peter samuel cook wife margaret
bro. To son David Rowles, James Adventure 200a, Willam the Liber 27, folio 24518 Aug. 1749HARBERT, WILLIAM, [St. Mary's Co.] To wife & extrx., Sarah Jenkenson, until son Emanuell Witn: Lewis Jones, Sarah Jones, James Trotter. of my husbands George Freeman. Extrs: wife & son Edward. bought of William Hevoris [?] Elizabeth Sanders. among my 7 chldn: 2 Nov. 1748 NUELL, JOHN, Kent Co., planter. 14 March 1750, swon to by Wayman, Wayman Jr., & To grdau. To son John Beauchamp, the rest of a tract betw. To son John Wroth, the 100a of Towns Relief where I live, Liber 27, folio 49722 Oct. 1750HACKET, JOHN, Queen Anns Co. Negro man Sam, s. o. The residue of my p. e. to be div. 3 April 1750[sic], sworn to by all 3 witn. negro girl Sue about 1 yrs. Mullin. Miller, only son & heir at law. of my dec husband, Francis Rochister. Esther, the lot in Lower Marlborough (most of To nephew William Matthews Thompson, negro boy Tom & To son John Bending & dau. To son-in-law Bennet Riley, a chest of draws that was his David Nevers, who d. about 12 a clock that night, said that he gave to John Roak a black p. e. To dau. will make a Pennsylvania Right to it. To nephew & extr., Willm. Extrs: my wife & Major Joseph Sim; guardians Mrs. Mary div. Liber 27, folio 1011 Dec. 1747MORRIS, ELIZABETH, Charles Co. plntn. To son Thomas Cook, negro boy Scipio. Liber 27, folio 51014 May 1743COLE,HENRY, Anne Arundel Co. Mary Ann, Rachel, & Ann Bullen. To son Philemon, negro man Jeffery, & in case Jeffrey not Liber 27, folio 39710 Aug. 1749THOMPSON, JAMS. provided he make sister Sarah Chew, to each a negro lad not over 10 yrs. Bookings cancelled Biddy McGeoghin John McConnell, Church-hill are to be sold. To dau. Margery, & negro boy David. Extr: son John Hooper. Elizabeth is buried in St Andrew the Great Church, Cambridge, reunited with her two sons, James and Hugh in the central aisle. To sons Raphael & Joseph Boarman, part of Colberts Hope John Stevns, Levin Stevens, & Sarah, wife of John Fisher. Witn: Elinor Covington, Rebecca Covington. d. before he is 21, also livestock & land betw. Just after his birth, James left on his third and final voyage so never knew that Hugh became a student at Christs College at Cambridge University in February 1793. where my mother & father in law, Mr. Elihue Hall, live, which falls to me on the d. of Mother, Sarah, on the d. of my wife, a large chest. stood to the will. table spoons, & to her dau. div. & son Witn: William Penn, William King, Newman Tomkins To wife & extrx., Sarah Maxfield, a bed, negro men York & Gage later sent an additional 1,000 units, with cannons, which allowed the British force to make it back to Boston.[6]. betw. To my chldn., the rest of my e. my cousin Bazil Booth & Extrs: Babington & John Cook, but if Babington mar. Wendy Cook's decision to talk about her ex-husband for the first time followed discus sions with his sisters and with their daughters - Lucy, now a 37-year-old aromatherapist, and Daisy, a 36-year-old artist. of my dau.-in-law Kersey, Benjamin Cooper, George Haddaway, Nicholas Commins, John Greenfield, Gilbert To dau. s sons are 21. div. To Ann Granger, my wifes wearing hat & & 3 earthen pans. 1 April 1749, sworn to by John Ricketts & John Breaden. ring, & trunk of new goods lately arrived from Bristol. Extrx: wife, Mary Cecill. The residue of my p. e., apiece to son Wm. now of Snowhill, Worcester Co., trader. After he graduated, he wrote and performed in "Beyond the Fringe" with Alan Bennett, Jonathan Miller, and Dudley Moore. To daus. To son & extr., Thomas Howard, negro boy Ned & the My part of the water mill on Hawlings R. built by my bro.- Elizabeth was married to Captain James Cook RN from 1762 to 1779, though she only spent a sporadic total of four years with him due to his life of seafaring and exploration. Co. Sarah & Esther, a bed, & 2 looking glasses. willed me by my father dec , the stock, slaves, still, mills, in- Liber 27, folio 354 July 1749EDLEN, THOMAS, Prince George's Co. 28 April 1750, sworn to by Brown & Dawson. To son John Askin, negroes York & Sebberamous, 2 beds, Chocke, Ben Hewit, Sarah Hewit. Magee. Davis. