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msg selection board 2021

10 de março de 2023

0372 19 20161001 20080818 20161201 20081020 20171001 20080818 Classified information will not be viewed by the board without the request from the Marine in the form of a letter to the President of the selection board. Rodriguez JR 3044/ 724/016 Rodriguez M 0699/ 711/1Y3 Sandaran M 1169/ 384/15L Sanders AJ 2149/ 359/074 Sundey SR 0321/ 49/1R3 Swan Jr A 3381/ 752/J78 Gonzalez JC 3152/ 403/1Y9 Gonzalez MD 3043/ 262/W04 2874 1 20180201 NA 20180201 NA NA NA 0848 8 20160601 20080922 20170201 20080908 20180301 20090601 Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or If an erroneous selection is found, forward naval correspondence to the CMC (MMPR-2) within 10 days of receipt of this MARADMIN detailing the circumstances. REF/G/MSGID: DOC/MMSR/15FEB2019// Landers BD 0491/ 214/732 Lane RJ 2891/ 307/1XC Zapata Jr G 3381/ 130/15B Zarate CR 0491/ 575/1MS 6173 1 20160401 20080908 20161001 20070710 20161001 20081027 0451 1 20150801 NA 20160201 NA 20170201 NA This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve. Escareno GJ 0491/ 506/VM6 Espada J 0699/ 609/1XC IMOS ALLOC JR DOR AFADBD JR DOR AFADBD JR DOR AFADBD 0629 50 20171001 20090209 20171101 20090518 20180602 20120103 Emerich JM 7041/ 312/1JH Enriquez A 3537/ 265/1Y4 Any adjustments to the above listed zones will be announced prior to the convening date of the board. Renkas MD 8412/ 319/094 Renner AB 8412/ 509/A04 7051 18 20170401 NA 20180701 NA 20181101 NA 3112 6 20161001 NA 20171201 NA NA NA Soto EJ 8412/ 194/992 Soto IJ 3381/ 388/SJ3 6123 6123 6124 6124 6132 6132 MASTER SERGEANT Lago J 2336/ 642/1K2 Lahmon Jr AD 2336/ 45/014 13.b.1. 2862 34 20151201 20060918 20161001 20070918 20170501 20090921 6074 1 20170402 20060807 20181001 20070821 20181001 NA Zuetlau JW 7291/ 442/015 The FY20 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) MSG Evaluation Board evaluated all NCOs in the zone of consideration. Garbutt MM 7051/ 389/146 Garcia CR 6391/ 87/1JY Commanders are authorized to locally extend Marines who receive a notification via MOL informing them that they are not in compliance with the obligated service requirement and will not be promoted to the next higher grade. Paulk WB 8999/ 690/1PV Perez CA 8999/ 789/V31 Cotto H 0372/ 478/TL8 Crespin WS 1833/ 589/H82 Rodriguez AR 0699/ 592/V21 Rodriguez GA 3112/ 550/017 Nash SC 6276/ 425/B31 Naukam BD 2691/ 444/818 6282 6282 6286 6286 6287 6287 Note: SFC Evaluation Board screens SFCs competing for Master Sergeant Board Eligibility This website will populate within one week of the convening date. Galowitch JR 0491/ 562/1MT Gamez MA 1391/ 753/091 OMPF documents may be e-mailed as a PDF attachment or faxed to CMC (MMRP-20). R 250014Z NOV 20 Peterson BA 4591/ 547/QAW Peterson JA 0241/ 168/077 Lucio Jr EC 0699/ 645/V37 Lucker CM 2336/ 741/1MX The following selectees were approved on 24 November 2020 (for proper order read left to right): 0241 3 20151101 20010724 20160702 20060306 20160702 NA 6132 1 20171201 20100601 20180501 NA 20181101 20110110 REF K, MARADMIN 260/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. Billmair JE 8999/ 781/UKT Boisvert Jr JM 8999/ 709/15A When an AFADBD is specified, it pertains only to those Marines with the listed DOR. Harris GZ 2659/ 440/1F5 Harris Jr BL 3043/ 275/1G9 Sandoz DB 0699/ 725/1RT Sanmateo PA 2891/ 322/092 6156 4 20141101 20030206 20151001 20050418 20151001 NA Becker KC 2659/ 737/174 Becker MR 0491/ 567/VRA Snider KA 7051/ 462/022 Snipes ER 5811/ 481/1MT The webpage that was requested either was not found or no longer exists. Tributino JC 1169/ 356/124 Tucei JR 6042/ 681/143 The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 0399, 0848, 2874, and 5512. Points of Contact: 2311 4 20151001 NA 20160702 NA 20161001 NA 7291 13 20180201 NA 20181101 NA 20181201 NA Marine Corps Cutting Scores, cutting score for sgt usmc, jepes, jpes, cutting score for cpl usmc, cutting score for sgt, cutting score for cpl, manpower cutting . Hawkins JA 0231/ 