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uk border force pay scales 2020

10 de março de 2023

Director, Intelligence and Immigration Crime, The Director of Crime and Intelligence has primary responsibility for frontline immigration intelligence, criminal investigation and criminal casework, including the deportation of foreign offenders ensuring that those who have no right to be in the UK do not remain, Responsible for strategic direction, change and transformation within IE, Director, Immigration Compliance and Enforcement - London and South, "Area Director for the London and South of England responsible for the delivery of enforcement activity and performance within the region; Delivering the regional business plan; leadership of and responsibility for immigration compliance & enforcement teams (ICEs) across the command; Developing and maintaining strong relationships with internal and external corporate partners; Leading the command to support the reform of central processing functions in accordance with the Immigration Enforcement Operating Model. The cost of raising individuals to the new rates, can be funded outside of the headline pay award (taking the overall award to in excess of 2.5%) or as part of the headline award. The business case should cover, where relevant: information on how the business case is consistent with the departments overall workforce, pay and reward strategy, information on the makeup of the departments workforce, and the internal and external labour market in which they operate, the relevant local labour market in which staff operate, the recruitment and retention situation within the workforce. "Responsible for the deportation of Foreign National Offenders from the United Kingdom. We will collect and process personal website usage information. The cost of such changes should be calculated and included in the IRC calculation. FOI release 30960. Partners of Research LTD. Trading as Check-a-Salary. Filter by location to see a Border Force Officer salaries in your area. This will be the increase in the cost over 12 months from the date of the 2020/21 pay award. The post holder is responsible for oversight of the Home Office change investment portfolio, including leading development of the department's investment strategy, ensuring effective project delivery and optimising return on investment. The remit is to create a fully integrated; multi skilled and flexible workforce to ensure that only legitimate people and goods enter the UK: Home Office: Home Office: Border Force Operations: 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 You have accepted additional cookies. Leads on the delivery of a unified coms capability including new call centres and the ability to deploy mobile communications. We're closed Sunday, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The Glassdoor community relies on people like you to share accurate salary info to promote fair compensation everywhere. Trading address: Unit 4 The Mews, 16 Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks, TN13 3TH. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. You have rejected additional cookies. time. Direct wages and salaries include all the elements that go to employees on a current basis (as opposed to pension payments, for example, which are deferred). Supporting end-to-end New Procurement for Business & Programme requirements in alignment with the Cabinet Office Lean Agenda. From 2019/20 onwards departments may use this flexibility to use address pay anomalies. endobj Delivery of the programme and its objectives to planned milestones, and with tight adherence to strategic ambitions and in line with the Cabinet Office ICT agenda changing the way technology is delivered in the Home Office. If your personal circumstances and commitments allow, you could also work unsocial hours with an hourly pay rate higher than your standard hourly rate. How accurate does 34,164 look to you? It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. endobj The Home Office uses an Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system known as Adelphi to support its HR, Finance and Procurement services, which are provided to users across the department. salary costs for all staff under 2CS02 included here, Head of Commercial, Security, Science and Technology. Responsible for developing and implementing the Governments programme of police reforms. Proposals that are akin to time-served pay progression or where departments are unable to sufficiently assess capability will not be considered. Full-time, Location: Head of Digital Communications / The Digital Communications Unit is responsible the delivery, maintenance and improvement of the Home Offices internal and external digital communications channels. In milestone and reference-point based systems, progression means the cost of moving staff within the pay range. This will include all relevant guidance and information. This includes ensuring a continued succession of talented leaders; developing, maintaining and delivering a skills strategy; providing an HR service to the Senior Civil Service in the Home Office; and leading a business partner team. He acts as an ambassador for the region. Visits managers for each Minister and the Home Secretary arrange and accompany on visits and events and organise high-profile conferences and speeches where there is ministerial involvement. border force officer Salary The average border force officer salary in UK is 26,653.89 Salary Report View Top Job View Related Salaries: Average Salary: 26,653.89 View border force officer Jobs in UK Min: 21,431.00 Max: 37,050.00 Average border force officer Salary in UK: 26,653.89 The Deputy Director International