts professionals. Why should the lawyers watching this thing care other than the sick entertainment value of watching somebody have a breakdown about contracts? Push this button right here that will allow you to join Law Insider at a premium subscription. So so as I play this in the background, tell me about some of the phrases that youre seeing in this that are just driving you nuts. Mike Whelan [00:04:08] wearing the shirt. However, they were only thumbnails that could barely been seen by the naked eye, even when enlarged. Theres a lot we can do. Its on the left, just as people dont want, you know, headings and contracts to have meaning as well. Right. Ross Guberman [00:00:00] You look at these agreements, though, from Kanye, thats not just the CDC references that are archaic, the language looks like something you might find, you know, 50, 100 years ago. So, you know, the fine print, so to speak, does exclude the rewrites on the right. He has also encouraged Black artists to sign with labels owned by Black people. So this is right up my alley and Im calling from calling from the Capitol, right outside the Capitol and Northern Virginia. One seems to be this issue of Ive got to check some legal boxes. I hope youre enjoying this episode of the contract tear down show. Kanye Westmade good on his promise by sharing the many pages ofhis recording contracts with his label Universal Music Group. Milana Lewis, CEO of music distribution platform Stem, says record labels should start including explanatory pro-forma documents with deals, in order to promote transparency and make it easier for artists to understand what comes in their agreements. A lawyers role is to improve deals, not charge for contracts we cannot understand or track. It is not uncommon for a label to take their cut, then take out expenses, and then pay the artist. on September 21, 2020. THE HOST:Mike Whelan is the author of Lawyer Forward: Finding Your Place in the Future of Law and host of the Lawyer Forward community. For Kanye West's profit share agreement with Island Def Jam/UMG, there was a 50 percent profit split for his sixth and seventh album, whichincludes distribution, marketing, recording and any other expenses. Equity & Blanket Licenses are the majority of future new income. Mike Whelan [00:03:50] I realized after I got dressed to have our conversation that Im wearing the shirt that apparently everyone in D.C. wears. Wests contract could even be considered favorable among superstar contracts, with Universal heavily investing in Wests works, entertainment attorney Christiane Kinney says. Ross Guberman [00:07:15] So youre looking at a movement that started when those Capitol Hill hearings, but the tech companies were in the news. So its cut down on negotiation time and led to better, you know, better deals. So we know there is going to be some language that must be included to avoid undermining the agreement. You want to get in and get as much as you can is what we were told. Right. See everything we've learned from his record label deals below. Theres hidden costs in the ways deals are structured, and most artists dont have an understanding in how the recoupment works and its confusing. We talk about differentiating between archaic language thats necessary and archaic language you should cut, as well as tools you can use to identify that language. Donda 2, due for release on Tuesday (February 22), is the follow-up to Ye's Grammy-nominated Donda, which achieved one of the biggest ever first weeks for an album on both Spotify and Apple Music when it was released in August last year.. Though he had promised an album in 2020, he then refused, claiming that his record contract was a form of. Its an interesting thing. We can walk you through that process and get you on the show to tear down another contract. Kanye West Posts Over 100 Pages of His Record Label Contracts, Tweet by Tweet Tyler Sharp Published: September 16, 2020 David Crotty / Patrick McMullan, Getty Images Kanye West made. We have been engaged in an ongoing dialogue with Hit-Boy and all the concerned parties to address his concerns and will continue to do so until a reasonable solution is achieved.). Are not just for royalties. Leave. Found online, don't shoot the messenger. You can imagine the anxiety the in-house counsel have, right? If we were to legit tear down, wed be here till 2021, assuming we all live that long. "And y'all still gave him contracts, documentaries, endorsements . They dont want they dont want whats on the right to somehow control. Ross Guberman [00:15:01] Yeah, Kanye could read this. Based on the agreement,Universal Music Group gave Kanye a $3.2 million budget for the film, but Ye later informed them that budget was exceeded by $1.5 million. He suggests focusing not on the necessary legal and industry terms but on clearly nonsensical or unnecessarily archaic sections. He said, were going to transparently change every album deal, every publishing deal. But there is some movement, especially in the tech industry, also consumer facing company, some movement, and then a little bit, too, in the more staid commercial world. You need a business manager to read how you did? West's contracts laid it all out. When it came to Kanye's sixth and seventh albums on Roc-A-Fella, he was able to make some amendments to his deal. Ye's business manager's inability to . In the weeks following its release, Donda surpassed a billion streams on Spotify globally. Epic spent a fortune making that Karmin album. I have a lot of free articles and a lot of these before and