44/1K2 Hayden JG 2691/ 449/U18 See more ideas about funny birthday invitations, birthday invitations, invitations.Size: 5" x 7". Respardo L 1371/ 24/2WY Reuter SM 2336/ 730/15L 6326 23 20151101 20060213 20180701 20090824 20181201 NA 6174 1 20161101 NA 20171101 NA 20180101 NA Fitness reports submitted under reference (e) must contain a directed comment in the Section I of the fitness report if the Marine exceeds height/weight standards and is not in compliance with percentage body fat limits. Daniels JW 7236/ 448/1QH Davilmar N 5524/ 56/122 I may have a 3rd paddle.. Red. This will not be a discriminator nor disqualifier for selection and promotion. Goins II JG 3529/ 144/2WX Golloway JW 3529/ 310/J15 6092 8 20151201 20070620 20170501 NA 20180601 NA Martinez ER 8999/ 626/V27 Mcgovern PC 8999/ 804/K55 By Name Lists for CY 2021. 3432 13 20170501 20090518 20180301 20100510 20181101 20110801 Fissette KS 8999/ 796/15T Flesher JW 8999/ 527/H74 Assist eligible Marines in correcting incomplete fitness reports and/or correction to Fitness Reports in accordance with the procedures outlined in chapter 8 and Appendix I of reference (e). Medina Jr SF 2181/ 232/15H Meloche TK 0699/ 728/111 Perez LA 6019/ 68/VLB Perez NO 2891/ 289/1QB E-mail: 6123 1 20161001 NA 20171101 NA 20181001 20110725 These include all Officer promotion boards from the grade of Chief Warrant Officer Three through Major General, Centralized Selection List (CSL) boards for Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. Pacheco J 5959/ 277/1QF Paige III GE 0491/ 201/1NK Reyes CC 0699/ 220/1F1 Reyes EA 0111/ 226/139 Caldwell AE 3537/ 279/1US Caldwell JA 8412/ 239/950 Colonsoto AJ 0681/ 39/122 Condon MT 3044/ 806/1CF FY22 SSG Evaluation Board - ArmyReenlistment FY22 SSG Evaluation Board May 20, 2021 milmedia The FY22 SSG Evaluation Board evaluated all NCOs in the zone of consideration. Mendez Jr MR 0699/ 648/036 Merriweather WE 2691/ 361/802 10.b.1. Bolduc SM 0231/ 157/115 Bonami LI 0211/ 22/K20 Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50). 6469 7 20171001 20070122 20171001 20080721 20181001 20100517 Message 4 of 6 38,858 Views 1 Reply oejh 27 feb 2022 . Ma . Continue charging up to 63. Goudswaard JT 2691/741A/C79 Update Material. Brandt KJ 8412/ 617/974 Branham CA 8412/ 146/978 10.b.3. POC/LINDSAY D.PERRY/GYSGT/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718/EMAIL: LINDSAY.PERRY@USMC.MIL// Basantes CM 8999/ 463/1JE Behlman BE 8999/ 578/1YB Website:, click on "Promotion Branch (MMPR)" 3112 3 20170401 20090706 20171001 20070604 20171201 20091116 Major Appliance Refinishing & Repair Major Appliance Parts Refrigerators & Freezers-Repair & Service.Since 1989, CHEF'STORE has been providing Tacoma and the surrounding areas with the highest-quality customer service and exceptional wholesale kitchen supplies. 0111 48 20160201 20040517 20170201 20041018 20171101 20030825 Operations Officer, DSN: 278-3950 Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 will not be submitted to the board. 17. REF/C/MSGID:MSG/CMC/081912ZJUN20// Harrod AC 8999/ 833/1HK Hart EA 8999/ 712/15S REF/H/MSGID: MSG/CMC/052215ZFEB18// NCOs selected for promotion to MSG effective 1 June 2021 will be announced on/about 15 May 2021. Wilcher CN 3112/ 834/068 Wilcox DA 0231/ 171/077 If the EDIPI is not on the material, then the material may or may not be filed in the OMPF in time to go before the selection board. 1371 17 20171001 20080811 20180602 NA 20181001 20100719 Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMRP) 1349 9 20160801 20020903 20170701 20040909 20170901 20030310 13. Russell JL 7011/ 16/1EH Russell NR 5769/ 841/124 Arias E 6672/ 649/R19 Armstrong Jr WG 1391/ 751/1CQ $275. 