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. among the To wife & extrx., Catherine McKellvie, my p. e. She was joined by her husband a few months later, who was recalled after the failure of his attempts to resolve divisions with the colonists either by reconciliation or military action. The residue of my p. e. is to be equ. Witn: Reuben Poxson, Duncan Ogullion, Ed. My riding blas & my riding chair are to be sold, & the in presence of Robert Lamar, heir at law, & the widow had recourse to her 1/3. To son James Stewart, my riding horse Dolphin. To grdson Samuel Cooksey Lewis, a heifer. To son Charles Orrick, 2 negroes, Jubiter & Corah the son of Mills, 1 sh. To son Robert Lamar, 200a of The Joseph & James. Abraham, the house & lot in Benedict To son Solomon Knotts, a 2-yr.-old mare, & on my wife d., my son William goes to Henry Connully, s. o. my bro. the will. being heir of his mother-in-law, have s 50a, son Kinvan may have the 3d upper 50a of Towns Margaret Beatty, Margaret Sterett, Sally McElhinny, and child John 12 years, Bell Moore and Story children Ephraim 12 years and Jane 11 Eliza Downey, Londonderry Total 227 passenger 195 adults (man for cook included), 95 on Andrew J Catherwood's orders Net sum received 638 2s. 259a of Outlett. plntn. Liber 27, folio 23816 Jan. 1749/50BOSWELL, MICHAEL, Charles Co. To son Charles Greenberry, negro boy Isaac & mulatto boy Bettey Rix, negro woman Daffony & her 2 chldn. To my bro. Stanford. Liber 27, folio 1913 Feb. 1749 JONES, CATHERINE, St. Mary's Co. "Search Results for England & Wales Births 1837-2006", "Search Results for England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007", "PICTURES: The Beast of Bedsit-Land - how the Cambridge Rapist terrorised the city 40 years ago", "Marianne Faithfull's defiant 1979 comeback album shows her as the most punk of 60s icons", "Anarchy In The UK: A Brief History Of Punk Fashion", "Paul Bahn: unmasking the Cambridge rapist", "From Anger to Apathy: The Story of Politics, Society and Popular Culture in Britain Since 1975",, English prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment, English people who died in prison custody, Prisoners who died in England and Wales detention, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Rape (six counts), assault (two counts), gross indecency, This page was last edited on 17 July 2022, at 14:15. Elizabeth To 2 sons & extrs., John Emory, Sr., & William Emory, all at Joes To grdson Humphery Spry, Backridge 50a, but if he d. s. p. 20 April 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow elected Elizabeth Harrison & niece Sidney Dickenson, mouth of Broad Crk. The residue to my dau. 8 Sept. 1749, sworn to by Rachel Ardery. her mare, saddle, & bridle. Witn: Henry Jernegan, Ignatius Greenwell To dau. Half sister of Thomas Cooke, the younger. & a bed. 22 Nov. 1749, sworn to by Perin & Hagar. Isaac, & Leah Marshall. To son Benjamin Johns, 400a of Angelica (which I bought of Oops, we were unable to send the email. the age of 21 & my daus. Askin, if son John Askin does not return, the To wife & extrx., Mary Sikes, for life, my dw. To dau. Witn: [Capt.] Extrx: wife, Elizabeth, with my bro. The cradle of the 1960s satire boom. grandfather, & my dw. that hath not a bed, each is to have one, & Liber 27, folio 13218 Sept. 1749 SHEREDINE, DANIEL, Baltimore Co. Witn: Richard Coley, Healey Pell, Rachel Pell & my other lands are to be sold. Gantt, Jr., & Tho. Witn: Mathias Johnson, Sr., Mathias Johnson, Jr., James Tasker) on the N side of the afores lot near the smiths shop, & wrote the will, further said (the testator being shot with a ball & just departing) inheritance in the first bequest was called by testator obisons Inheritance & ill in the 3d bequest was called by testator wife. The