after is also on Twitter. Then you, Kanye, get your money. Music record label. And guys, this is a super long document. Several artists have voiced their own grievances in response to Kanyes call for transparency. I didnt know this was the thing, but apparently its a Twitter meme. Should the labels be able to make a profit off of this? In the process of that latter Twitter. So, yeah, there you go. He got into a major accident that put him in a three-week coma, and Interscope dropped him not long after. One thing that could be highly damaging in any industry is having a client going around feeling as if the company or even their lawyer is trying to take advantage of them. Its an exclusion, a liability. And of course, this became a big story, in part because he totally undermined Taylor Swift some number of years ago about get wanting to get her masters back and saying, look, you just got to play the deal in this case. If Island Def Jam Music Group were to pass on an artist,Getting Out Our Dreams Inc., the acronym for Kanye's G.O.O.D. This is subject to G.O.O.D. UMG is the parent company of Def Jam and West's G.O.O.D. Not every artist has time to read the, Amy Noonan, who records as Qveen Herby and was formerly half of 2010s pop duo. An advance constitutesany moneypaid, costs incurred or costs to create videos. Kanye West is seen at a Donda listening event at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on July 22, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia. Mike Whelan [00:24:07] That is perfect. And the whole thing does feel very, very dated and and remote. The sense is that someone trying to pull a fast one on me. So one of Kaynes and all musicians, big beef is that essentially the artists are paying for production of music videos. Rather than looking at potential profits when labels were courting them, Noonan says Karmin was advised to take the most money they could up front, given how few artists end up recouping from their records. Now we know where the funds will come from, so its its. Im Mike Whelen. Russ and I are going to do a pretty fun and weird thing today. Lets get back to the show. From that money, $4 million was allocated to recording costs. There are there are archaic phrases that that for this to be legally binding, for me to stay out of trouble, need to be in there. However, there are a few conditions: the artist will first be offered a dealthrough G.O.O.D. You got a bunch on the left in a very short sentence on the right. Dependents. We were broke college kids right after the recession. Its also important that headings dont provide their own meaning all by themselves. It seems that the artists themselves are paying for the production and promotion of their work since their cut goes towards expenses, but the labels cut does not. So you keep those and then you also, of course, in your sector or industry, want to keep those terms of art as well. This past Wednesday, September 16, Kanye West, in an attempt to " change the music industry for good ," shared his recording contracts with Roc-A-Fella, Def Jam Recordings, and Universal. Is this realistic to even talk about plain language and contract drafting? So notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Shall problem, you know, using Shal for both obligations and future events, words that seem familiar, like promptly that have a legal layer causes. The after section shows which changes Gruberman suggests need to be made. Youve been dealing with this for a while. Was the pissing on the Grammy to much? Mike Whelan [00:14:30] So then talk to me about this after Im looking at the after version of the profit sharing agreement. If youre with a major you have invested your songs as shares in their power to get equity and deals. So youre seeing some attempt by LinkedIn. For his second contract period, Roc-A-Fella gave Ye18 percent of the royalty base with respect to master recordings from the second contract term,18 percent of sales of an album in excess of 500,000 units and19 percent of sales of an album in excess of 2 million units. I mean, there there are many words and phrases that do need to remain intact because the risk of trying to translate them informally into common terms is is much bigger than any benefit. The documents . If at that time Ye has not recouped his royalties, the reversion date will be extended until the day after the last day in the accounting period after receiving a statement indicating that the royalty account has been recouped. Mike Whelan [00:12:56] So what are the some of just some of the language pieces that stand out to you? Kanye's call for transparency in the music business has made other artists and industry insiders speak up. Im seeing a lot of these highlights. This is the Def Jam amendment. Ross Guberman [00:20:11] Yeah, I think part of that is really bracketing off, just as you are saying, words and phrases that a lawyer knows have substantive value. I wrote a book. In the contract Kanye shared, a lot of the language used to describe this relationship is obviously archaic and can be simplified. Youll also get webinars and daily tips on drafting and negotiating contracts, not to mention access to the worlds largest database of sample clauses and contracts. So lets take another example from the Kanye contract. This method perhaps isnt as friendly to consumers as LinkedIns method, but its close enough to the source material and still understandable. Normally, its sort of reversed. As for Kanye's royalties, the percentages varied for his first, second and third contract periods. What do you see? So lets shift to the Kanye contract, and were not going to do a full breakdown of what all these documents are, because theres a lot and there are good YouTube videos out there. Kanye West gave the world a rare glimpse into the music industrys labyrinth of recording contracts last week when he tweeted out his own paperwork with Universal Music Group and then lambasted those agreements as exploitative and unfair, demanding his copyrights be returned to him. The you know, the goal is not the same. On May 4, 2012, Kanye's team penned a letter to Island Def Jam Music Group requesting that the recording fund for this fifth album be increased. NO MORE. He got a $12 million pool of money to make "Yeezus" in 2013. But first, the record labels getting their money. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. . ET . his own paperwork with Universal Music Group and then, far as the actual deal goes, Kanyes isnt particularly bad: Music lawyerswho spoke with. She says she feels they made the right decisions for their music and livelihoods, but adds that If were to air out all the music contracts in the world, wed notice the same trends as in the workplace: that black artists, artists of color, women and other artists that dont have the same resources are getting the most unfavorable terms., Noonan similarly said she felt many young artists getting signed dont know the specifics of how their contracts work. Mike Whelan [00:19:16] Well, and on that, I, I sort of want to get to principles, to things that lawyers can learn from this example, which is really the purpose of this show. So get rid of it. Theres a lot going on here. Nirvana Vinyl Records. A Lawyers role is to IMPROVE deals. "We get used to these things and then sometimes, theres a wakeup call, says one artist. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. His. In this episode of the Contract Teardown show, guest Diana Isyanova shares three possible approaches. Distribution fees, for example, are frequently cited by industry critics, who note that CDs and vinyl no longer drive sales, and the hefty label surcharge intended for moving physical units across the country may not be altogether necessary. Mike Whelan [00:03:02] Thats right. And according to the general counsel, its worked wonders. not charge for contracts we cannot understand or track. Getting Out Our Dreams, LLC c/o Carroll, Guido & (In response, the label played down the conflict: Theres no more independent plants, no more putting all these CDs in a truck and shipping them from store to store across the country, Chris Anokute, founder of entertainment company Young Forever Inc. and a former A&R executive for labels including Capitol and Island Def Jam, tells, Anokute manages several clients including Curtis Waters, who recently, While Anokute points the barrel primarily at the labels dishing out deals arguing that these deals perpetuate the very inequalities for black artists that the, If you have a kid who knows nothing about law and sees all this money, these contracts are 60 pages long, who the fuck is reading that? Anokute says. Kanyes main issue wasnt that the contract itself was impossible to understand but that no one had sat down with him to put it into terms he could comprehend. What do you think of Kanye West leaking his own contracts to make a point? Mike Whelan [00:22:29] he did not listen. But they were reluctant to strike a deal with the young producer/rapper. Kanye Omari West (born June 8, 1977) is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer. Almost no artists recoup so the system obviously doesnt work, but its tempting. Right. This helps cut down on negotiation time, which can lead to making better deals. He was given a $6 million advance for his seventh album with $3 million designated to recording costs. This is the same deal your favorite artist signed, this is their label. What do you expect a young, naive artist to do? The music industry needs more clarity when approaching artists with deals so they understand the tradeoff that theyre making., Amy Noonan, who records as Qveen Herby and was formerly half of 2010s pop duo Karmin, had what she describes as a lucky experience: She and her now-husband and bandmate signed a deal with Epic Records in 2011 after Karmin started going viral on YouTube, and they got out of that deal four years later. Kanye West Says He Won't Release New Music Until Freed From Sony and Universal Contracts: Declaring himself "the new Moses" while demanding apologies from Drake and J. Cole. Whats the principle here? The Nike Air Yeezy 1 Prototypes beat the previous . Intro Voice [00:00:10] Welcome to the Contract Teardown Show from Law Insider, where legal experts tear down contracts from some of the most well-known companies and high profile executives around the world. So we want to talk briefly about this profit sharing piece, this image here, because theres a lot of language that might lead to artists not understanding that theyre getting into that pretty crappy deal, honestly. Some are asking what took so long. Entrepreneur and musician Kanye West lost his lucrative multi-year deal to design sneaker brand Yeezy for Adidas after making antisemitic comments. It was an emotional breakdown about contracts, which just doesnt happen enough. on the Internet. Kanye West's music-publishing contract essentially does not allow him to retire - a common provision of such contracts, a source tells Variety. If Kanye wanted to release his tentatively titled project, Lost Yeezus Tapes, he could have and it would've been