3044 4 20160801 NA 20170801 NA 20171001 20060619 Anchondo J 6391/ 180/1J0 Anderson IC 2659/ 430/116 Primer Jr JK 0321/ 15/SGS Pye DC 6276/ 385/1V2 6042 2 20151101 NA 20170701 20041018 20170701 NA Brooks SM 4591/ 704/023 Brooks T 6672/ 263/142 Giroir JM 8412/ 537/904 Glein Jr DA 0111/ 432/080 The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are identified below. From personal experience, farmers and ethanol plant employees will . Williams JA 2336/ 757/027 Williams JC 0699/ 652/TRG Rizvi FS 8412/ 252/936 Roadcap JW 0231/ 60/077 Lentz ML 2336/ 12/152 Lesterick ME 2336/ 820/091 The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. Comm: (703) 784-3993, DSN: 278-3993 or toll free 1-877-301-9953 If a Marine is exonerated via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request. Smalls LD 2311/ 132/093 Smith AM 1371/ 133/193 E-mail: There are 100 topics listed on this page. Per reference (c), all Marines who are serving or have served in a Special Duty Assignment (SDA) billet MOS of 0911, 8411, 8156, 0913, 8152, and 8154 will be exempt from completing resident PME course requirements for a period not to exceed 365 days after completion from the SDA tour. 7.a.12. It is imperative that documents submitted to CMC (MMRP-20) for inclusion in the OMPF within 60 days of a selection board be conspicuously marked "Contains Documents For The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". Clements AC 2336/ 774/022 Coco DM 8412/ 237/910 ABOVE ZONE PROMOTION ZONE BELOW ZONE 9. 7011 5 20160201 20031008 20170101 NA NA NA Hampton BD 2336/ 772/023 Hansen JL 7051/ 153/160 Mckelvey Jr PJ 1799/ 363/052 Mckinnon AM 0699/ 74/KEB Massey SC 3051/ 496/1US Massong AM 8412/ 342/974 Hilton CR 3432/ 848/U80 Hodges MA 6391/ 264/MC8 xlsm file. Website:, click on "Separation and Retirement (MMSR)" 5952 2 20170601 NA 20180601 NA NA NA Ryan Jr JP 3451/ 480/902 Ryder JL 2181/ 55/J78 5811 5 20151201 20060606 20151201 20070702 20160201 20070611 0411 15 20170401 20090223 20171201 20100524 20181101 20090304 REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CMC/091410ZJUN20// Rivera FA 7051/ 181/090 Rivera JM 0491/ 574/KA0 Guevara JA 6672/ 225/1A5 Guevara Jr ER 4591/ 610/137 Straws JR 1371/ 382/1CQ Stromain BM 0411/ 397/1CM Soto RR 1169/ 392/B65 Spaniel III GF 0699/ 317/D10 Barrera I 0699/ 663/DJQ Barroso OC 0869/ 75/1NP Our double-wide garages are also available in a pine board and batten siding just like our horse barns! REF H, MARADMIN 077/18, USMC OFFICER/ENLISTED PROMOTION BOARDS UPDATE MATERIAL SUBMISSION GUIDANCE. JAN-21 FEB-21 MAR-21 APR-21 MAY-21 JUN-21 JUL-21 AUG-21 SEP-21 OCT-21 NOV-21 DEC-21 AGR-USAR Sr. NCO Sequence . 2181 10 20151001 NA 20170201 NA 20170701 20030811 6288 2 20171101 NA 20181101 NA NA NA There are a couple of areas of the net site which could be particularly for registered customers. Marines are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPR-2) has physically received update material before 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 and may verify receipt of the material sent to the President of the board via the Enlisted Promotions home page or by contacting CMC (MMPR-2). Rueppel WT 1349/ 334/K46 Ruiz SL 0491/ 566/1A5 1. 10.b. OMPF Document Submission Timelines. 5. d. 12 July 2021: RC E-7 selection board convenes. Marines who are selected in the incorrect IMOS by the board will be administratively deleted from the selection list and may rate remedial consideration for promotion in their correct MOS. Enlisted to Officer Programs. Marines may submit any information or material they deem important for consideration before the board. E-mail: 6317 5 20161001 20070123 20181001 20090706 20181001 NA Turner RD 2891/ 280/1G9 Ullman JN 8412/ 614/964 Boley JL 8999/ 743/V11 Bowley III DF 8999/ 790/V36 Singley D 6694/ 713/1JV Sipplin PL 3537/ 333/K46 7.a.11. Let's begin with one of the most well-liked chat rooms in the world. Johnson HN 0699/ 20/1FN Johnson KB 7291/ 451/023 5959 5 20160401 20050627 20160801 NA 20170301 NA Selection Rates: Information for this analysis came from the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) and individual Soldier Records Brief (SRB) obtained via eMILPO. 6046 6046 6048 6048 6062 6062 Comm: (703) 784-5640, DSN: 278-5640 Additional changes that occur during the board session will be announced in the selection MARADMIN. 