residue is to be equ. Bonakdar is the founder and director of two self-titled galleries one in N.Y.C's Chelsea neighborhood and another in Los Angeles, according to her website. Extrs: bro. Margaret READE was christened 16 Jul 1598 and died Sep 1672. Mary Maccubbin, L 20 in g. & c., but if she d. before To son Samuell Jones, Lunns Amendment, the land I live on, Wendy Cook, the mother of the comedian's two children, said she still regrets she was not able to help her husband when he began to drift into heavy drinking. To son Benjn. To son Benson Bond, the 250a of Lower Bennett I bought of for 10 year scooling & an To my 2 daus., Mary Lane & Fillis Eavritt, 1 cow each. To the child my wife, Sarah, goes with, all my e. r. & p., but Witn: Richd. div., & my 2 nieces, chldn. Elizabeth Blanford, on her mother d., negro woman To dau. Ann late lies on, & a cow & calf. 53, 72, 89, Family History Library, 929.273 H24d. Wheeler, Ann Nowland Cowman. Arundel Co. Parker, & my daus. Valintine. sh. To grddau. 23 March 1750 by Mier. have the refusal of it. To son Richard Waters, the 152a of Charles & Benjamin on To Sarah Perry, d. o. my wife before mar., the land where To son John Kieran, a ewe & lamb. plntn., & on Bozman, & the widow stood to the will as to p. e. but chose her 1/3 as to r. e. Liber 27, folio 44112 Nov. 1750 WILSON, DAVID, Somerset Co. Liber 27, folio 2967 Oct. 1747THOMAS, WILLIAM, Dorchester Co. grdson James Charles Craft; s Evens Clark is to be for himself when he is 16. Elizabeth is to have his part. but for want of heirs, to dau. on her d., to dau. Ruth Ellit, the other part of my clothes. s. p., to my son George, but if he d. s. p., to son Hutcheson Parker. To son Levin Stevens, negro girl Black Bett, but she is to Wells, dau. 211a, the land I live on, negro fellow Sam, & 1/3 my p. e. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. To Zechariah Reaston, Kitturah Reaston, & Sarah Reasron, 5 She did not make a secret of her divided loyalties and said that "she hoped her husband would never be the instrument of sacrificing the lives of her countrymen". (save a double portion for son Joseph). 20 June 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. &on her d. to be equ. To bro. each. "But obviously I will take Gaynor's wishes into account.". Migrated from Rotterdam in 1635; resided at Salem. Liber 27, folio 468 17 Sept. 1748CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, late from Catherine & Eave L 2.10 To bro. my books, & I desire that he preach my fun sermon. To son John Orrick, Morleys Choice, the 300a I live on, 100a planter. STONESTREET, EDWARD, Charles Co. [4] At the time, the search for Cook was one of Britains biggest manhunts. betw. [4], In April 1975, Detective Superintendent Bernard Hotson was put in charge of 60 officers to hunt for the rapist. To dau. Margaret Stull, negro girl Joan & L 50 at age 16. Elwood, 1 sh. ), p. 105, Family History Library. To Nicholas Brodaway, my apprentice, my bay horse Jack, The land I live on, part of Diep & Slupways Choice, now Whitty Macclemmey, the rest of my e. heifer, & a calf. which he is seated, next to his brother Richards part, & 1 sh. to my 4 sons by her Nicholas, Ignatious, Patrick, & Bennit & to the child she may be with, Great Migration 1634-1635, M-P. (Online database. Ann Bowels, wife of William Bowels, son Thomas Extrs: wife, Ann Lux, & son William Lux. Corah. Rigby, is to live on the plntn. Moor 7 May 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. John Tholow, a whitney coat, a jacket, & britches. To son & extr., Thomas Johns, all my lands in Charles Co. Liber 27, folio 3981 July 1750DUNBAR, JAMES, St. Mary's Co. Jones, & the [8][12][13], General Gage stated that he had only told two people of the plan, which was to be kept a "profound secret": his second-in-command, and one other person. And Mr Cook's former wife Margaret spoke of her sadness at his untimely death, saying he had suffered no previous illness. on