Strategy and Engagement supports the International Director in the work set out in 2IIPG04 and ensures that the Home Office builds its international capability and contributes fully and effectively in helping to deliver the Governments foreign policy and strategy agenda. Departments that are the direct responsibility of HM Treasury ministers: The second group compromises departments where there is no Secretary of State with the authority to determine pay: Any queries in relation to this guidance, or the remit process in general, should be addressed to the Cabinet Office in the first instance: The Workforce Policy and Reward Team - The Cabinet Office Please ensure that headcount and FTE are calculated on the required basis for all years, and if necessary enter revised figures. Remits apply for one year but the settlement dates, i.e. The SBA offers independent assurance on programme feasibility, risk management and value for money. The baseline remuneration cost is the cost to the department, for the remit year, of the expected staff complement, excluding the costs of progression or revalorisation or any other increases. HM Treasury, Zone 2 Red <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Filter by location to see Border Force Officer salaries in your area. Head of Drug and Alcohol Unit & Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit. Feltham, Recruiter: Example: if the total costs of the remit proposals were 100,000 and the baseline costs were 2,000,000 the projected costs would be 2,100,000. FPU is also responsible for ensuring those resources are applied to ministerial priorities in a way that maximises value for money. Head of Commercial Delivery UKVI, Grants and OGDs. Deliver the Commercial Directorate Objectives by providing Leadership of a team that undertakes all Commercial activity (Procurement and Contract Management) through a business partnering approach for The Office of Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) including Communications Capability Programme(CCD), and the Science and Technology community including the Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) by supporting the successful delivery of their Business Plan through commercial and contractual arrangements that maximise VFM and effective utilisation of with the Private, Public,Voluntary and Not for Profit Sectors whilst ensuring appropriate risk management and controls are in place. ", Director, Immigration Compliance and Enforcement - Scotland & Northern Ireland. The national average salary for a Border Force Officer is 34,164 in United Kingdom. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. How much does a Border Force Officer make? The regions being, Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Euro Med, Middle East and Pakistan and Central Asia, South Asia and Turkey. Area Director for the North, Midlands and Wales responsible for the delivery of enforcement activity and performance within the region; Delivering the regional business plan; leadership of and responsibility for immigration compliance & enforcement teams (ICEs) across the command; Developing and maintaining strong relationships with internal and external corporate partners; Leading the command to support the reform of central processing functions in accordance with the Immigration Enforcement Operating Model. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Longford, Location: This chart shows how its pay has declined, decade after decade, compared with wage rates in the wider economy. The post holder oversees the provision of a visa operation which protects the UK and meets resource, customer and control targets, and delivers effective stakeholder engagement. Director, Centre for Applied Science & Technology (CAST), The Centre for Applied Science & Technology (CAST) provides expert advice, innovation and frontline support for the Home Office and its agencies on any issue relating to science and technology., Workforce, Pay and Pensions Team HM Treasury Lead on major digital and data change programmes for UKVI; Deputy Director, Strategy & Change Planning, Lead for Strategy and Change planning across UKVI, Deputy Director, In-country Migration Transformation, Immigration Operations Strategy and Programme Delivery for In-country Migration. Important Information You Should Know About Software Engineer Jobs, data protection policy and privacy policy. Non-consolidated payments other than those related to performance must be included in the IRC calculation. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Paybill per head (FTE) is total paybill divided by full-time equivalent (FTE) workforce. Provide advice to Ministers and senior officials on border control and Customs operations, Director General, Crime and Policing Group. View all law enforcement and security vacancies, check passports and travel documents of all passengers arriving by sea/air/rail for immigration control purposes and to detect and intercept prohibited goods, question passengers about their reasons for visiting the UK and plans while they're in the country, search people, their luggage, cars, coaches and freight vehicles, for prohibited items (such as drugs, counterfeit goods, cash, tobacco, firearms or endangered plants or animals) being taken in or out of the country, enforce rules and regulations, sometimes by removing goods or arranging for illegal immigrants to be detained. Responsible for leading the transformation of IT and managing in-service technology across all the Home Office. Data showing the number of staff employed at different grades in the Home Office, our agencies and executive non-departmental public bodies. The data required is outturn for 2018/19 and 2019/20, and