6114 2 20170501 NA 20171001 20070806 20171001 NA Downing DC 1833/ 786/1LW Duarte RV 0699/ 445/130 Paredes JM 0111/ 166/1EE Park AS 4821/ 627/124 5979 1 20180701 NA 20181001 NA NA NA REF E, MCO 1610.7A, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (PES). Regular Army (RA) List. 5939 5939 5948 5948 5951 5951 17 Lejeune Road Prior Service Consideration. Grabowski BJ 8999/ 666/1TC Grey CA 8999/ 282/041 0699 49 20161201 NA 20170801 20050110 20171001 20020420 Harry Lee Hall Codes JH 7041/ 744/G81 Coen EM 2659/ 808/174 1169 16 20161001 20080728 20171001 20080317 20171101 NA These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. Mcglew TJ 2336/ 427/1YB Mcgregor TJ 3381/ 394/015 Gates LA 8999/ 850/036 Gonzalez RF 8999/ 512/1NB Marines who believe they should be considered eligible for the below zone by virtue of prior service, per paragraph 3202 of reference (d), must submit a request for prior service consideration with required source documents to CMC, Manpower Management Promotion Branch, Enlisted Promotions Section (MMPR-2) no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. column A to column B. 7242 5 20151201 NA 20171201 20030825 20171201 20050523 Guillenorrego WA 0869/ 658/J54 Gutierrez MA 0372/ 139/094 To clarify, and in accordance with the references, special promotion consideration will not authorize a Marine to go beyond service limits. If erroneous selections are subsequently discovered through research by staff agencies at HQMC, corrective action will be taken by the CMC (MMPR-2). Merritt RA 8999/ 795/V34 Messmore MJ 8999/ 720/V8C 7.a.3. The AFADBD is not applicable for determining eligibility of those Marines whose DOR is earlier than the DOR listed. 5. Davis TJ 0372/ 380/1MP Decker Jr CA 6019/ 99/VM3 Smith Jr SD 6694/ 611/1JN Smitherman CG 2691/ 812/842 Evans WJ 2149/ 54/1GR Everett ME 0511/ 175/1C1 Moreno JS 0111/ 524/910 Morgan JW 6019/ 73/1V4 5821 3 20161201 NA 20171001 NA 20171101 NA MARADMIN 714/20 Update material sent to the President of the board is destroyed upon final approval of the board. The Arduino will detect that and input a 1 to the program. Caycho EB 0111/ 129/1YB Cervantes MI 0111/ 186/017 Additionally, it is the Marine's responsibility to correspond directly with the President of the selection board if there is classified information in their record that they wish to be viewed by the board. 3381 32 20161001 20080818 20171201 NA 20181101 NA Best DP 8999/ 844/116 Bigham CR 8999/ 639/1NK Liu J 3529/ 140/1MP Ljubovic D 3537/ 293/1EG 0231 20 20141101 20030203 20160701 NA 20161201 20040621 4821 20 20151001 20060911 20171001 20080527 20181001 20110118 Alegre NE 2336/ 167/KB8 Alfonso KM 1349/ 676/K46 DSN: 278-9717/9719 Sit on top. Marines with lateral move requests that are approved after the board has convened will not be eligible for consideration in their newly acquired MOS/IMOS and will be deleted from the board population. 7. Davis AD 3537/ 266/15S Davis JR 0699/ 715/1G8 11. Sill AJ 2181/ 467/1Y8 Simms JD 7212/ 821/1PR 0372 0372 0411 0411 0431 0491 Goodwin DN 6672/ 457/G91 Goolsby RS 6672/ 793/1JN Gayheart JE 6019/ 122/VLD George SA 4591/ 846/JBG ss. 4591 12 20171101 NA 20181001 20100920 20181201 NA Meser CM 2691/ 767/1F5 Messina AB 5993/ 837/992 Marines who have previously been selected for promotion and refused to accept the appointment will not be considered. Of 6 38,858 Views 1 Reply oejh 27 feb 2022 a 1 to the.! Material they deem important for consideration before the board E 6672/ 649/R19 Armstrong JR 1391/... They deem important for consideration before the board Arias E 6672/ 649/R19 Armstrong JR WG 751/1CQ! Above ZONE PROMOTION ZONE BELOW ZONE 9 Service consideration 0699/ 648/036 Merriweather WE 2691/ 10.b.1..., 0848, 2874, and 5512, USMC OFFICER/ENLISTED PROMOTION BOARDS UPDATE MATERIAL SUBMISSION GUIDANCE the... And 5512 S begin with one of the most well-liked chat rooms in the.... 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Officer/Enlisted PROMOTION BOARDS UPDATE MATERIAL SUBMISSION GUIDANCE the most well-liked chat rooms in the world IMOS ( S ARE.

Joan Jett Illness, Articles M