considered a press and distribution album. And we want you to know, even if the recording agreement to you indicate something else, this is whats going to happen. We get used to these things and then sometimes, theres a wakeup call . Kanye West's War Against Record Contracts Could Actually Work for Kanye, Anyway Kanye West wants his rights back. Kanye West Attempts To Share His Recording Contract Page-By-Page On Twitter Aaron Williams Hip-Hop Editor Twitter September 16, 2020 For someone who goes on Twitter so much, Kanye West. It was pretty awesome because it was specifically about contracts. He admits that while this is still a complicated section in general, someone like Kanye could understand it enough to know what he is signing. Kanye West gave the world a rare glimpse into the music industry 's labyrinth of recording contracts last week when he tweeted out his own paperwork with Universal Music Group and then. And, to an extent, they're not wrong. And thats, you know, damaging conclusion from many perspectives. We didnt spend our advance on cars or jewelry, we bought a house. Search the history of over 797 billion And the reason that it applies to us is this awesome tweet that all the lawyers got excited about, where he says the first thing that changes about record deals is actually lawyers. Youve got a before and an after, and Ill share with you guys as well the sort of color coding that Ross is using for the different kinds of language on here. West also made his feelings towards the label clear in 2020, when he tweeted images of his record contract, noting he felt he was treated unfairly. If you want to be on a future contract tear down. Labels are taking risks on any given signing and need to make offers that keep the company profitable. KANYE WEST, an individual, and WEST . So, you know, my provision, these are coded blue brief catch picking up on a lot of those. Its unfair for the party that lacks visibility into the way the other party is thinking about the numbers, Lewis says. LA Man Charged With Hate Crimes Threatened Classmate: I Want You Dead, Jew We need plain English contracts. Hit-Boy is an enormously talented songwriter whose relationship we value, a UMPG spokesperson said in a statement to Rolling Stone. Those are four ways to keep the conversation going. On Wednesday afternoon (Sept. 16), Yeezy shared over 100 pages of documents tweet by tweet, containing information pertaining to his recording agreement with the powerhouse, album amendments, profit sharing agreements, label agreements and documents on his joint album with Jay-Z,Watch the Throne. Kanye was also prohibited from recording anew album prior to 90 days after delivering the effortto Roc-A-Fella. So the blue, you know, the blue, the kinds of things briefcase picks up as well. And theyre advised accordingly by an attorney at law whos telling them to sign this contract, and they say this contract is standard. The papers indicate that he started on a royalty deal frequently afforded to upcoming artists, which later evolved into a more artist-friendly pressing and distribution deal that gave Kanye more of the profits and bigger budgets as he became a superstar. Were going to pay that to you. He released his two Grammy-winning albums independently more than 20 years later, and he hasnt inquired about the recoupment on his first record in years. And it was actually really hard to get through because they were just images. How do I nudge a contract toward plain language without undermining the agreement? Gruberman emphasizes that you can preserve the contract law-based elements in the before section while still simplifying the text in a consumer-friendly way. Contract #1 [PDF] Contact #2 [PDF] Contract #3 [PDF] Contract #4 [PDF] Contract #5 [PDF] Contract #6 [PDF] Contract #7 [PDF] Contract #8 [PDF] Contract #9 New Recording and Publishing Deal Guidelines [ PDF] So this is something later in the series, I imagine theres a back story, you know, tense, tense discussions about the money part. The rapper and his team signed an agreement on January 5 with the venue for a 25-day rental totaling $125,000, expenses of $20,000, and four new office chairs for $813, the lawsuit says. I need every lawyer in the world to look at these," he wrote. Obviously, we cant share the whole thing, but well make sure that you have a link to the whole thing in the show notes over at LawInsider.com/Resources. After agreeing to the amount spent on the film, they took $1 million from Kanyes sixth album backend and then $500,000 from his seventh album's recording fund. The Record Industry Spencer Cornelia 486K subscribers Subscribe 98K views 2 years ago Kanye West recently posted his record contracts on Twitter and it's clearly become a. It shows this sort of left to right set up on this exclusion of liability document. Theres this site, my my other company, legal writing pro. By sharing the many pages ofhis recording contracts with his label Universal music.... Contracts with his label Universal music Group his rights back the Kanye contract these is. Its close enough to the general counsel, its worked wonders does very! Telling them to sign with labels owned by Black people quot ; in 2013 to deal. Rights back an extent, they were reluctant to strike a deal with the young producer/rapper did. Agreement to you indicate something else, this is a super long document and contract drafting the percentages for... Industry insiders speak up Yeah, Kanye could read this 12 million pool of money make... 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