a forecast for 2020/21. Responsible for the analytical expertise and knowledge on crime and policing issues, combined with the local relationships and intelligence flows from the Force Insight Team. If based on AHA of 43% then pay would look like: Apprentice - 22,400 (national base pay) plus 43% AHA = 32,032. You might get different content displayed on certain pages based on previous website activity. The Areal Director also has responsibility for enhancing the regions profile, identity and culture. Those who will not depart voluntarily will be tasked onto ICE teams for enforced removal. The Glassdoor community relies on people like you to share accurate salary info to promote fair compensation everywhere. the total reward of staff, including pensions and conditions of service, any structural changes or reforms to pay arrangements. This contribution rate should be applied against all pensionable earnings paid in the period. The contribution rates applied are determined each month, based on a pro-rata of the annual threshold. Responsible for managing the delivery of a high profile, challenging and complex technology-enabled business programme transforming law enforcement technology. Departments are asked to submit these data using the Workforce and Pay Remit (WPR) application in OSCAR for each remit as soon as they are approved, but in any case by 30th September 2020 (if necessary on a provisional basis in the first instance). ESMCP is cross-government, multiagency Programme sponsored by the Home Office and will deliver integrated critical voice and broadband data services to all three emergency services and other users throughout Great Britain. The information below summarises the data that departments are expected to report to HM Treasury for the 2019/20 remit year: Each department should submit data covering the department itself, each non-ministerial department falling within the area of responsibility of their Secretary of State, each agency that they sponsor and each NDPB. Departments would be asked to provide supporting evidence to monitor such arrangements, and further guidance on the application and monitoring of Recyclable Savings will be circulated to organisations separately. The Home Office business areas understand the European Union procedures, negotiations on draft European legislation, international obligations and opportunities for delivering the Governments international justice and home affairs (JHA) agenda., Deputy Director, International Directorate:Strategy and Engagement. Pay flexibility guidance has been developed and will be circulated to Departments to help support any department wishing to develop such proposals. %PDF-1.7 Departments, NDPBs and Agencies are required to submit a short business case to their relevant Secretary of State or appropriate Minister for approval. current employer might find it. Departments paying an average award of more than 2% and up to 2.5% must demonstrate tangible outcomes based plans, with milestones, for progress against delivery of key long term priorities such as workforce transformation and improvements, including through automation, location strategy and addressing pay anomalies in their remit to the relevant Secretary of State as set out in section 4.2. Deputy Programme Director Transition and Airwave, Responsible for leading and delivering the Emergency Service Mobile Communications Programme, Deputy Programme Director, Technical and Requests Unit, ESMCP. ', The Centre for Applied Science & Technology, Chief Inspector, Head of Unit - Animals in Science Regulation Unit, The Animals in Science Regulation Unit(ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. This is the difference between the projected remuneration cost and the baseline remuneration cost expressed as a percentage of the baseline remuneration cost. You can change your cookie settings at any time. This flexibility is also available to Non-Departmental Public Bodies who should submit proposals to the Cabinet Office through their relevant sponsor departments Secretary of State. If departments require guidance or advice about what constitutes formal negotiation, they should contact the Cabinet Office. The lowest salary for a Border Force Officer in United Kingdom is 25,254 per year. In return for the continued delegation of pay to Secretaries of State, departments are expected to provide data to HM Treasury on their forecast and outturn data for the pay round. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Asylum, remand; custody and non-detained teams provide specialist service to these key cohorts. Responsible for public protection and interpersonal violence policy, Responsibility for delivering a cross-government strategy to address Modern Slavery, Responsible for delivering the Governments strategy to prevent crime, Head of Police Workforce and Capability Unit. Provides research and analysis to support the Office of Security and Counter Terrorism. Heathrow Employment Skills Academy, Job Hours: We achieve this through our work on counterterrorism, policing, fire, crime, nationality, and immigration policy. Provides leadership and sets the strategic direction for the Immigration technologies Platform PIC programme, ensures delivery against tight constraints within budget and agreed timeframes. Secretaries of State should consider the proposals against the following criteria: Departments should also work constructively with trade unions on the development of their overall pay and reward strategies and may find it helpful to discuss proposals with trade unions as these are developed. To avoid this flexibility resulting in subsequent paybill increase, the reduction in the PRP pot will be permanent once the pot as a percentage of pay-bill has been reduced. Responsible for finance for the group, corporate support and the group's strategic functions. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. This guidance covers pay setting arrangements for civil servants throughout the Civil Service, including departments, non-ministerial departments and agencies, as well as for public sector. This should relate to the exit costs figure reported under paybill. The Portfolio Director is accountable for ensuring that this portfolio of programmes delivers the agreed business benefits, within the agreed budgets, and is governed responsibly. Specific teams will focus on elements of this work - families, core casework, and compliance.". Departments and NDPBs have in previous years been permitted to reduce their non-consolidated performance related pay (PRP) pot permanently as a percentage of consolidated pay-bill be permitted to offset agreed increases in pay-bill costs applied to meet targeted recruitment or retention pressures. The information was released on 24 March 2014. The Immigration Enforcement Senior Finance Business Partner is responsible for supporting these business areas in strategic and tactical decision making, ensuring financial consequences, risks and opportunities are understood and considered at the point at which decisions are taken; providing professional challenge to the business, ensuring financial plans, forecasts and underlying assumptions are robust and are appropriately tested; and working on behalf of the business to commission and oversee the delivery of expert financial support and advice from other areas of finance to time and quality in order to meet business objectives. Head of News (Press Office / Visits and Events) / The Press Office is responsible for all press and media handling activities within the Home Office and acts as the spokesperson for the Home Secretary. The post holder is responsible for developing the departments leadership and capability programmes of work. As stated in Section 3, the IRC includes all increases arising from the remit proposals, apart from employer National Insurance Contributions and pension contributions, and is net of any offsetting reductions in the costs. Between them, these teams are responsible for supporting the Home Offices Principal Accounting Officer by driving strong financial management and governance, including the provision of assurance to the Executive Management Board, the Supervisory Board, and HM Treasury, that Home Office financial resources are managed effectively. Additionally, in the case of multi year proposals, departments should be clear on whether the offer will be negotiated with trade unions on a yearly basis, in each year of the deal, or all years of the deal upfront. Salaries estimates are based on 65 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Border Force Officer employees. A glossary of terms used in the guidance can be found in Section 8. Published 9 July 2014. You could also use your skills to train and work with new staff. Exceptionally, aggregate data may be entered for NDPBs with prior HM Treasury agreement. Well send you a link to a feedback form. 4 0 obj have line management responsibility for Border Force assistant officers. The UK Central Authority, within International Criminality Unit, is responsible for extradition and mutual legal assistance casework. How Much Can I Earn Working In Different Sectors? This calculation will vary by department and may include payments such as regularly worked overtime, and departments should ensure that they are fully compliant with their legal obligations. Member of the CPG Board, Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme, Portfolio Director, Law Enforcement Technology Programmes. This guidance covers pay setting arrangements for civil servants throughout the Civil Service, including departments, non-ministerial departments and agencies, as well as for public sector workers in non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and other arms length bodies. The national average salary for a Border Force Officer is 34,163 in United Kingdom. 3 0 obj You can apply through the Civil Service Fast Stream if you have a degree. Where recyclable savings can be found that enable a department to pay more than a 2.5% headline award, they should be expected to submit a business case demonstrating how this investment would be sustainably affordable in future years. Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time. Look at progression in this role and similar opportunities. All pay remits must be approved by a Secretary of State or responsible minister, and each department, through its accounting officer, is responsible for the propriety of the pay award to staff. The remit is to create a fully integrated; multi skilled and flexible workforce to ensure that only legitimate people and goods enter the UK, Operational responsibility for border control operations (1150 staff) for all ports and airports in the region (Port of Felixstowe, Harwich International Port, Port of Tilbury, Thamesport, Purfleet, Sheerness, London City Airport, London Luton Airport, Stansted Airport, Norwich Airport, Birmingham International Airport, East Midlands Airport, Cardiff Airport, Cardiff Docks, Swansea Docks, Pembroke Dock, Port of Fishguard, Port of Holyhead) and postal operations at the offices of exchange at Mount Pleasant (Royal Mail) and Coventry International Hub (Parcelforce), Responsible for Immigration and Customs border operations at London Heathrow, Farnborough, Northolt and RAF Brize Norton Leadership of approximatley 1,500 staff and management of budget of 83m. 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