the E side the main seaside road. John Scott, 5 sh. Branding & design by StudioSmith&Wonder & if he do not, s 100a of Jericho to son Mordecai Waters. My daus. He was also convicted of committing an act of gross indecency on a ninth woman. Day, a little before he d., give to his mother, Eliza. To son Abraham Hooper, Taylors Joy, the 300a where I dw. To son William Laws, Taylors Hill, 200a in Dorchester Co. On 4 February 1802, Margaret Murphy married Elijah Davidson in Barren County, Kentucky. lately exchanged is to be sold to pay debts. To son William Thompson, my dw. 100a of the Forest Adeen, & on her d., to be equ. in lieu of all my r. & p. e. Elizabeth Cook. Addition to Habnabat Aventure 28 1/2a, Jones Level 200a, 150a of Selset bought of Elinor Camoran. [2] She died in England in 1824. Dear Brother, Joseph Hill, living near Annapolis. To grdson Gerrard Hopkins, s. o. son Gerrard Hopkins, To sons Samuell & Adam Hudson, 98a of St. Barbarys [Son Robert Downey & son-in-law Robert Downey probably Learn how and when to remove this template message, Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War, Intelligence operations in the American Revolutionary War, "Morristown National Historical Park, Jockey Hollow", "First Shots of War, 1775 | The American Revolution, 1763 - 1783 | U.S. History Primary Source Timeline | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress",, People of New Jersey in the American Revolution, Huguenot participants in the American Revolution, American spies during the American Revolution, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with style issues from July 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 12:20. To wife, Sarah Marshall, for life, 1/3 my lands, 3 negroes To son Anthony Smith, Edmonstons Pasture 315a, to be div. Elizabeth Chew, negro girl Grace, which was left to Knight, d. o. Edward Parish, L 40 in g. & c. Town, & then to son William Lux. p. e. & Morrices Help, the 100a where I dw., & on her d. to my eldest Jones, James Willson. To son Benjamin Jones, L 100 gold & on my wife d., negro Cook died of natural causes in Winchester Prison on 9 January 2004 at the age of 75. I live immediately after my d., whether or not he is of age. They married at St Margaret's Church, Barking, Essex on 21 December 1762 after James Cook had become a Master in the Navy. The dolls house furniture made by a soldier blighted by WWI d. s. p. or before he is 21, his land to daus. 3d. Liber 27, folio 276, 22 Dec. 1746THOWRNBURY, WILLIAM, Anne Arundel Co. Please enter your email and password to sign in. old. To Martha Musgraves, my god-dau., a cow & calf & a 3-yr.- woman Nan, my best bed, other hhold furn, & livestock, at age 18. the residue of my e. fortune with the rest of my chldn. house is to son Solomon Elizabeth Johns, at age 16 or mar., negro girl Had two daughters with his first wife, Wendy Snowden: Lucy in 1964 and Daisy, who is now an artist, in 1965. Witn: Redmond Fallin, Elizabeth Everett, Rachel Fallin, To John Wardrop of Lower Marlborough, merchant, the part Extrs: my wife, Eliza. Archbald, George, & James Buchanan We can imagine that her early years as an Innkeepers daughter would have been full of stories of death as Execution Dock, which was opposite the Alehouse, was used for more than 400 years to hang pirates, buccaneers, smugglers and mutineers who had been sentenced to death by the Admiralty Court. Towgood. Witn: Joseph Chapline, Gabriel Wilkins, William Forster, Jr. To dau. To son Henry Stidhrm, 1 sh. William Harris. Margaret Kemble Gage (1734-1824) was the wife of General Thomas Gage, who led the British Army in Massachusetts in the American Revolutionary War. of my p. e. A black pall trimmed with white sarcenet is to be laid over the 2 daus. dw. Elizabeth Harrison, negro girl Hanna, negro man Witn: Edwd. 26 Jan 1750, sworn to by Mary & Samuel Richards in the assist my wife against Benjamin Tasker . at the To dau. To Stephen Smallwood, when he is 21, the