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progressive easter liturgy

10 de março de 2023

While the first century story told by the anonymous gospel-storyteller we call Mark, sees the sons of Zebedee, jockeying for coveted seats at the right and left hand of Jesus, our 21st century story portray the contrasting circumstances of wannabe-astronauts blasting far above our planet with scarcely a thought for the 150 million or so who will slip into the depths of poverty before this year ends. Followers of the Way are called to reject the myth of redemptive violence. There was work to do. Im pretty sure that the anonymous gospel-storyteller we call Mark had no idea that Jesus life and death would be portrayed by the powers of empire as a ransom to be paid to the very MYSTERY which Jesus insisted is LOVE. By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who seek to follow in his life-giving way, He was teaching in the Galilean synagogues, and all were loud in their praise. Repent Metanoia let us think new thoughts so that we might ask: What can Jesus teach us? Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! I can certainly identify with the disciples in the story who became angry with the sons of Zebedee for jockeying for seats alongside Jesus in the next world, when the forces of Empire in this world continue to suck the life out of the poor. In the tears of that little Ukrainian family, I began to see yet another face of CHRIST, a face I had refused to see before. Nor were they trying to teach us to live as reckless fools. Anyway, poor old Elijah suffered in his quest to bring the WORD of YHWH to his people and in the midst of his turmoil, Elijah was lost and fearing for his life. Risen as he said! Let us pray: May each of us be aware of the Spirit of God within us today and respond to the Good News, we pray. Or better still, let me cling to the promise of a Saviour who will carry us out of this world and into the next, at no cost, free of charge because Jesus paid the ransom for my soul. Let us be LOVE in our lives here and now so that peace can break out again, and again, and again. thanksgiving prayers read more Progressive Christian Lent Course 2015 We are gradually adding liturgies and liturgy ideas to our site. Suddenly, the Cosmos reminded me that freedom from ancient ways of knowing does not mean freedom from REALITY. It began to seem like the only way to get Crystals hand out was to break the family heirloom. The apostle Paul who was the first to write about Jesus, portrays Jesus as a doorway into the ultimate. Recklessly abandoning the status quo, is never sweet, never harmless. I could feel the temptations to violence rising in me. Remember the precarious nature of the lives of the people who first heard these parables. In my sacred imagination, I can see the Apostle Paul smiling and nodding. We are free from the captivity of a way of thinking which insists that we believe what our own experience confirms is no way to live in the very reality our ancestors were struggling to fathom. One: On this day, we shout Hallelujah! We accept you into our bodies, into our lives. Send us your: ResourceEventNewsIdeasnow Why: This is an Evolutionary Moment. } -Michael Morwood. The writers of our creeds firmly established that God lived in heaven. I know it is much easier to poke fun at billionaires and lay the blame for suffering at the feet of self-serving fools. Welcome to the liturgy of The Namaste Church! Little did I know that in 1977 it would take me almost three days to travel the more than 1,000 km; a trip which included disembarking over and over again to lend a hand to the conductors as we worked together to clear the tracks of snow. As far back as the sixteenth century, a Polish monk named Nicolaus Copernicus calculated that the Earth is not the center of a three-tiered universe. Thats the thing with stories, one story, if it is even remotely engaging, that one story will inevitably lead to many more stories. Well, perhaps I should qualify that statement. Somehow, hed managed to secure me with what we professional wrestlers call an arm bar. Ever since they began to practice resurrection, people have been trying to figure out exactly what may have happened. }); with the Source and Sustainer of all that exists. Grandma took a good look at the vase that used to sit on her mothers kitchen table all those years ago. The small voice within my very soul said only one word Swim.. Generations beyond any cameras reach, each with their own pain. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God. Holy Mystery that is Wholly Love, you are beyond complete knowledge, above perfect description. we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the body of Christ in the world. Amen. You called forth prophets who dared to speak the truth of Life to worldly powers that promoted death. People: We praise you, Lord, for these gifts of bread and wine. So, let me get to the point, so that those who like nothing better than to use the Bible to bludgeon anyone who dares to stray from their narrow understanding of the text, they can simply hit ALL CAPS in their keyboards, without having to read any further. We are kin to beasts; no other answer can we bring. The stories about Jesus have been told in ways that paint a particular picture of what it means to be human. Fortunately, the youth hostel was full, and we were forced to hike up and out of town to find a suitable spot to pitch our tents. What we refer to as the soul was a foreign concept to first century Jews. Having the atonement become relatively powerless, because it doesn . We have tasted your nourishing, nurturing presence; Grandma sat little Crystal on her knee. Christs peace is ours forever! Later, at work, Anna sat down with me in the lunchroom to explain that their pastor had explained to them that he suspected that I didnt believe that God sent Jesus to die for my sins. It wasnt until this endless loop exposed the presence of yet another face of CHRIST that I begin to be transfigured. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. But Alan and I, we knew exactly what they were, and they certainly werent beautiful orcas to us. Seeking out the darkest place, to better see the light. Written by Rev. However, Pete goes on, there are moments when I affirm that resurrection, few and far between as they are. And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Afterwards, Jesus took the cup. But lately, the news has encouraged us all to begin to emerge from our pandemic protocols. God offered him, so that by his blood he should become the means by which peoples sins are forgiven through their faith in him. People: Your death, O Christ, we proclaim. Now there are those that insist that it was the power of Jesus having been physically resuscitated from the dead that motivated his followers to change their lives and the lives of millions who have come after them. In fact, in a specific celebration the Presider might select only one or two items from the many alternatives . We thank you, God, for the incredible gift of Jesus, the Word made flesh. I share these tears with you knowing full well that tears wont put an end to war, nor will they end our constant reliance upon violence to maintain a fragile peace. You can peruse my notes for the service in the pdf of my missal here. Furthermore, I suspect that you do to. If I could, I would comfort the young woman I was by reassuring her that whatever the MYSTERY which we call God is, it is not a vengeful murderer whose thirst for a blood sacrifice, compelled Him and I do mean him, to come up with a plan which required violence, torture, and a slow, painful death. Because when you look at the shepherd, the woman, and the father in these parables, they come do come off as reckless fools, unless they are risking all that they have for the sake of something worth risking everything for. I dont mind confessing my own fear. Alas, the power of Pauls rhetoric has waned over the centuries. Jesus lived and died giving his life to ransom us from ourselves, from our fears, so that free from the captivity in which our fear has confined us, we might walk freely away from our own self-centredness. DONATE NOW! Alison Etter. Then he said to them, Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled., Words 2004 Hope Publishing Company; LiscenSing 1975, When It Comes to Resurrection, We Look For What We Have Been Conditioned to See! A momentary panic began to surface as my mind questioned the wisdom of standing on ice not knowing what lay below. Fosdick Dr. NW #80 Said the sons of Zebedee, See to it that we sit next to you, one at your right and one at your left, when you come into your glory! Jesus warned them, You do not know what you are asking. In the same way the cup, after supper (here the minister shall pour the wine and lift up the cup) saying, "This cup is a new covenant of my blood. I dont know about you but for most of my life I have been taught that the place to learn about God is the Bible. Many of the pages are "decorative" but material can simply be cut and pasted into a word-processing program. We ask you to bless this bread and this cup. Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre. Indeed, we are shown to be false witnesses of God, for we solemnly swore that God raised Christ from the deadwhich did not happen if in fact the dead are not raised. I am using it this Sunday and sharing your credit information! We remember on the night when Jesus and the disciples They must have seen me gazing at them, or at least I like to imagine they did. 3:4 Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. Introit "The Strive Is O'er"(Voices United (VU) 159) "Christ Is Risen from the Dead"(VU 167) "Now Christ Is Risen"(VU 172) "Halle, halle, halle" (VU 958) Call to Worship. Then there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. That Paul didnt much care about a physical resurrection ought to give us the courage to see the notion of a physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse for the late first century development that it was. Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time; the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. According to Nola, the Easter Morning Liturgy in today's Moravian Book of Worship is remarkably similar to that included in the 1778 German Moravian Hymnal (except, of course, ours is in English!) That left my chamber-maiding at a local lodge where the housekeeper was always kind enough to keep my Sunday mornings free so that I could go to church, while hung-over colleagues struggled to clean up. The writings of the Apostle Paul contain the earliest writings that we have on the subject of the Resurrection. Send us into the world resurrected, refreshed and ready to share Christs unconditional love. Today, when each of us is coping with the loss of an hours sleep, perhaps it is easier for us to understand that the way in which we describe reality does indeed change over time. Pain and suffering perpetrated by our species vain conviction that violence is the way to peace. Only a foolWould search and look and scour and puzzle, bend and peer, lift and move everything, to find a single coin. Salvation is not about saving us for life after death. As the night lengthened, Jesus took a simple portion of bread. I expect that whatever needs to be done will be done quickly, so that I can get back to normal. No wonder Jesus took Peter, John, and James up there to pray. In the eating of this bread, as Christs body, and in the sharing of this cup, as Christs blood, Mishandling scripture to avoid traditional interpretations of it. Easter is the sky that encloses the broken egg. Indeed, it can mean freedom to BE in ways which affirm REALITY, the REALITY we long to know, the ONE which IS BEYOND the BEYOND and BEYOND that Also, this LOVE which we call GOD. When I can bring myself to read these parables through the lenses of resistance, I can begin to tell these stories as a call to resist. But let me assure you that you are looking at someone who used to be a champion wrestler. Easter (250) Easter 2 Year A (102) Easter 2 Year B (114) Easter 2 Year C (122) Easter 3 Year A (49) Easter 3 Year B (29) Easter 3 Year C (50) Easter 4 Year A (120) Only a fool would be such a steward as this. if ( thisact == "contact" ) { He greets us with peace the world does not know. And he took a cup, and when he had given . Occasionally, I was able to hear Jesus say, Have you believed because you have seen me? Nothing was said until dinner the next day, by which time Steve and Anna had been back to church twice. Your rhetoric is sublime! Settle into your seat, close your eyes and imagine a place that brings you comfort and peace. Jesus said, I have come that they might have life and may live it abundantly! LIFE and not death. Why did they repeat these stories over and over again? Not because I had been driven out of my home. I passed on to you what I received, which is of the greatest importance: that Christ died for our sins, as written in the Scriptures;that he was buried and that he was raised to life three days later, as written in the Scriptures;that he appeared to Peter and then to all twelve apostles. (1 Corinthians 15:1-6), Anna carefully underlined in red the phrase: Christ died for our sins, as written in the Scriptures. I was suspicious of the kind of youth I would meet on a Tuesday at a Pentecostal church, I convinced a fellow chambermaid to come along with me, so that if we had to, Id have company as I hitch-hiked my way back to Jasper. Somehow, the flight of the billionaire Bezos phallic Blue Horizon thrusting its five privileged passengers across our screens will capture more attention from those of us who are wealthy enough to own screens, than the roughly one and a half billion men, women, and children who are consigned to live in poverty. The Gospel this morning comes to us from the anonymous Gospel storyteller that we know as John. Just like the people in the story, I want to be transformed by the story of Jesus; transformed from someone who cowers in a place of safety, filled with fear and doubts, into a powerful member of a movement to create peace through justice. So, I will not presume to answer for Jesus hometown congregations murderous intentions. I mean who in the hell believes that billionaires ought to be allowed to engage in a giant pissing contest disguised as a space race? EASTER WORSHIP SERVICES The liturgy, and particularly the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter, are never a re-enactment of the events that happened two thousand years ago. 2023, Common Prayers: Faith, Family, and a Christians Journey Through the Jewish Year, A Joyful Path, Childrens Curriculum Sample Lessons for Years One, Two and Three, Find Faith Communities Using A Joyful Path, The Core Values of Progressive Christianity, Bishop Spong Newsletter Progressing Spirit, Advertising on He had the extraordinary capacity to recognize the Divinity in all human beings. Today, when science confirms that humans did not rise out of the Earth fully formed, but are continuing to evolve, surely today we can metanoia, think beyond the primitive, childish notions of original sin, and begin to see humanity as an incomplete, ever- evolving species which runs the very real risk of extinction if we dont move beyond the myth of redemptive violence. Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time;the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. But as for sitting at my right or my left, that is not mine to give; it is for those to whom it has been reserved. When Jesus other ten disciples heard this, they became indignant at James and John. ), The pattern of death and resurrection is the pattern of all our creating and all our loving. They may not want to hurl me off a cliff, although some have wished me dead, or at the very least judged and punished by their god of eternal torment. Now, talk of the mid-night sun always took me back to my childhood memories of my Dad reciting the Robert Service poem, the Cremation of Sam McGee. The response is Alithos Aneste! The third face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Mother holding back her tears as she embraces her little family. Yet the story of Jesus Way of being in the world continued to be present among those who sought to live as Jesus lived. Beautiful liturgy. Out or on the Fringe of the Church. Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife, I dont know about you but when that giant phallic ship was trusting into the wild blue yonder, I became somewhat indignant. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13. We know we still have work to do. According to Paul, the earthly body; the physical body must die in order for the heavenly or the spiritual body to be born. It was as if my whole being was alive. But they will not be tears cried in vain. You see the Pentecostal church was located down in the neighboring town of Hinton, about an hours drive away. But way back then; the bay was only accessible by the most treacherous of logging roads. Christmas, Mother's Day, etc. Limitations which the evolving nature of our understanding of reality compel us to reject. view on video. Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the Worship Bulletin, ONE with the LOVE which permeates the Cosmos! Theres nothing wrong with that. Yesterday, when the sun was in the same position in the sky as it is now, we insisted that it was an hour later. It was an epic trip on which my once innocent 20-year-old self learned to swig akvavit like a Viking. This story was written by the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as John some 70 years after Jesus death, some twenty years after the Jewish war with Rome in which the Empire destroyed the Temple, raised most of Jerusalem to the ground, and sent Jews and the followers of Jesus into exile. Assurance of Pardon, Call to Confession, Confession, Easter, Easter Sunday, Year C. confession, easter, easter sunday, year c, call to confession, prayer of confession, assurance of pardon, resurrection. Justice without which there can be no peace. Winter, with its cold and dark days has gone, just as Good Friday has passed to Easter and beyond. Prayers. Alleluia! window.location.replace(''+thisact); My predicament often makes it difficult for me to appreciate the beauty of the heirloom. Oh, how I miss those Sunday closings! accept our lives as holy offerings to you, jQuery(document).ready(function(){ Easter or New-life event. To believe in the historicity of the resurrection is one thing. we invite your life to fill us; Together, by your grace, we accept the life you offer. Pauls words were interpreted from the King James version of the bible to read like this: And now I want to remind you, my friends, of the Good News which I preached to you, which you received, and on which your faith stands firm. Most Australian Anglicans use A Prayer Book for Australia (APBA) as the basis for our common prayer. The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, is very special in the Christian tradition. This gospel was written some 70 years after the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a lovely liturgical offering. She used warm soapy water to try to loosen the toddlers hand, which was stuck all right. Your email address will not be published. Living the Resurrection Second Sunday of Easter, Year B On the Sunday after Easter, there is a general let down. It is long past time for the followers of Jesus Way of being in the world, to repent. As a kid, this Canadian epic always sparked my imagination, as I dreamed of those, strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. for The Artic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold;The Northern Lights have seen queer sights and on and on it goes spinning a which always fills me with glee as I warm my soul by the heat of the cremation of Sam McGee, wondering about all the other strange things done in the mid-night sun. What is sown is a perishable body, what is raised is incorruptible. Jesus poured out his life in the service of LOVE. The SPIRIT of DIVINITY is within us! Once again, I struggled to keep a straight face. Let it go. Sure enough, the vase slipped off as smooth as silk. Nothing that exists is ever completely destroyed. This my body, given for you. . And star differs from star in brightness. Having this "catch-cry" as a . History should have taught us by now that that justice and not violence is the way to peace. Can we now look beyond what we have been conditioned to see, and see the wounded CHRIST standing in the middle of fearful followers, a vision of the impact of violence, saying, SHALOM, Peace be with you! Can we look beyond what we have been conditioned to see the ONE wounded by violence bidding us peace? If you have already donated, thank you! Give us today our daily bread. Through a simple meal of grain and grape, we, your children, unite. According to the story, paralyzed by their fear, hiding behind a locked door, something happened that gave them the strength to burst forth from their own tomb and change the world. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); Get their attention and then, deliver your point! Amen. I affirm the resurrection when I stand up for those who are forced to live on their knees,I affirm the resurrection when I speak for those who have had their tongues torn out,I affirm the resurrection, when I cry for those who have no more tears left to shed. Just when I thought I had God under control the wild wind of the spirit blew me away. If we fix our gaze upon the surface, we limit the power of these parables to do what parables are designed to do, to turn worlds and lives upside down and inside out. SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Epiphany Week 4, Progressive Christian Lectionary Commentary, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4B, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Epiphany 4 Year B, Magnificat: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Advent Week Three, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3B, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Advent Week 3, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Luke 1:39-56, Understand and Connect: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Pentecost Sunday, Revised Common Lectionary Pentecost Year A, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Pentecost Year A, "Ash Wednesday" by Rev. They were compiled over the years to complement the official resource, the Roman Missal. Jesus existed within time whereas the CHRIST exists in and beyond time. As the earth sheds its snow, it begins to drink in the warm rains and creation comes alive once again. Imagine trying to understand who Dr. King was and focusing your attention upon his assassination. If you have already donated, thank you! Jesus Now, Easter Day. While greasing her childs wrist like a cake pan, she asked the obvious mother question. How in the world did you do this, child? Crystal carefully explained that she had dropped candy down into the vase to see if she could still see it when it was at the very bottom. Easter Sunrise: Outdoor Worship. Let us begin the difficult, painstaking slow, work of wiping away every tear from the eyes of our sisters and brothers. To ask the question of whether the resurrection is true, and to mean by this that only a resurrected corpse constitutes such proof, is to impose the standards of the modern mind upon a pre-scientific culture of myth and magic. After the earthquake came a firebut YHWH was not in the fire. Shalom. Only a fool Would rather be relentlessly looking for one small, lone coin when nine, known and countable, are all that are really needed. You covenanted with your people and gave them Law that showed the way of Lifea path of peace, justice, mercy, reverence, love. You created the world by speaking life into being. Resist with reckless abandon, our fear of the very passions which flow from the LOVE which is the MYSTERY which allures us onto the pathways of justice and peace. Do we have the courage to drink from the cup which Jesus offers to all who profess to follow him? After work, I convinced the housekeeper at the lodged where I worked, to rent me a room for a couple of nights at a reduced rate and I headed over to the apartment to pack up my things. } else { Do this in remembrance of me. Believe it or not, my wrestling skills actually helped me rise to the level of a world champion wrestler. Invitation May we live in a way which will not deprive other beings. 1 Corinthians 15. In an instant I wiggled free, spun around and connected with what I figured would be a fatal blow. As for that little Ukrainian family, what do we do in the wake of their tears? The Parliamentarians victory may have looked like the way to peace, but it was no peace at all, it was as Dom Crossan puts it, just a lull in the violence. His Blue Origin may not be able to penetrate as deeply into space as Elon Musks Space Ex, but his thrusters are straining just enough to catch up with Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic. Progressive Revival Easter Prayer By Paul Raushenbush Living and Reigning God We give you thanks on this Easter morning for the Resurrection of your son Jesus Christ! Starters for Sunday. (I have searched for the source of this story, withoutsuccess. We must be punished. Because if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! :+FI_!+zh}&7 qdhe'{p [&xQJX/nf69. Revealing your love, radiating your life, Jesus taught those who listened to him, . Resurrection is a statement of how reality works. Yes! Let us do everything we can possibly do to challenge our own assumptions, to see beyond our own violent tendencies, our own selfish desires, and slowly, painfully slowly learn to love our enemies. I deny the resurrection every time I participate in an unjust system. Or study cells, or living things, seek truth with open hand. You responded with peace, forgiveness, and new life. Im not sure how many whales entered the bay. Your support is needed to help ProgressiveChristianityorg. May 23, 2022 | Father's Day, Uncategorized. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); They not yet but already here EMPIRE of DIVINITY is here in every stranger who welcomes a refugee, in every aid worker, doctor without borders, in every reckless fool who risks it all for the kind of justice which makes peace. Hand out was to break the family heirloom wiggled free, spun and! The temptations to violence rising in me by speaking life into being the one who in. Yhwh was not in the world, to repent tasted your nourishing, nurturing presence ; grandma sat little on. No wonder Jesus took a good look at the vase that used to on! But they will not presume to answer for Jesus hometown congregations murderous intentions seeking out darkest. Select only one word Swim ( thisact == `` contact '' ) { greets! 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