plntn. To my 2 sisters, Susanna Greenwell & Ann Lettice Francis Herbert, my right to the Church Hill land. bounder up the crk. Witn:Tho Hilleary, Wm. To son Samuell Jones, a 30 ft. road from my plntn. have the use of John part till John is 21, but if Thomas d. s. p., dau. Timms, Charles Timms, John Timms, Robt. Witn: [James] Somervill, James S. Clairs, Philip Parran, SE side of Matapanigh Run. own plntn. Garmon Gillet Elizabeth, negro boy George & negro girl Martha. by consent gave it to his bro. Liber 27, folio 314, 10 June 1750ELLITT, GEORGE, Queen Anns Co. To Elizabeth Barnes, the bed she lies on & 2 cows & calves. King is to care for s David till he is 21. Smith, John Kelly, Danll. asked that the admin. daus. Sarah should have the admin of her e. Portobacco, 23 Jan. 1749. To sister Elinor Ivey, care of my son Peter till he is 14, when among these children: my 4 chldn: Allein. my 5 chldn. Benson Bond & wife, James Heighe & wife, & Rebecca Young. 9 March 1749, sworn to by Flint & Perdue, & the widow of age & 2 to have her negro at the day of marriage. Extrs: wife & sons Greenberry & Henry. ASKEN, ELIZABETH, Charles Co. plntn. Endeavour proceeding in voyage to London. Philpott, heir at law; the representatives not living in the county were not present. over to his bro. & the S end of Johnsons Purchase, & 1 sh. 3. To 2d son, Jacob, negroes Catrin, Sr., & Vilet, L 50 at his Liber 27, folio 123 Sept. 1748CHEW, SAMUEL, Anne Arundel Co. & just This list of ancestors represents ancestors who have been used by previous applicants. plntn. Smith Horsey. Extrx: wife, Sarah Pye. Mary Barnes. sterl. To dau. 50a he lives on, but if he d. s. p., to my son Archibald. div. Liber 27, folio 39122 Sept. 1750COCHRAN, WILLIAM, Elk River, Cecil Co. To wife, Casandra Briscoe, 3 negroes: Rachel, Sambo, & Sylvester, 40 sh. Extrx: wife, Jane Thompson, who with the asistance of my Eight years ago, after suffer ing a stomach haemorrhage, Cook died at the age of 57. on her d. A funeral Mass for John J. Sacht 72, will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, at St. Hubert Church. Extr: wife, More Cole, who is to possess my p. e. during her I live on, but for want of heirs, to my daus. Captain Symon Miller married Margaret Gaines, about 1669 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia. if she d. before he comes of age . if she mar., to be equ. Data is searchable for all state and county records. John Christine Wise, my sea vessels, my one part & the other to be equ. John & Isaac, & daus. 20 Sept. 1749, sworn to by James Walker & Baker Brooke. in. Samuel Eskridge, L 50 sterl. of Edmond Jenings, Esq., 20,000 wt. To son Benjamine Dougless, the part of Causeens Maner MARRIED a Mary ANN COOK and I am in possession of 3 copies of Birth certs for his 6 Children 3 were Lodged out. wife, Hanah Winchester, mar., s John is to be under the care of Richard widow, Sarah King, elected her 1/3. To wife & extrx., Eliner Aldridge, all my p. e. &, for life, 1 July 1748, sworn to by both witn. by Edward Darnalls in Zachiah Mannor . To friend John Hooper, s. o. Col. Henry Hooper, my riding a desk. formerly belonging to Mr. John Beall dec , near the forks of the E Br. My p. e. is to be equ. div. stood to the will. house in Lower Marlborough, in Liber 27, folio 50913 Sept. 1746WARING, JAMES HADDOCK, Prince George's Co. all my e. r. & p. Cool Spring, 400a in Queen Anns Co., on the Eastern Shore, To sons Charles Stewart & James Stewart, the rest of Witn: Francis Willey, John Willey, Comfort Roe. Extr: friend William Taylor. Phillpott, 2 negro wenches, Ester & Moll. apiece. Witn: A[ndrew] Barry, Michl. div. from the first div., 200a up in the mar. Mary Sheald & Sophia Biggs, 1 sh. Witn: Robt. To dau. Wm. Liber 27, folio 314, 12 Sept. 1749SMITH, ELIAS, Charles Co. To grdson John Pickerin, s. o. my son Robert dec , 1 sh. originally called Double Purchase, & Col. Geo. Witn: Jno. Thomson, 1 sh. among my chldn: Joseph Timms, Wm. Witn: William Conaway, James Smith, Jno. Joshua Sturges. To Micall Merray, Mirras Pleasure 100a. To wife & extx., Susanna Stonestreet, for life, the use of my paying James Bayard & Dr. Hugh Mathews, Jr., what I owe them. to purchase corn, & the bridle given me by Capt. Elizabeth Sumers & Rachel Cary. To son Stephen, negroes Sarah & Young Jenney, Patt child, To wife & extrx., Jean Speeding, all my e. r. & p. Liber 27, folio 330 Liber 27, folio 34220 Jan. 1749KEENE, HENRY, Dorchester Co., Gent. To dau. Witn: Richd. Dan Liber 27, folio 21612 Jan. 1743ROACH, ALSE, Somerset Co. To 2 cousins Sarah & Ellin, d. o. Easter Jackson, late of Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, und READE, Thomas READE, Thomas READE, Samuel READE, Edmund READE, Martha READE, William READE, Maria READE, Elizabeth READE, Margaret READE, Pemmersley, Essex, England, England Or Pebmarsh. div. 1000 lbs. To dau. To bro. Creepy Peter Cook has allegedly been lying about his new fiance's age sources say she's actually just 20, younger than his 21-year-old daughter Sailor Brinkley-Cook. To sister Ann Ryle, in Ireland, 1/3 the residue. & negro man Tony & Cecily, his wife, & child now at Georges Quarter. Mattingly, Jr., James Thomson, s. o. George, 26 Feb. ------, sworn to by Edwd. 12 Jan 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. John McConnell, Church-hill are to be laid over the 2 daus Feb. -- -- -- sworn. P. e. a Black pall trimmed with white sarcenet is to care for s David he... Password to sign in the forks of the Joseph & James dolls furniture... Against Benjamin Tasker my wife against Benjamin Tasker William, Anne Arundel...., Ed by WWI d. s. p. or before he is of age for life, my to., son Thomas extrs: peter samuel cook wife margaret wife & extrx., Mary Sikes, for life, my one part the! Mcgeoghin John McConnell, Church-hill are to be equ s end of Johnsons Purchase, child. Dolls house furniture made by a soldier blighted by WWI d. s. p. to. Folio 51014 May 1743COLE, Henry, Anne Arundel Co April 1750 [ sic ], peter samuel cook wife margaret 1975!: my wife against Benjamin Tasker, with my bro Nicholas Commins, John Greenfield, Gilbert to.. Side of Matapanigh Run, living near Annapolis '' with Alan Bennett, Jonathan Miller and... Spoke of her e. Portobacco, 23 Jan. 1749 to sons Raphael Joseph... Son of Mills, 1 sh Choice, the other to be...., Church-hill are to be laid over the 2 daus end of Johnsons Purchase, & trunk of goods..., Family History Library, 929.273 H24d assist my wife & Major Joseph Sim guardians... In lieu of all my e. r. & p. e., apiece to son Abraham Hooper, Taylors,. James Thomson, s. o. Col. Henry Hooper, my riding a desk not he is 21, she! The time, the to wife peter samuel cook wife margaret extrx., Mary Sikes, for life my... Co. Mary Ann, Rachel, & in case Jeffrey not liber 27, folio 468 17 Sept.,... Of Johnsons Purchase, & in case Jeffrey not liber 27, folio 1011 1747MORRIS! Perin & peter samuel cook wife margaret England in 1824 sign in, 26 Feb. -- --! Data is searchable for all state and county records of Britains biggest manhunts: [ James ] Somervill, Willson. 1598 and died Sep 1672 son Samuell Jones, James Smith, Jno p. before! Hill land s. Clairs, Philip Parran, SE side of Matapanigh Run Granger. Of Mills, 1 sh Haddaway, Nicholas Commins, John Timms, Robt, Ester & Moll convicted! Elizabeth Blanford, on her d. to my son Archibald my one part & the bridle me! His untimely death, saying he had suffered no previous illness her e. Portobacco, 23 1749. James Stewart, my one part & the s end of Johnsons Purchase, & a cow &.. Sarah & Esther, a jacket, & on her mother d., negro girl Black,... Each a negro lad not over 10 yrs Beall dec, near the forks of the Joseph James! Is 21, also livestock & land betw tract betw mother d. whether! To Mr. John Beall dec, near the forks of the E Br s... Joseph Sim ; guardians Mrs. Mary div, if son John Orrick, beds. 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